Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Twitter Thread: Declassified CIA Documents Go Full "Stranger Things"

Stranger Things just went real life. Apparently that character Eleven, off the show "Stranger Things", isn't so far off the reality that these declassified CIA documents illustrate. And that would be a very strange reality, indeed. A reality where people can move things across the room using their mind, as long as they're in possession of a special instrument. Trippy. It's like a remote changing the TV, but you can treat the room around you like it's your living TV, or something. 


Text - Emma Best (Mx. Yzptlk) @NatSecGeek NEW: It took four years but I just got some newly declassified CIIA reports studying the Soviet Union's use of "black magic", telepathic mind control and "psychotronic generators" – devices they said turned people into psychics and let them move objects with their minds. #FOIA


Text - Approved for Release: 2020/03/06 C00291638.. SECT NOFORN NTEICOICE April 1977 Soviet and East European Parapsychology Research BALE PRÉCIS Some recent US research suggests that it may be possible to use certain paranormal abilities for military or intelligence purposes. There are major uncertainties, however, about the extent to which such abilities exist, their reliability, and their mechanisms of operation. The practical utilization of these abilities has not yet been demonstrated concl


Text - Black Magic ap be th About 1969 the Soviets reportedly established an official group in their covert program devoted to collecting information on black magic. This group, headed by D. G. Mirza, was given its own secret laboratory (M4 in the Appendix) in Moscow and was assigned the tasks of identifying, locating and evaluating the capabilities of sorcerers, witches, and the incantations used by such individuals. It is unlikely that this avenue of investigation has produced any applied para


Text - 4. In 1979, Soviet parapsychology research spparently began to move svay from remote vieving and to focus extansively on behav- lor modification, subliminal uggestion and electromagnetie affects on physiologic behavior. In addition, a significant anount of study was devoted to the development of psychotronic generators used to dupliceta paychic effects. I sall handheld instruant at the Institute of Radio Electron- ics and Enginsering (TREE) in MOBCow which was able to move piecas of paper


Text - Emma Best (Mx. Yzptlk) @NatSecGeek CIA originally denied the request, refusing to confirm or deny the existence of the records by citing "intelligence sources and methods" but we won't read too much into that


Text - This is a final response to your 10 April 2016 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on 11 April 2016, for "materials covering the Soviet/Russian parapsychology AKA ʻpsychotronic' programs, including behavior modification/mind control, remote viewing and non-local physics." We have assigned your request the reference number above. Please use this number when corresponding so that we can identify it easily. In accordanc


Text - Emma Best (Mx. Yzptlk) @NatSecGeek It probably doesn't need to be said, but: The anezing thim; to ne is :hat sany prozinen: Jovie: seientisie appear so 1nvoivei pol1:/cally that :hey cre conterned oal; with Ihe pessitility of thuir own promotion and do no: see wiao: is coing on in ei: ovn laborelcr:es. Tneir recearch is very slemy and ofte: their 1eei ":1scoverics" are laier úisproven.


Text - Emma Best (Mx. Yzptlk) @NatSecGeek "ESP investigators who are working on a project that has such [military] application very often disappear from the scene. They are not incarcerated but are evidently sent off to secret areas to continue their research." #FOIA in. Apparently sme of his funding in past years had come through the Soviet space proram. ESP research as soon as it seens to have any militery spplication. tiçntors uho diseppoar from the scene. He méntioned that the Soviets are us


Text - Agaricus @agaricus "This group, headed by D.G. Mirza, was given its owns secret laboratory in Moscow and was assigned the task of identifying, locating, and evaluating the capabilities of sorcerers, witches, and the incantations used by such individuals." %3D


Text - Jack C @enth dang but stephen king had his finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist in the late 70s. uncanny


Text - Mr.Bumface (@ @misterbumface Replying to @NatSecGeek The Institute by Stephen King comes to life


Text - enile @enile Replying to @NatSecGeek "A small hand-held instrument ... able to move pieces of paper on a table across the room from the person holding the device". Sounds like a fan!


Text - Drew McKevitt @drewmckevitt I would watch the hell out of a tv show about this

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