Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Sign Language Users On Signs Humans Don't RealizeThey're Making

It turns out a whole lot of people in the world are signing for one thing, while meaning a completely different thing; or nothing at all. Yes, sign language users are sharing various signs that humans make without ever realizing it. It must make for quite the entertaining show. In the case of signing for "love" when someone might mean "rock on." That seems like it could work out sometimes. Like, what if you really love the band?


Text - Rogue42bdf • 15h Worked security in a class A office building with a guy who had a deaf daughter. Every once in a while he would slip signs in as he was talking. Had a lady file a complaint against him for "blowing her a kiss". He had slipped into signing and said thank you.


Text - underpantsbandit • 13h Only tangentially related, but I have a deaf regular customer who will sign at me and/or point (with the occasional note in a pinch) and some things are hilariously clear. She managed to communicate "WTF, did someone smoke a bowl up in here? It reeks of weed!"" with perfect clarity, no note required.


Text - AmateurPhilosophizer • 14h I just started learning sign language. I don't know anything particularly funny, but I thought they were interesting to find out. The little hand jiggle that people do to say "so-so" kinda means the same thing in sign. When you snap your fingers or pat your leg to call your dog, you're saying "dog." Blowing a kiss is very similar to "thank you." Also, a lot of people talk with their hands and end up sort of opening their hands palm up in front of them, kind of l


Text - LIVEfromtheTARDIS • 16h Before I started learning ASL I used to brush my hair away from my face in a way that kinda looked like the sign for whore (if l'm remembering correctly) which I'm sure confused a few people


Text - maleorderbride • 16h 1 Award Any time you've held up your index finger and your middle finger to indicate "two," then corrected yourself and held up your ring finger to indicate "three," you've unintentionally advertised for Volkswagen


Text - TheFickleDetective • 16h people do "I Love You" when trying to do rock on a lot


Text - Hysterical_Realist • 15h I briefly took a sign language class in college. On day 1, the teacher assigned all of us "name signs" related to the first letter of our first names. My first name starts with "C", and she assigned me a name sign with a "C" shape signed on my left chest. Which I later learned is the actual sign in my area for "Citation". (The chest position relates to the position of a police officer's badge, I guess.) I was mostly amused.


Text - Ben-Stanley • 13h Rubbing your palms together means "eager" or "anticipate," which does actually make a lot of sense given how people use it anyway.


Text - dancer15 • 13h The sign for menstruation is just a fist(the ASL "A" hand shape) tapped against your cheek twice with your fingers in towards your cheek. I, a female, would commonly casually do it while in class with my male friend who is deaf when we were in high school. Obviously I knew what it means, it was just funny to get him blushing because he was a young male and menstruation is often weird for them. I have also seen people do it accidentally while thinking or something, though.


Text - AmlAThrowAwayAccount • 16h The sign for the number 6. When you are trying to indicate 3 by Holding 3 fingers up with the pointer, middle and ring finger, you are saying 6 in sign language. The number 3 is pointer, middle and thumb.


Text - daniideeeeee • 13h When you shake your hand with the pinky and thumb out (I forget what the the phrase is in English) it means yellow. Mostly seen done by surfers


Text - gentleluna • 13h Instead of the universe sign "Rock on" with two fingers up and thumb tucked in I see the "I love you" sign with the thumb not tucked in. I get a kick out seeing headbangers profess their love to the band, which might be what they've meant to do idk.


Text - pinecone-in-disguise • 17h I'm not fluent in sign language but I've been teaching certain signs to my 15 month old, learning as we go. I see the sign for "all done" every day.

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