Saturday, April 25, 2020

Times People Knew They Failed

Sometimes you just know that you messed up. That sudden realization can give way to panic, full body tingles, sweaty palms, and the overriding sense of fear that the whole life as you know it is about to change. Or, maybe you just take some deep breaths, and go about addressing the situation as best you can, without throwing panic/fear into the mix. These people were certainly hard pressed to remain calm during their moments of fail. 


Text - MkRobin • 11h When my mom called my first, middle, and last name. Told her to hold on because I needed to write my will.


Text - itsallalittleblurry • 9h I asked a woman when she was due....she told me she wasn't pregnant.


Text - kufycou • 10h "The rest of the semester will be online"


Text - YeetOnMy • 10h I used to use tongs to get toast out of the toaster


Text - klb_46290 • 2h When my teacher was teaching about empathy and we read a passage about a girl with no legs. I said loud enough for everyone to hear "How am I supposed to put myself in to her shoes?" Let's just say it did not go well


Text - Shiks97 • 8h My previous relationship was really not going too well and I was considering ending it. In hindsight should have ended it way before I did. Anyway, I was texting my mum "How am I supposed to be happy and celebrate his birthday with him when I know I don't want to be with him and I just want to end this?" Somehow, the message didn't end up going to my mum but to my ex. 3 whole days before his birthday. Needless to say, it was a pretty crappy few months after


Text - throwawaysmetoo • 9h I was a 'troublesome' young person. So the first time I got arrested as an adult I called my uncle and was like "haaaa, funny story, I'm in jail, bail?" And he said "I said I wouldn't". "yeah, but this is real life now..." "still, no" %3D Dammit.


Text - tinyclumsyhands • 9h When I finished half a gallon of prune juice and my stomach started rumbling, thought it was just a hokey home remedy, boy was I wrong.


Text - Eliapoeka07 • 7h Told my crushes i like them and they spread it all over the school. The same year i was called the fuck boy


Text - ADLSTARKA • 11h When I'm about to do something but my brain is like no and I malfunction. Like the time I was brushing my teeth and I malfunction so I looked up and spat all over the counter and ground


Text - althydikos • 2h when i was a kid i was up playing minecraft at like 2 in the morning, and my mom walked in unannounced. she starts yelling at me and asking why the fuck i'm awake. in the most deadpan, tired voice an eleven year old could have, i said, "you're awake too, y'know. i could ask you the same fucking thing." needless to say i got my ass handed to me after that and i got grounded for a few months lol


Text - crackdawg97 • 7h When I lied about going to football practice for3 months and my uncle called me telling me he knows everything and to get my ass home Reply 105 hoothoot6996• 3h Where were you going instead? 30 crackdawg97 • 2h Hanging out with my friends at their homes


Text - brianoforris • 4h When I told her that I was done with her forever, and then my friend said "dude you got the N64 back before you broke up right?"


Text - monolithdeathcult • 4h When I was staring at an Excel spreadsheet during the 13th hour of my work day and realizing that they're making me do two jobs but paying me based on the one that was cheaper. I was only in my third month at the job.


Text - WaspDigger • 3h This is actually from a friend. He really liked to explore abandoned buildings. One night he decided to explore the abandoned military base in our city. At one point during his exploration he threw some rocks and broke a window. Then he heard a voice yelling: "Hold it right there, freeze!". That's how he found out the military base was in fact not abandoned at all.


Text - Casually_me • 8h At work some years ago. We had just received a fancy new instrument. I took it out to the workshop where I proceeded to slam 40 kg of rocks into it and dropping it on a concrete floor. The "I dun' fuck'd"-realization came with the sound of rocks on plastic. Bringing the wreck back to the boss was such a lovely experience :-/


Text - dweakz • 8h Went behind my friend's back and dated his crush knowing full well that he was into her. I'm not dating the girl anymore but my friend and I haven't talked in a while since then.

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