Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Slang Terms Dads Can Use To Embarrass Their Daughters

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the slang terms that dads can use the next time they want to embarrass their daughters. You can just picture silly dads breaking these out the next time they're possessed with the urge to make their kids feel awkward. Oh boy. 


Text - Markissy • 2y Just say "whatup fam?" Then when they get mad yell "worldstar"


Text - kcounts • 2y When something surprises you, say you are "shook"


White - Lord_Malgus • 2y Wuss poppin' Jimbo?


Text - [deleted] • 2y "Sweetie, you're at a critical point in your life. The choices you make now can determine the outcome of your future. This is why I need you to promise me you'll take school seriously. The sky is the limit if you just try. I only tell you this because I love you and I want you to be woke as fuck."


Text - darksideofthemoon131 • 2y I try to embarrass my daughter every chance I get as I feel it is truly a dads job to do such things. She unfortunately doesn't react the way I would like. She finds it cool that l'm on top of pop culture. I even went so far as picking her up in my (what I deem an old peoples car) ride with Kendrick Lamar blaring. I was bopping my head, instead of the utter embarrassment her friends started dancing around, and I've become the "cool" dad. Now l've gotta do this al


Text - mathlady89 · 2y To agree with something she says reply "Factsssss!"


Text - Zip668 · 2y My dad used to go into Carls Jr and call everyone Carl. Go into Wendy's and call everyone Wendy.


Text - themanyfaceasian • 2y Wondering what she's up to today? Spice things up by saying "Ayy what's gucci fam? We're heading to the park wana join? It's gonna be lit."


Text - moby1kenobi • 2y I used the "You ain't woke fam. I'm too lit." on my 15 yr old daughter. I'm 46. Her exact response, walking by without looking at me. "I don't even think you understand what you are saying."


Text - Psyanide13 • 2y "Your mother is DTF."


Text - citizen_tronald_dump • 2y Wait till she's in an argument with your spouse, or being slightly verbose in a public place, pull out your phone and shout "world star!"


Text - FaroutIGE • 2y while you're reading the paper just quietly and slowly say "gucci gang... gucci gang.. gucci gang... gucci gangggg" in whatever tune you feel like. I'd recommend channeling sinatra


Text - AB81994 • 2y Say bruh after literally every sentence


Text - alpha11411 • 2y 1 Award I'm partial to saying "I'm finna pop a goog" instead of "I'm going to google this thing" I've received mixed responses


Text - middleagenotdead • 2y I always tell my daughter, "Word, Yo" whenever she wants me to do something for her. She doesn't ask me much anymore.


Text - [deleted] • 2y Next time her friends are over, tell her you'll leave them alone, but to "cash me ousside if you need anything". Say it on front of her friends for max damage. Bonus if you dab before you leave.


Text - moonwalkersb • 2y When she gets upset, tell her she's "being extra" Side note: it just means you're over reacting, which she will do after about 2 or 3 of these terms. Haha


Text - ramengirl10 • 2y My grandma refers to my SO as my "special friend". She's just old fashioned and refuses to callI him my boyfriend.


Text - azman6k • 2y Start calling everything she likes "wack"


Text - LRFE • 2y "Wuss poppin' B?" Deadass is a good word, it's a synonym of actually and "I'm being serious" "Did you deadass..." "Deadass I did"


Text - FeatheredSun • 2y "That was lit...let's all dab!"


White - YGE2000 • 2y "Sup brotendo" %3D


Text - noruthwhatsoever • 2y Just call everything "dope", "lit" or "ratchet" and start calling her homie. Tell her she's "on fleek" all the time.


Text - slartbarg • 2y i hear all the young college kids saying "that's so extra" or "you're being so extra right now", meaning being over the top or ridiculous


Text - InternetKidsAreMean • 2y Try to mix/match slangwords as much as possible so you make her embarrassed for you. Girl, that handbag is gucci-lit. Do dabs purpesefully purposely wrong. Insist you're doing them right. Sweety, this is how I saw them do it on the YouTubes. I guess l'll just wait for your friends to get here and l'll do it for them, they can be the judge.


Text - quilladdiction • 2y "Fleek." I will give no context. No definition. For maximum embarrassment potential, all you need to know is that it's an adjective.


Text - nofunrich • 2y Just told my daughter she's being extra after she walked in to my bedroom telling me she couldn't go to school today. Daughter: NO I'M NOT. Me: This is a Gucci morning. Daughter: OH MY GOD Silence follows her stomping out of my room


Text - vekev47 • 2y "You ain't woke fam. I'm too lit." Say that verbatim if you want her face to blush with embarassment.


Text - Pizzachu221 • 2y ANY popular line from her favorite songs and singing it off key.

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