Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Gaping Plot Holes In Movies People Can't Get Over

When the flow of logic in a film is disrupted in such a way that it takes the viewer of the film out of the experience, and into a mental roadblock, it's a bummer. Some plot holes are just too big for people to look past, and ultimately be able to enjoy the film. Consistency can go a long way in immersing the audience in the storyline, as it was meant to be experienced. Another plot hole covered recently, was that plot hole we can often see in zombie apocalypse movies/shows. Tumblr did it justice.


Text - Exarion300 • 11h Definitely the Ant Man movies. The guy still weighs 200 Ibs when he shrinks and they acknowledge that the first time he uses the suit launching out of a tub and cracking a floor tile. Then no more than 10 seconds later he breaks through drywall because he's so small and heavy but then lands on a record player like he weighs nothing. To add a few more examples, a shrunken tank on a keychain and shrinking down a building in the second movie and just wheeling it around? I've


Text - Mybabyhadamullet • 10h I call it "Count the Coats" - I've been watching a lot of Hallmark movies to get my mind off the news and I've noticed that whenever the girl goes back to her hometown, or gets stranded in a cute little town over Christmas...she arrives with a small roll around travel bag and yet as the story progresses, she is seen wearing multiple different long wool and puffer coats and various pairs of boots. She would have needed a van to transport the amount of clothing she se


Text - Attercrop • 1Oh Threat Level Midnight.... The President being revealed to be a bad guy in the movie, and then by the end of the movie he is a good guy again with no explanation.


Text - Phazlerde • 14h Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd. How about a literal hole? There is the chair that mechanically dumps the bodies of his victims down a shaft into the basement. The trouble is... there is an exterior shot of Mrs. Lovett's Pie Shop where you can clearly see that the chair on the second floor is directly above the open room of the bakery. No hole or shaft is possible from this view. Drives me up the wall for an otherwise great flic. (Generally not a fan of musicals)


Text - kyleinmaryland • 14h 1 Award There is a scene in The Notebook where a sign can be seen in a store window in Seabrook. The sign reads "3 peaches for one dollar!" Now, I want to know one goddam thing. What fucking peaches cost 33¢ a piece in 1940 South Carolina, nearly the epicenter of peach production. Peaches made of gold? 3 peaches for a dollar in that time and place is highway robbery. Fuck that.


Text - Anon905SMB • 15h In "The Day after Tomorrow" they leave their building to go get a guy's brother from boarding school. Brother is NEVER mentioned again and the movie ends with NO idea if the brother is dead or alive. HUGE plot hole that could have been cleared up by adding or subtracting a sentence or two.


Text - TransgenderWhiteMage · 9h It's not really a plot hole exactly but in Harry Potter there are those Love Potions which are basically magical date rape drugs and it's really not brought up how fucked up that is and is even made out as a joke. Like, Fred and George SELL them at their store even though their little brother gets fricken roofied later and this is just never addressed, they even joked about selling it I think to either Ginny or Hermione (I forget which) and I'm just?! What??? Ima


Text - ghostfrog • 9h 8 million forms of communication and Threepio doesn't speak Jawa?


Text - KicksButtson • 12h In The Butterfly Effect he goes back in time to elementary school to stab his hands so he could show the stigmata to his cell mate, thus convincing him to defend him from the other prisoners. Except if he had created the stigmata scars as a kid then he'd have them his whole life, and it wouldn't be a miracle from the perspective of his cell mate. Otherwise that film is pretty damn good.


Text - _maybe_not • 14h In Mean Girls, Regina George hand writes the burn book but pretends Cady wrote it, couldn't they tell by the handwriting that it wasn't her?


Text - mel8627 • 13h Suicide Squad. They were gathering all these "villains" to do something, then got sidetracked with the witch which was a part of the squad, but went rogue and became a threat. Like, what was the original thing they were all gathered to do? Did I miss something?


Text - agentcheeze • 15h In the first Micheal Bay Transformers, we find Megatron has been kept while unconscious in a government installation and are given a full view of where everything is in the room he is kept in. When Megatron awakens he, without moving his head or view from straight ahead, declares that he is Megatron and intimidating. There's is nothing straight in front of him. Everything that direction would be lower than eye level and out of his field of view. He introduces himself to


Text - DudeJesse • 9h Waterworld. Where do they grow tobacco for smoking? Where do they get paper to roll the cigarettes? It's still my favorite movie of all time.


Text - lexxitron3000 • 6h In the last Harry Potter movie, he never fixes his goddamn wand with the Elder Wand. I just-UGH! How could you miss that, Mr. Director? That was such a huge symbolic moment in the books! How could you forget it?


Text - TRIPLE_DICK_JONES • 13h Batman begins, with the device that evaporates all the water in Gotham city. It would evaporate the people too, or at least turn them into human prunes


Text - pimp_my_unicorn • 13h Gremlins and time zones..can't feed them after midnight but it's always midnight somewhere. and when can you feed 'em? 6pm is still technically after midnight every day


Text - Legacylegion69• 14h Horizon. The ship becomes sentient and tries to kill the crew. The ship can hear them, so they go to the cargo hold to discuss their plan to destroy the ship. The ship hears everything except for that


Text - BunnyBlushShop • 10h In the Hunger Games (both book and movie adaptations) when the careers run Katniss up a tree they say "oh let's wait until morning it's not like she's going anywhere." And then proceed to light a campfire under the tree... why don't they just light the tree on fire??? It's such a small detail and I'm such a huge fan of the franchise but I swear I facepalm every time I read or see it.


Text - ormagoden22 • 12h The entire eragon movie.


Text - BudgetedApple • 9h In The Incredibles 2, the Underminer just escapes at the beginning of the movie and is never spoken of again. Years of waiting for a sequel just so he could be forgotten and replaced by a more interesting villain.


Text - Avatar_ZW • 10h Karate Kid. Mr Miyagi sneaks Daniel into the tournament last-minite because they didn't actually register, and he even steals a black belt to fake his credentials. Yet the tournament bracket has a Miyagi-dojo banner, complete with graphics and everything!


Text - Tyler24601 • 11h There's a number of them in the Goonies but it always bothered me that when Mouth was translating Spanish from the map, he used a British accent and the poem rhymed in English.


Text - jlcatch22 • 13h Unbreakable. How does the lead character go his whole life not realizing he can't be hurt or that he's super strong? Did doctors never try to give him a shot or do a blood test? And as a guy that was involved in sports he never tried lifting heavier and heavier weights? That's like a fundamental aspect of lifting weights.


Text - paulvs88 • 13h Looper: Not sending the people who needed to be killed back directly into a volcano or middle of the ocean.


Text - yetipilot69 • 10h Die hard 2. They hold the country at random by... not communicating with the atc(air traffic control)? Then they land in a snowstorm after causing an accident? The whole premise of the movie makes me want to tear my hair out! When we rake off we have a primary airport and a secondary airport in the flight plan, and by law we have to have 45 minutes of fuel after reaching the secondary airport. After arriving at New York and not hearing from ATC, planes would simply FLY t


Text - Ur_Wack • 15h My beloved "Toy Story" When Buzz first appears as Andy's birthday gift he believes that he is the "Buzz Lightyear" and not a toy. Well that is all good but why does Buzz freeze like all the other toys when a human comes around?


Text - bsldurs_gate_2• 14h Armageddon - it would have been easier to train astronauts to drill as drillers to be astronauts.


Text - Prince_UldrenSov • 10h Endgame: "No infinity stones = universe stops." Also Endgame: "I used the stones to destroy the stones!"


Text - It_Digiorno • 16h In Back to the Future the fact that Marty's parents don't remember him getting them together.




Text - flextapecantfxthis • 11h the fact that scully and mulder just came back from Antarctica all fine with no means of getting out, they didn't even explain that wtf


Text - Aviateer • 8h W 1 Award Still don't know why the aliens in Signs came to a planet that's mostly water inhabited by animals that are mostly water where water will randomly fall from the sky when their only weakness is water.


Text - 93195 • 16h I get pissed off by what I call "plot stupidity" and I see it all the time in movies and television. For example, an FBI agent will put together a profile from thin air that somehow manages to identify the killer's home address and exactly where they are now. In the meantime, they've missed or ignored the most basic clues than any idiot watching has already picked up on halfway through the show or movie.


Text - 2001_toyota_corolla • 15h Literally all of Rise of Skywalker Reply 468 DarkNinjaPenguin • 15h Why did Palps reveal to the entire galaxy that he was coming back, giving them time to raise the biggest fleet ever to resist him? Why does he tell Rey his plan, revealing that if she kills him he'll win? Like, just don't mention that and she'll definitely try to kill you. Guess Kylo is just good now? Never mind murdering the village in episode 7, killing his own father, destroying several entire


Text - Wingless_Draco • 13h Ok ok, Captain Marvel!!! at the end of the movie (no spoilers) uses the S.H.I.E.L.D abbreviation i believe either out loud or written down.... but in Iron Man 1 this line is said "I'm Agent Phil Coulson with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." and he later goes on to saying they were working on making it smaller... it just bugs me a little, i may be remembering it wrong though.


Text - JackReact • 15h In Ocean's 11 (spoiler warning) they leave the casino with those fake bags that are rigged to explode and filled with fliers for porn or whatever... even though nobody brought them along.


Text - ThatKiwiBloke • 15h I don't know if they're technically "plot holes" more like plot conveniences but almost everything from the new Star Wars trilogy. Rey can suddenly force heal out of nowhere, Holdo can ram a ship into a fleet at light speed destroying most of the bad guys ships (but it can never happen again because it's one in a million) and dead Jedi can now interact with the real world by casting lighting and handling lightsabres. Like fuck did anyone even think of the larger reperc


Text - fourthords • 6h In Beauty and the Beast, neither the literacy rate nor economy (where six eggs is too expensive) of such a town would support a bookstore. Furthermore, Belle is literate and possibly the shopkeeper's only potential customer, and he not only loans out the books, but gives one away!


Text - FlakyMortgage • 15h That Jurassic Park Movie where they show the oldest of the two brothers being unfaithful to his GF, but the movie never comes back to it all. Why even put that in there in the first place? I'ts like they loaded Chekhov's gun and just left it there for a kid to find it and shoot himself in the foot by accident...


Text - Pithecanthropus88 · 9h Water is toxic/fatal to the aliens in Signs, but they wander around in Mel Gibson's cornfield at night. Have you ever walked through a cornfield at night? You come out soaked! Another one the new Star Trek movies are guilty of: a starship in orbit that suddenly loses power is going to remain in orbit for a really long time, it's not going to sink instantly into the atmosphere like a boat with a hole in it.




Text - XMati3 • 14h I don't know if it is technically a pothole but I think it's weird that in alien invasion movies for example transformers, they always say it's a matter of national security even though it literally effects every nation so it's not really up to only the USA to decide.


Text - Degenator • 10Oh Most time travel movies bother me. I hate the trope of people going back in time and preventing their birth and so they start fading away. And in Back to the Future, Marty stops his parents from getting together, so he and his siblings disappear from a photo, but the photo still exists. Like so in this alternate timeline someone took a photo at the exact same angle of nothing? And then they start slowly coming back the closer the parents are to getting together. Like at a


Text - sourcreamus • 12h In Sleepless in Seattle, Meg Ryan has a fiance she dumps on Valentine's day for a guy she has never met. He is slightly disappointed but understands. Otherwise a great movie, but that does not make sense.


Text - HarrisonRyeGraham • 7h In the Lake House, Sandra bullock witnesses a man dying and so goes back to her old house in grieving and leaves a letter. Man from two years ago (time travel movie) responds. They exchange letters and fall in love. She finds out he's the man who died; he was crossing the street to meet her, but in her timeline she hadn't met him yet. She finds out and freaks TF out and runs to the lake house to warn him. He listens and doesn't go and it ends with them reuniting whi


Text - throwaway_0578 • 10h In Inception, Arthur should have woken up as the van went off the bridge (the first kick). The others were too heavily sedated, so he had time to get them ready for when the van hit the water (the second kick), but Arthur himself should have woken up as he was not sedated.


Text - OddDiabetic• 6h It really bothers me that in various scenes in The Polar Express the train has a different amount of passenger cars


Text - Shaildark • 6h Fucking aliens always targets America Please somebody give them World Map


Text - sayknee • 9h How is Steve sitting on the bench as an old man in End Game? Regardless of what you think of the time travel in that movie up until that point they had at least followed the rules that they had themselves set for time travel within the movie. But how do they explain Steve? He lived out his life in an alternative timeline and then came back to that moment in his original timeline with a new shield and to say goodbye? It can certainly work, but where the heck is his suit for on

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