Monday, February 22, 2021

Tumblr Thread: Tony Stark's The Most Intimidating Avenger

Tumblr delivers yet again. This time we've got the wonderful minds of Tumblr going off on a welcomed rant about what makes Tony Stark the most formidable of the Avengers crew. In all fairness, the dude did have a hole put in his chest, and handled that whole Infinity gauntlet madness like a true champion. Like, he gave off every appearance that he wasn't even phased. Pretty inspiring stuff. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with this post where Tumblr has a lawyer style debate over a meme


Organism - bilesandthesourwolf i haven't seen anyone talking about this and im most likely genna get-seme hate for this so here goes. did you all see the way Tony handled wearing all of the Infinity Stones and how vastly different his reaction was from Thanos and Bruce?1?1 Thanos when he had all the Stones:


Font - you can see that he's letting the power course through him, but the way he yells clearly shows that he's feeling pain as well as the power. Hulk!Bruce when he wore all of the Stones:


Photograph - the "strongest" (to quote Tony) Avenger is obviously in a tremendous amount of pain and it took him awhile to recover enough to snap his fingers. i'm not hating on Bruce, just stating facts. and then there's Tony with all of the Stones:


Mouth - he feels that initial surge of power but he rebounds and-den't tell me the-suit was-abserbing the-power-because-you can later-seethe powertraveling-up-his neek-very quickly, he almost looks like he's simply feeling the power of the Stones and not necessarily any pain. he barely needs time to adjust to the power of the Stones in order to say his iconic line and then snap his fingers. Iron Man.


Font - the power of the Stones are coursing up the side of his face and he's not even flinching. there isn't an ounce of pain on Tony's face, just pure determination. Tony Stark, mere human, is the most powerful Avenger. buckinwildstory I see that and raise you- This is a man that had a 5 inch HOLE cut in his chest. He had a metal tube shoved in, displacing and bruising his HEART.


Font - This man was jolted and rattled around in suit after suit, and even when he BROKE AN ARM in CW he didn't so much as flinch. He put on the suit, and he didn't let some pain slow him down. Tony Stark has never let pain stop him. Not emotional pain. Not physical pain. This man? He is feeling every bit of the pain Bruce and Thanos did. What makes HIM different? Tony embraced that the cost of living his best life was pain. He internalized Stark Men are Made Of Iron and he embodied it. Tony isn


Font - Tony felt the same pain, if not more... and Tony Stark? He swallowed it down, played it off, and spat in the face of the horror that haunted him for a decade. Tony Stark isn't the strongest because he only felt power. Tony Stark is the strongest because when burning alive, he prioritized his loved ones over the release of screaming out the pain. ironmanstan i saw a theory that said the reason why he didnt flinch is because thanos and hulk are rarely truly hurt/in pain from something cause


Handwriting - to contrast that, tony's been in pain constantly since 2008 for this reason or the other. probably had more concussions that scars and thats saying something. so he puts on the actual infinity gauntlet and goes: "huh, another thursday it is" and thats equal parts as it is sad

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