Monday, February 22, 2021

The Best Stuff People Found In The Garbage

"Value" is a very slippery concept, and what one person might choose to throw away could equally be seen as a major score for someone else. There are idiots throwing away guitars, TVs and jackets just because of a small fixable issue, and it's the sworn duty of the rest of us, the shameless garbage sifters, to pluck that ripe fruit-o-the-trash. Ironically it's often the stuff that people try to sell that's the real garbage, like this weird and dumb stuff people tried selling online. For a glimpse at the kind of people throwing nice stuff away, here are some of the most expensive things people witnessed.


Font - obert-wan-kenobert 1 day ago James Franco's handwritten poetry. Franco was getting his MFA at my school, where I did work-study on the garbage/recycling crew. Lots of great and hilarious finds, but that's the most memorable.


Font - paulippolito 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago 9 3 e3 S My father was a garbage man who also did clean-outs for homes and businesses, where they'd rip apart the entire building and throw everything out in their dumpsters. He worked on a ton of really massive houses, some worth 1Os of millions of dollars, one was worth 40 million and wasn't even the permanent residence. Best things I got as a kid: A pretty much unused trampoline with a net and everything. A go-kart that my dads friend was able


Smile - gozba 2 days ago 3 4 4 In the eighties I picked up a number of Philips colour tvs. I had a few, so fixing them was just a question of swapping parts. I then sold them cheaply or gave them away to fellow students.


Font - Glove_Compartment 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago 容婴11 My father was a garbage man when I was born. I don't remember because I was like 3 months old. But my & 61 More first dog was in the trash. My dad stopped. Picked up a box and heard some shuffling on the inside and there were two puppies. My dad kept one and the driver kept the other. They were brother and sister (my dad assumed). He kept the male and named him Jasper. He was literally my best friend growing up. I had him for 13 years an


Font - PsychedelicWeaselGun 1 day ago 2 3 My little brother was emptying out a client's basement and everything was going to be thrown away so my brother was told to keep anything he wanted. He saw a nice looking bike and took it. Turns out it was a Dahon mu p8 30th anniversary limited edition and in perfect condition. From what I found on it, it goes for over $4K.


Font - Ulrich_The_Elder 1 day ago G3 A & O & 157 More I worked as a garbage man in 1972. A small stray cat jumped into the back of the hopper to look for food. I took him home and named him saigon. This was the best thing. Second best thing someone threw out an old pair of skis. There was snow on the ground and me and the other guy each took a ski and stood on it and held onto the truck, great fun. Third best we found an entire case of "brylcream" (look it up) and me and the other guy had brylcr


Font - Jedimasteryony 1 day ago Not me but my brother. Someone apparently threw out grandpas stuff from the attic after he passed away. This was the last scheduled pickup at the house and everything was already moved out, nobody living there. Driving an automated (claw to grab and dump) truck, my brother was irritated there were these 2 bowling bags he had to get out to throw in the truck. He realized they seemed a bit heavy, so he opened them to see why. Inside there was real silver silverware/


Plant - Humble-God 1 day ago Not a garbage man but was once unloading things at the local dump and some sod threw away a 5ft long 1.5in thick solid copper pole. Hell yeah i snatched that shit.


Font - vickt 1 day ago - edited 1 day ago @2 3 My dad was a trash man when I was growing up. He 2 would always be bringing cool stuff home to us. He used to always say that the "poor" neighborhoods had the most trash and they threw away literally everything. The two best ones that I can think of was a brand new BMX bike and like 20 Nintendo 64 games that he found at a video rental store.


Font - Brolonious 2 days ago · edited 1 day ago In Philly, the students at Penn - especially rich overseas folks - will often leave crazy expensive clothes, electronics, kitchen items and furniture in the trash when the scholastic year is done. Just toss it out. ETA - about fifty of you from Boston have told me about Allston Xmas. Stop already. Also I know that this happens at lots of colleges. The local college best known for this is Penn.


Organism - TheeElite 2 days ago 2 in the early 2000's my best friends dad was a garabge man. I used to hang out at their house a lot and i remember him finding uncut sheets of hologrpahic dragon ball z trading cards in the trash and bringing them back. They were super dope to see.


Organism - sublevelstreetpusher 2 days ago I'm not a garbage man, but I once scored a whole custom built staircase from a dumpster. It was in perfect condition but apparently built to the wrong spec. It worked great for my barn


Font - jollyjellopy 1 day ago edited 1 day ago Found a 55 inch tv next to the dumpster 4 years ago. It was missing 1 hdmi port on the side. It looked like someone might| have tripped and ripped it out. Anyway, I opened it up googled the motherboard serial number and found a brand new replacement for like $60 less then 25min away..needless to say I called ahead on my day off picked it up and it works like a charm. Still use the tv to this day. 55in Sony 2012 Icd tv. I have chromecast with google


Font - Font - deadlyturtle22 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago O 2 3 S 2 When I was a kid I found a couch. It wasn't very 2 big, but thats why it was so great. 10 year old me was able to carry it all the way home by myself. (About a block and a half.) This was before kids having cell phones were huge so I didn't call my parents about it first and they were at the store anyways. So I took the couch home and put it in my room. It was pretty dated... Made of some material I've never encountered again so


Font - tuenthe463 1 day ago Living near an $$$ college you wouldnt believe the shit kids chuck when they are inna hurry to move out. A few springs ago I found a very nice Banana Republic brown leather bomber jacket with puke or soup on the sleeve. I wiped it down with armor all, vacuumed the crumbs from the pockets and sold it for $125 that night. My best haul was a nightclub that had a minor fire on their outdoor deck and they decided to gut and remodel the whole place. I pulled from the dumpst


Font - Frosty-Hour5112 2 days ago Not a garbage person, but I live in a large apartment complex. I could have furnished multiple apartments with all the stuff that gets thrown out here (and partially furnished mine), but the best thing I've seen in the pile was one of those grandfather clocks you can make from a kit. Still looked very nice, but it needed some fixing to get it to run again. I'm still waiting to find a piano (I would like a piano).


Font - GoldCyclone 1 day ago Worked as a garbage man for a very short time last summer, but the best thing I found was an edition of my local newspaper from the day after the Challenger exploded.


Font - timias55 1 day ago Friend of ours found two bullet resistant vests with paramedic written across them, being thrown out behind a fire station. I guess the expire or something.


Font - FRUIT_FETISH 1 day ago S Finally something I can contribute too! I do trash at apartments. In the year I've worked the job, I've found and kept: -а couch -2 desk chairs -a floor lamp -deck furniture -a TV stand -my cat -various decorations I've given to my mom


Font - Some things I've sold -a bike, $40 -some outdoor vases, $30 -a bed frame, $50 -an original xbox with at least 80 games all in a box, $20 (to my friend that collects old video games) But yeah, it's crazy what people throw away.


Handwriting - Duck-Yo-Couch 2 days ago Once I found a perfectly good stationary bike that my neighbors threw out that I cleaned up then used for years. Can't believe this day comes only 52 times a year.


Font - Colausbra 1 day ago S 2 When I was a kid my dad worked for a company that hauled away dumpsters and at one point found an old alto sax complete in the box. Ended up playing it for four years up until high school when it was stolen, couldn't play after that since my family couldn't afford a rental let alone pay for a new one.


Font - PeanutButterCrisp 1 day ago My uncle was (still is?) a garbage man and found a fully boxed Power Rangers Megazord toy. I don't remember which season or what but it had been previously opened and all of the parts and such were still inside. I don't remember if they sold it off or what but it was super cool to see. A part of me feels like maybe a collector tossed their boxes away and mistakenly threw the whole figure with it or some kid's parents ditched it while cleaning up after a birthda


Font - stu0027 1 day ago I found a cardboard cutout from the Mr and Mrs Smith movie release when it was in theaters. I put Mr Smith on one side of the truck and Mrs Smith on the other side. Got a few fun honks going down the road with a gorgeous Angelina Jolie on the back of a trash truck


Font - homestead1111 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago 2 I found my wife in a pile of garbage while working on a garbage truck. I was working being trained as a garbage man and one day a women was throwing out way to much good stuff, boxes of books and I could see she was trying to fill a car and mini van, so I figured she was moving and having to sacrifice good stuff. I talked to her and offered to come back later and help her move so she didn't have to throw away so much stuff, and it ended up bein


Font - Koskenkorva013 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago Im not a garbage man, but I have a related story. In Finland every middle schooler is sent to a local workplaces to work for 2 weeks without salary to gain a excperience for honest work. I did my service at a local supermarket. I and a other guy, who served here were putting a products to the selfs. We forget one box in the roller cart and we start to fill the cart with thrash. We empty the card to hydraulic trash presser. Then we hear a crack

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Tagged: value , trash , garbage , score , lol , funny , win

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