Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Times The Quiet Kid Had Their Moment

Every school had it's extremely compelling drama, from ways people rebelled against school rules to weird and wild junk said by teachers. Every class had a quiet kid, and while that kid wasn't always the center of attention, they had their moments. When push came to shove, that quiet kid had something insightful or hilarious to say.


Font - Kaveman_Skrong 17 hours ago 2 6 36 E2 The quiet, very smart kid in my science class (25 years ago...) never really said much, got good grades, tried to keep his head down so as not to get picked on for being the nerd. One day he corrected the teacher on some chemistry point. I don't even remember what it was. The teacher says, "Young man, I have forgotten more about chemistry than you currently know." "Well at least now we have identified the problem." Whatever the teacher said after that


Font - MadLintElf 21 hours ago e2 32 One guy never really interacted with people, he participated in class and got great grades but didn't really click with anyone. This was my first year of HS, we were eating lunch in the cafeteria and some people started yelling for help. That guy was sitting next to me one second, jumping over 3 tables the next. He grabbed a girl from behind and performed the Heimlich maneuver on her and dislodged some food from her throat. 400 students became really silent,


Font - zzGondorffzz 17 hours ago O S German exchange student in high school in the early '00s. He could speak English well enough but generally kept pretty quiet. Until one day our class somehow got on the topic of music and he went on a long and very articulate rant about how Avril Lavigne said she made punk music but was absolutely not punk.


Font - masnuga 18 hours ago We had a deaf colleague. She was literally the quite one because she was always focused on reading the lips. One day, the teacher asked without looking to us if she could erase the board. Nobody said no and, of course, our colleague didn't hear. Teacher notes went gone in a second and our colleague, who was still copying the content and didn't have much control of her voice volume, murmurs loud and clear to everyone: SON OF A BITCH.


Font - Rule34FF 19 hours ago · edited 18 hours ago 2 3 2 8 This may get burried, and it's my husband's story but we went to the same high school so I knew this kid too. The teacher was teaching a lesson on velocity and said something to the tune of nothing comes to a stop without slowing down first. The quite kid stands up and says he disagrees and he can prove that it's wrong. And no word of a lie that kid ran full tilt, no hesitation right into the brick wall. Like, splat, right out of a carto


Font - Master_Shoehorn 20 hours ago S We were dancing during the gym class to the song from high school muscial and he stood at the very front and did the entire dance and not the first 15 seconds that we were supposed to do, we stood still and watched him go. After the song had finished he turned around and went competely red, with everyone else staring at him. Somehow he knew the entire dance, did it really well and totally missed that he was not supposed to do all of it.


Font - Chasesrabbits 20 hours ago A friend of mine had a class in college where the professor offered extra credit to the person who could come up with the best sentence using a list of made-up words he had found in freshman papers. The winner was the quiet girl, with this gem: "Dude, do you see the chankles on that girl? I'm going to have to go home and proiate."


Font - draconicessence 18 hours ago Never spoke a word until she started rapping Eminem's Rap God at 150% speed during the school talent show.


Font - oldmannicksc 19 hours ago In English class, he was tasked with using the word eradicate in a sentence. "The fireball eradicated the monkey."


Font - Spoofpoopy 17 hours ago S My history teacher was teaching. And then out of nowhere the kid says "that's not right" then start spitting absolutely everything about the subject for like 10 minutes. The subject was over the Kahn Dynasty. Who the fuck knows anything about the Kahn Dynasty


Font - justasmalltowngrill 18 hours ago I was the quiet kid. We were supposed to each read a sentence of some poem. My part was something like "there are many organisms living in the grass". Well, I misspelled and said "orgasms". The whole class was laughing, even the teacher. I sure was even more quiet after this class and never really recovered. Still think about that sometimes at night.


Font - gayish_child 13 hours ago I was going to a summer camp in between 5th and 6th grade. This one kid comes in and only speaks Spanish. Surprisingly, no one out of the 30-40 people there could speak Spanish so he basically had to play charades just to speak, which resulted in him not speaking. After about 5 weeks or so of this, he comes in and just starts speaking fluent English. Turns out that he knew English the whole time.


Font - imalwayscold_dammit 15 hours ago in grade 11 (i am 30 now AHHHHH) the hot chick in class left her lunch money at home so the quiet guy saved her day by loaning her $5. she said "omg! you're the best! i owe you lunch!" and he replied "no, you owe me $5"... i don't know why but everyone just laughed out loud so hard... it was just so unlike him but also a “no duh you idiot" response... was hilarious.


Font - HelpOurPoorSouls 18 hours ago Grade 5 and there was one boy who was annoying as hell and intentionally goading the quiet kid on indoor recess break (since it was too cold outside). Finally the quiet kid snapped and just hurled his chocolate pudding at the kids head with all the force he could muster. The annoying kid barely ducked and it narrowly missed hitting him directly in the face. It splattered all over the the artwork/assignments put up on display on the bulletin board. The whole c


Font - missluluh 20 hours ago - edited 1 hour ago 32 OH MAN! I have a great one. In 7th grade there was this girl in my class, very quiet, very nerdy, frizzy hair, glasses, unfashionable clothes, the whole deal. Because kids who are cool in middle school are assholes a few boys started doing that whole fake ask out thing. They'd tease her in class, ask her to go on a date, make kissy faces, etc. I told them to knock it off a few times and so did some others but I was a target at the time too so

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