Monday, February 15, 2021

Mom Lets Black Widows Hatch, They Escape

In an extremely ill-advised parenting move, this mom kept a black widow spider and its egg sack in what she thought was a sealed container. It doesn't take much thought to realize why this is probably not a good idea. In fact, in may even be a bad idea. A really bad idea. For something slightly less bad but still about spiders, here's a tumblr thread on how wolf spiders run cranberry bogs.


Text - O r/tifu - Posted by u/Psalms143-6 17 hours ago TIFU by hatching a nest of hundreds of baby BLACK WIDOW SPIDERS in my bedroom This did, essentially, happen today. A couple weeks ago my 5 year old daughter found a black widow mom and her egg sack. She wanted to look at it, so I very carefully scooped it up into a jar, twisted on the top and went around it with duct tape for good measure. She begged to let them hatch so she could watch them, and this seemed to be decent science homeschoolin


Text - Well guess what, they weren't. The jar I used was plastic and something some toys had come in. There were small| HOLES in the bottom and sides, barely visible. Smaller than a hole punch, but plenty big for a baby black widow. So today we're going about our lives, when she notices a tiny spider. I kill it. Then there's another. Then another. I start to think..oh no. I grab the jar to find the egg sack has indeed hatched, with hundreds of tiny little venom weapons. But I see with the relief


Text - Now my child is playing outside while I furiously vacuum and clean and wash every surface. G-d have mercy. TL;DR Thought I was showing my child some cool nature in action, ended up with nature all over my bedroom, where nature means hundreds of baby black widows. Edit: here are pictures of the ones that didn't escape And my daughter's rendition of them:]Cmq3












Text - Further edits: Thank you so much to the kind people who Venmoed me money for the exterminator who am I now definitely going to get to come tomorrow! (I'm actually going to return the funds because I was able to get it worked out, but thank you SO much!) People asking how I could be that stupid..I dunno, frazzled homeschooling single mom corona exhaustion and just poor judgment, I guess? We've raised lots of other insects in jars with no escapees, so I guess I got a little overconfident ab

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