Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Jerk Boss Bumps Vacation, Employee Changes Passwords and Leaves

If there's ever a time to show your worth at a company, it's when you're not around to put out all the fires. This boss just had to have his vacation exactly when he wanted, even if that meant screwing over his employee. His poorly timed request for new passwords ensured things wouldn't run smoothly when the employee ended up taking a break. For another boss that did it to themselves, here's an employee who derailed their incompetent boss by working their scheduled hours.


Font - Posted by u/--Morgoth-- 9 hours ago 2 3 2 35 3 Force me to to take my vacation time when I dont want to, and tell me to secure my station by freshening up my passwords before I go? Okay boss. oc s To start with, my boss had his moments. Sometimes he was a dick who would push off me on my raises or screw with my system, sometimes he would hook me up and make my life pleasant. This was not one of the latter.


Font - So, I had plans for vacation, but my boss decided I had to take my vacation time in June instead of August because HE wanted to take his vacation in August and no other time would work. I lost some money as a result, but thats my fault for planning ahead I guess. Well. Ill start by position was vital, and being gone for 2 weeks, with nobody able to access my terminal, was not ideal for the business.


Font - After forcing me to take my vacation early, and losing a chunk of my deposits, He told me to change my passwords before I go for security reasons. Welp. That is exactly what I did. I didn't leave notes(its a security system. I dont leave passwords laying around.) I didn't leave anything for his part timers to work with. I did PRECISELY as he demanded. And when I go on vacation, my work phone does not ever get turned on. I straight up left it at home. (I told him on the way out the day bef


Font - Apparently, while I was gone 2 weeks, his part time techs ruined the server system, destroyed my work terminal, managed to screw up and lose several clients, got my account hardlocked(was easy to fix.) And all around, cost my boss about 100k in damages/profits lost. Most of these part timer techs were fired for the amount of property damages they did. For the life of me, I can't figure out how they ruined so much tech while I wasn't around. I still don't know how he runs a business. But h


Font - Quick edit: he also, had another master admin account i set up for him. But he lost the information I made for him, on a handy little laminated wallet card. So.. Edit 2, electric boogaloo: yes the boss still left for his vacation. He did not admit he made a mistake, and things were not fully repaired or fixed when he went on vacation. Also, I book my vacation with him, and and made my reservations in December. He knew for months.


Font - Corrin_Zahn 7 hours ago Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why we both lose when I'm forced on vacation time.


Font - Nabous 7 hours ago (it's a security system I don't leave password laying around) Thank you for dismantling that trope found in nearly every video game.

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