Saturday, January 9, 2021

Boss Forbids Use of Work Truck, Surprised When No Work Is Done

We've all had penny pinching bosses who ask too much, but sometimes they set themselves up for failure. It's not a lot of fun to have a boss who tries to enforce contradicting rules. He didn't really give these guys a choice, and to top it all of, went totally incommunicado. Here's one where management illegally banned overtime pay but IT got it all back.


Text - Posted by u/YhcrananarchY 21 hours ago 2 6 10 S 13 4 Boss says we can't drive the work truck, so we don't! oc M The title pretty much sums it up, but a long, long time ago, in a city not far away I had a terrible Summer job. Right after high school, my friend and I were looking for practically anything to make money and his older brother told us about a job he once had working for this guy washing windows.


Text - Now, this guy owns what appears to be a semi- legitimate business, he has a full shop/garage where he stores cleaning products, big fancy tubs that use sonic waves to wash blinds in and a new (at the time) work truck. He's also a HARDCORE penny pincher and buys the cheapest, crappiest insurance he can on the truck. Initially when we got hired on he would meet us at the shop at 7am, give us the work orders and ride out with us for on-the- job training. After a couple of weeks he would just


Text - Another important fact is that this was RIGHT after high school, so we were both 18 and for whatever reason, the boss didn't bother to ask or check our hiring paperwork to confirm this. Well after a month or so he finds out how old we are and has a come apart, turns out his insurance on his truck has a clause that anyone driving has to be at least 25 years old with a clean driving record (no DUIS or anything like that) or his monthly payment triples. So he makes it very, VERY clear to us


Text - I need to drive home the fact that he was so god damn delusional that he never paid attention to ANYTHING so one day we come into the shop and see a stack of about 15 jobs, however, he didn't schedule anyone else (never actually scheduled himself because he expected the shop to just run itself) except for the two of us that day. Cue Malicious Compliance He liked to micromanage, but simultaneously NEVER picked up his phone if WE called HIM. So despite calling him numerous times to let him


Text - Fast-forward about 5 hours and he calls one of us to ask how things are going, how many jobs we'd finished and if we needed help to get any completed. We explained that we'd been sitting in the shop all day waiting for him to come in so we could get started. Well, at this point he goes fucking ballistic and starts just tearing us up one side and down the other about wasting his time/money and blah blah blah. "Why didn't call me!?" "Who else is there?!" "Has anyone you finished any of the

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Tagged: boss , wtf , manager , work , lol , pay , ridiculous , truck , funny , money , stupid

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