Friday, December 18, 2020

Parents' Funniest Zoom Call Interruptions

There's no getting around the fact that all of us have had our lives turned upside down in one way or another amidst these difficult times. Many folks have been forced to adopt a remote routine for their work situation. This can make for quite the hilarious, occasionally vulgar interruptions. It's hard, man. You're often sharing a space with other human beings that are just trying to go about their own business. In this case, we have parents describing their funniest Zoom call interruptions by their kids. If these tweets got you going, check out more tweets that capture the emotional rollercoaster of parenting over here


Text - Sarah Stern 000 @sarah_stern So my kid interrupted my zoom lab meeting to inform me (and everyone else) that "daddy is pooping." How's your day going? Mine is in serious need of boundaries.


Text - Melissa B wers 00 @MelissaBowers_ The kids just ran shirtless past my husband's Zoom meeting and one of them shouted, "BUT ARE THEY NIBBLES OR NIPPLES???" so that's how working from home is going today


Text - Dr. Erin Marie Furtak 000 @furtak During a one hour zoom call this afternoon, my son interrupted me to ask "What is an invasive species? What is abundant?" And finally, "what is civilization?" That last one might take a while to answer...


Text - Amanda Marcotte | Mediocre Mommy @storiesofamom And for today's Zoom Conference Call entertainment - my child can be heard performing what I can only assume is an exorcism on her troll dolls. And fart noises. Please don't fire me.


Text - Robert Knop 000 @FatherWithTwins My kids just pounded on my office door yelling "FBI - open up!!!" when I was on a work call, so yeah, I'm totally looking forward to them going back to school in-person.


Text - Phil Gentry @pmgentry My 4yo daughter interrupted the zoom graduate oral exam I was sitting on to demand my can of seltzer, then threw her head back and chugged the whole thing in front of everyone.


Text - biological stasis @LipstickFacade 000 Yesterday my profs 4 year old daughter interrupted our zoom meeting thrice demanding to be put in her Rapunzel dress and each time he reminded her she did not own a Rapunzel dress which caused a look of betrayal so intense to spread across her face that even i was mad at him


Text - Jessica Grose 000 @JessGrose My husband just told me that on a work call today, he said, "OK, I'm hanging up," and our 3 year old said, "OK, I'm hanging butt." It's the best thing that's happened to me this week tbh


Text - Marlisa Pillsbury, PhD @Marlipie 000 Replying to @mrdowden @doryowen and 2 others My son (5) ran in and interrupted my husband's zoom meeting recently. He repeatedly yelled at his coworkers "what's 999,999 plus 1!?!?" while watching himself jump up and down on the screen Luckily it was a company happy hour


Text - Amanda Marcotte | Mediocre Mommy @storiesofamom So far I've awkwardly apologized for: • my cat typing nonsense on my computer in a work group chat • my toddler screaming "I NEED HELP WIPING" on a conference call and the choral musings of Frozen 2 on repeat. Working from home is going great.


Text - No Idea: Daddy Blog @byclintedwards 00 I locked my office so my kids wouldn't interrupt my work meeting, but then my 6yo knocked and knocked, until I stood up and answered. Naturally, I forgot to shut off my camera, and now everyone knows my work polo was tucked into my sweatpants, and that dogs can ride surfboards.


Text - Jessica Grose 000 @JessGrose Just heard the four words I dread most when l'm on a work call: "Can someone wipe me?"


Text - Bathsheba Crocker @shebacrocker My daughter told me not to worry about lunch, that she would make it for herself, and she's eating a "pita bread sandwich" the inside of which is nutella. My other daughter interrupted a zoom work call to raise an "urgent question" about chocolate truffles. So we're good.


Text - Panio Gianopoulos @panio 000 Got interrupted during a Zoom work call today to answer my son's urgent question: "Dad! Dad! [waves hands] Is there any other way to make lava besides a volcano?"


Text - Rodney Lacroix @RodLacroix Kids: Are you on a work call? Me: Yes. Kids: okay [all use saucepans as drums to recreate STOMP]


Text - Dude-Bro Dad @thedadvocate01 6: Will you make me a sandwich? Me: I'm on a zoom meeting 6: Pause it


Text - Becky @beckythehoff A coworker's kid kept jumping in on zoom wearing a dinosaur costume and his mom said "that's my interrupt-asaurus" with the straightest of faces I am deceased

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