Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Most Absurd Ways People Have Offended Someone

There's no pleasing everyone. In fact, people get upset over the dumbest things. Sure, it's a good idea to be polite and not go out of your way to make people feel bad. However, sometimes someone is going to misinterpret something or take something extremely personally, and that's just a part of life. You can be minding your own business eating a slice of pizza and get a stern talking to. There's just a lot of absurd things people get offended by.


Text - YouKnowHowIBe 3.2k points · 19 hours ago I told my friend that her hair looked cute and she turned toward me and snapped, "So it doesn't look cute all the other days?!"


Text - II_Confused 2.5k points · 15 hours ago I once got written up because a eavesdropping co-worker overheard me talking about my drug use. I'm an insulin dependent diabetic and I was giving another co-worker advice to pass on to her recently diagnosed father.


Text - urbanlulu 1.8k points · 19 hours ago S 8 2 my food allergy. i'm severely allergic to all peanuts, nuts, fish and seafood. totally sucks, but that's my life. i've had plenty of people over the years get offended when i turn things down due to my allergy. like legit all i have to say is "oh no, i can't have any. thank you for the offer! i got a food allergy. i have to say no." and i INSTANTLY get the stink eye and judgmental comments thrown my way about how "rude" i am. like sorry i can't e


Text - this one time in highschool, i went out to dinner with a huge group of friends, they all ordered a seafood appetizer after i repeated multiple times i was allergic, but they went ahead anyways which is whatever. but one friend got a salad as well and didn't like tomatoes, but i do. so she took her fork that she was eating the seafood with to pick the tomatoes out of her salad to give to me. i had to tell her i couldn't eat the tomatoes because it touched her seafood. she got all offended,


Text - Squaragus_Asparagus 1.8k points - 18 hours ago My coworkers and I were discussing our ancestry this weekend. Maybe, 6 people. The extent of it was 'yeah I'm 6 percent black. 20 percent German.' Stuff like that. Someone complained to management they were offended because we were talking about race.


Text - huso97 1.7k points · 19 hours ago Black Friday sales (also all other sales) I work in customer service and you wouldn't believe the amount of hate we get for having low prices. I BOUGHT IT 3 WEEKS AGO AND NOW ITS REDUCED???! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!


Text - bluepanda159 106 points · 15 hours ago Using a disability park with a disability parking pass. The horror! Had a women run after me and physically grab me and start screaming at me about it. Always nice when people judge your disability


Text - TimeResident 1.5k points · 19 hours ago Some game show host lost their shit because a contestant wore a shirt that looked like something their husband would wear. Like. She accused the contestant of acting better than her husband over a shirt. Girl_You_Can_Train 815 points · 18 hours ago What's worse is that it was a literal normal boring ass suit. Like he literally compared him to a serial killer who would wear other people's faces. https://youtu.be/1UA4ZfvNmz0


Text - Finniemc 1.1k points · 19 hours ago My own name. I have lived in several European countries, when I lived in Spain I introduced myself to this colleague who told me off and said that in Spain I should pronounce my name like the Spanish would say it ... Not hating on the Spanish btw. It was just this girl.


Text - Polyfuckery 1.1k points · 18 hours ago I was at the zoo with a male friend and his three kids. The toddler was getting fussy so I offered to sit in the air conditioned cave viewing area for the sea lions with him and the baby while my friend took the older kid to another exhibit. I fed the baby a bottle while it is sitting in the stroller. This woman runs up on us hysterical that I am not holding my baby and breast feeding it. She acts like she is going to smack the bottle from my hand. I


Text - melreed 787 points · 17 hours ago I used to work at a clothing store. We had a buy one, get one free sale. An old lady was pissed at me because she didn't understand she had to have 2 items in order to get one free.


Text - LittlestSlipper55 640 points · 13 hours ago Years ago when I was in university I worked at a popular retail outlet that sold baby clothes. An older woman and a younger woman (I'm guessing mother-daughter pair) comes in with I guess the younger woman's baby, a new born at that. Of course as I'm helping the pair I'm cooing over this itty bitty cutie and ask "Aww, how adorable! How old is she?". The older woman, who I guess is the grandma and was enjoying the attention so far, starts looking


Text - AudibleNod 554 points · 20 hours ago Back before caller ID was popular, people got a fair bit of wrong numbers. I've known people who got angry and verbally abused the wrong number caller when the mistake was made clear. I never made sense to me why this was. To be fair, some people would claim 'wrong number' in order to divine some information or for other reasons. But, come on.


Text - Warpmind 496 points · 16 hours ago Someone found out that I'm on the autistic spectrum and was deeply offended that I was not needing basically 24/7 care and supervision like Rain Man. Some days, the greatest challenge of the autism spectrum is condescension.


Text - pdub400 374 points · 18 hours ago Calling myself out on this one. I once got offended because someone called me pretty. I thought he was really saying it because he thought I was dumb. That was a bit embarrassing once I realized he actually did just think I was pretty.


Text - saltnotsugar 310 points · 19 hours ago My friend almost got into a fight because some guy refused to believe that kielbasa is the same as polish sausage.


Text - standbyyourmantis 285 points · 15 hours ago This will probably get buried but it's one of my favorite holiday stories. Back when I worked retail it was very early January and one of our cashiers was telling people to have a "happy new year." Some guy got extremely offended because they apparently don't celebrate new years. To this day I don't know what was going on, because that's pretty much an entirely secular holiday. The year is starting over whether you acknowledge that or not, my du


Text - 5h4v3d 233 points · 16 hours ago Greggs released a vegan sausage roll. People went crazy.

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