Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Man Baits Mall Thieves With Tricky Christmas Gift

People that steal are the worst. People that steal during the holidays are a whole new level of immoral and selfish. Especially those folks like the ones in this story that have the audacity to steal from "Grandpa" at Christmastime. Fortunately, it's not actually a gift from Grandpa. You might call it a harsh lesson in the value of not stealing someone else's presents. Check out some more revenge drama with this employee who caught their manager stealing, and ended up getting a nice raise as a result.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/Hypetents • 1y + Join 1 Christmas gift from Grandpa I know a guy that has done this every year for more than a decade. It started when some dick broke into the cab of his truck and stole Christmas gifts he had bought at the Mall. If I remember correctly, he had to make two trips and some jerk saw him go back into the store and busted his window. It was a long time ago, I am not positive of the details of the original event.


Text - He started this tradition ten years ago, the day after his truck was broken into, right around December 23. He does this at the same mall every year. He gets a big box, big enough to just barely fit in the backseat of most cars. This takes awhile to find. He fills it full of the most vile garbage – dirty diapers, cat shit, rotten food, used sanitary products, packing peanuts. -


Text - The past couple of years, and after advice from Reddit, he elevated his game by cutting all the corners of the box, so when opened, it falls apart like a beautiful blooming flower and the garbage contents spills out. He waits until a day or two before Christmas. He wraps the big box in festive yet very thin holiday paper with zero structural integrity that barely holds the box together, then he puts a big bow on it and a giant tag that says, "To Joshua, Merry Christmas. Love Grandpa." He

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