Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Choosing Beggar Expects Free A/C To Be Delivered, Gets Rejected

There are way too many instances of choosing beggars complicating situations that involve people literally offering them free stuff. We're getting a strong vibe in this interaction that the choosing beggar was just dishing out all the excuses, to avoid having to do any actual "work" for their free A/C unit. Gotta love the aggressive positivity from the charitable person offering up the A/C. 

Check out some more juicy choosing beggar drama with this owner who responded to an absolutely ridiculous review of their auto shop.


Text - JUL 2ND, 10:04PM Hi! Is it really free? Is it still available? You accepted request. It is still available and yes it's free because I can't carry this 120lb thing by myself lol But there is another person who messaged me before you did, so I let me give her the opportunity first and I will get back to you! Let's keep our fingers crossed! ok I am a single mother and I could really use it right now. Can I have it? Hello? I will give her the opportunity until tomorrow and if I don't hear ba


Text - ok She hasn't responded to my messages in a few hours so I am cautiously optimistice ok i will be around ok i will be around As I said before, it's like 120 Ibs, so it's going to require some serious muscle! ok JUL 3RD, 6:50AM Hello?


Text - Hi there! Good moming. How are you? I haven't heard back from her since yesterday, so yes, it's yours! ok when do you think you can drop it off? As I said before, it's for pickup only. I am disabled. Can you just come drop it off? I am like 140 Ibs and this thing is like 120 Ibs. There's no way I can bring it to you lol. That's the whole reason behind my "FREE AC" post.


Text - But I can't come to you OK, no problem! I will let the 3rd person who contacted know. Thanks for your interest! no I still want it. Let me see what I can do Okee. It's still yours until tomorrow! JUL 3RD, 2:15PM I found someone who could pick it up. Can you pay him $20 when he gets there? Noe

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