Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Male Karen Doesn't Believe Tattoo Shop Owner, Gets Reckoning

The guy basically forced himself into the building and demanded a tattoo, even when he was told it couldn't be done. And to top it all off, this male Karen honestly didn't believe that the owner of a tattoo place might have a tattoo on his head. For a Karen at odds with another business owner, here's a lying Karen getting decimated by an owner's response. For some tattoo tales, here are some stories of tattoo choices that had people asking questions.


Text - FRI 10:27 Can someone assist me? *auto reply* Thanks for your enquiry about your tattoo. To help us deal with this as efficiently as possible, please make sure you've included as much information as possible. This includes size (inches or cms), placement, style (colour, black and grey) and attach any reference pictures you have. Please note WE WILL NOT copy someone else's tattoo, but it does help to show us pictures similar to what you would like. We'll be in contact as soon as we have ti


Text - premises last night to make a booking for my partner and myself to be tattooed. We were told that it was NOT POSSIBLE and that we would not be booked in for our CHOSEN DATE of Tuesday the first of December. My partner and I have been thinking about this tattoo for OVER A YEAR. The young man at the door was terribly curt with us. When I asked to speak to the manager, he told us he was THE OWNER. I find this very hard to believe, as he had a large tattoo on the side of his head. I would app


Text - FRI 17:41 Ah, Mr 've been expecting your message. I'm David, and I am the owner of the studio. But what is ownership anyway, and for that matter the title of manager? Are they not just man made constraints imposed by the naive and insecure, desperate to find meaning in their otherwise directionless existence? It was me you spoke to last night, so thank you for the "young man" compliment. I shall make sure my wife and daughters take note of this! You were denied entry for several reasons,


Text - 1) You tried to get in, even though the door was clearly locked. Thank you for checking the strength of the hinges. I've been meaning to do that for some time. 2) You tried to push past me as I opened the door, which was rude to say the least. 3) We require everyone entering the studio to wear a mask, and to do so correctly. As your nose was drooped over the top of your mask, like a flaccid penis, hopefully peeking out a worn pair of y-fronts, I judged this to be incorrect...and yet sligh


Text - I told you it was not possible to book you in for 1st December, as we are required, by law as of 6pm Friday, to close for three weeks. If you and your partner (she's clearly a lucky woman if the way you wear you mask is anything to go by) really have been thinking about these tattoos for OVER A YEAR, then might I suggest that another few weeks isn't too long? As for your comment about me not possibly being the owner as I have a tattoo on the side of my head... WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT


Text - Nicola Sturgeon seems to have her hands full at the moment. Also, Glasgow City Council will probably tell you to shove it right up your shite-er...at least, they do whenever I try to contact them. Might I suggest a couple of alternatives? Carole Baskin, who's actually a friend of the studio, seems to be great at solving problems..you know what l'm taking about. John Kreese is a man of authority, although telling Johnny to "Sweep the Leg" was probably excessive. I think you'll like his "No


Text - If you really are considering 'grassing me up' then the best thing to do is to tell my mum - she's the slightly haunted and disappointed woman you can see wandering around, muttering sadly about her son with the tattoo on the side of his head. FRI 20:31 I am not having this at all. What a disgusting way to speak to people, I can't imagine you'll be in business much longer. My partner and I will be taking our custom elsewhere. Eh, sorry. This isn't how this works, you're clearly new to our

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