Monday, November 23, 2020

Man Tells Girlfriend To Stop Making TikToks About Them

Even though this guy's girlfriend might be putting together those TikToks out of the kindness of her heart, that doesn't mean that it's also not generating a whole lot of flack for the poor guy. The dude's already just trying to muddle through a reasonably peaceful life as a soldier on a military base. Last thing he needs is to get continually roasted by fellow soldiers on his base, for the ridiculous TikToks his girlfriend keeps churning out. Maybe if she just steered the focus away from their relationship, and put it on other stuff, it'd work out a bit better for everyone. 


Text - AITA for telling my girlfriend she needs to stop making Tiktoks as they're so embarrassing? Not the A-hole I'm currently deployed and if you're unaware TikTok has a ridiculous amount of military users, its so fucking cringe. I swear Tiktok is like 90% cringy edgy preteens and teens, military, and creepy old men talking to the preteens. Anyways my girlfriend makes a lot of tiktoks about how much she misses me and about army girlfriend stuff. She'll post stuff like #armygf She also has a ra


Text - So here's some of the tiktoks she's made. She's done the classic "I'm coming home" song which plays over her hugging me when she meets me. There's millions of those on tiktok. SHe's posted tiktoks about how she upgraded when she dated me, putting pictures of me and her ex together, how she went from dating a boy to a man. She made another one about how she went from thinking one direction was her dream men, but then she met army men. She's made tiktoks going off about how much she misses


Text - dothepingu • 21h • Partassipant [2] 3 4 Awards She is mining your personal, private life for content. That is not okay. Tell her that you are uncomfortable having private information shared on TikTok. That is not being controlling, that is having privacy. She can make videos about her own life and interests without using your texts or images of you! NTA. Reply 1 7.2k


Text - Jordak_keebs • 21h • Partassipant [1] O A 4 Awards NTA. She cares more about her image as an army gf than she does about her relationship. + Q Reply 4 16.1k ...


Text - SmoochNo • 21h • Partassipant [3] NTA. This isn't about her showing love for you, if it was, she would care about how her actions are making you feel. This is about her thirst for attention. Reply 937


Text - a79j • 21h • Partassipant [2] NTA. Your problem is with her making Tiktoks related to you which is understandable. Think of it this way, if you put up embarrassing pictures of her which you think are cute just out of love and affection on the internet, would she be okay with it, even if she doesn't look her best or whatever? Same thing. Her actions are causing you difficulties and it's not a big sacrifice from her end to stop. Reply 604 ...


Text - 404brainnotf0und • 20h NTA. Seeing this type of attention seeking behavior makes me feel so embarrassed for you. Your relationship is between you and her, not her and her many followers. This is not a show of love. It's about her need to get attention from others and playing the "I miss my soldier" card is an effective way to do that. Also, posting your PRIVATE conversations is a major invasion of privacy. You are not in any way In the wrong for asking her to stop that at allI. The simple


Text - alieninmyskin • 21h • Partassipant [1] 3 4 Awards NAH. She's doing what she enjoys and that's okay. You're annoyed and embarrassed because, let's be real, Tik Tok is super cringey and embarrassing especially if it's grown women and men doing it, and that's okay to feel that way too. I'm more concerned that your girlfriend is a dependa. She's making being a military girlfriend her entire personality and that's...weird and embarrassing in itself. I think you have more issues on your hand th


Text - colourelectric• 14h NAH. It sounds like you have only asked her to stop now.. If she has been on tiktok because it's something she enjoys and she's trying to express her love without realising how detrimental it is for you, than I don't think she's been an AH. Regardless of her intentions though, it is unnecessary and is making your situation harder than what it needs to be. Your relationship is personal (especially your texts) and it doesn't need to be broadcasted to your colleagues. You


Text - nbhpyfd • 12h 10k followers and she can get the creators fund & she can get paid per views, so you could tell the people that are roasting you "thanks for the money". Tiktok is also extremely varied, the fyp is based off other videos you heart. If you heart a bunch of military stuff, you'll see more military stuff. I get a lot of animal videos... I think she should consider your feelings on the matter. My bf doesn't want me making any videos or having a bunch with our kids in them, so I d


Text - AnnieBannieFoFannie • 17h NTA. Not only is it embarrassing, but it could negatively affect your career. She's She's violating PERSEC and will probably violate OPSEC if she keeps this up. Shut it down now. She needs an identity outside your job. Does she claim your rank for herself too? Q Reply


Text - baddy1974 • 17h NTA. I'd run if i were you this is the beginning of The Debbie the Dependa Show. You know where she shares your rank, she thinks she had say so with command. + QReply ...


Text - TheWizardColin • 5h • Partassipant [1] NTA - you're right that tiktok appears to be all about kids and teens.. um, how old is your girlfriend? And when she's asking you about being a supportive/ appreciative boyfriend, how is this supposed to support you? Is she collecting "likes" and sending them to you to help the troops? Maybe she can bundle them up with "prayers".. all that shit is literally nothing for you, and it's all to boost her social media status; you're simply a ..... useful t


Text - dontworryitsme4real • 21h NTA - You can express how her actions affect you. You can also talk about finding a boundary between her social life and your personal life. There are some things you can negotiate and others you have to accept. I cant tell you where those lines are. You have to keep in mind shes getting a lot of positive feedback from being the "Army GF waiting on her BF" As far as other service people near you that are hazing you: Smile and say "she lets me do pervy things, you


Text - nolechica • 18h • Partassipant [1] NTA, she needs an identity that isn't solely your girlfriend or she will ruin your career. Reply Vote ...


Text - blizzaga1988 • 17h • Partassipant [3] NTA Honestly, I've seen the "he's a marine" TikTok and while it's absolutely hilarious because it's so cringe, I couldn't live with myself if I was a part of that TikTok. So.. I 100% get it. Plus it just sounds exploitative of what you are doing. Reply 1 Vote 3 ...

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