Monday, November 23, 2020

Horrible Managers That Employees Needed To Quit

The old saying about how people don't quit terrible jobs, they quit terrible managers, is certainly proven true in this AskReddit thread about some of the world's absolute worst bosses. Some people should never be put in a position of power, where they can make other employees' lives plain old miserable. 


Text - TapeEaterVHS• 23h I had been running the restaurant for weekend nights for 3 years. These were not easy shifts ... 5pm - 3am. Still, I was a night owl and it was my pleasure. I took some days off and went to a hot spring with my now wife. Upon driving home I noticed my leg hurt and within 2r hours was in the hospital for an infection that would take 3 antibiotics at once to deal with. I called in sick 3 days in advance. My AGM told me it was cool, heal up, and that they would co er my shi


Text - oryx506 • Ta 1 Award Probably the worst boss I ever had was at a McDonald's. We had a younger manager for the first 10 or so months I was there, then they decided to bring in a second manager from another store. For the first week or so he was fine, until one day one of the 16 year old girls that usually works drive thru was put on the grill for no reason. She got grease on her shirt and the manager said she looked like a pig and to clean it or go home. She left crying. The next day anoth


Text - WarCarrotAF • 1d O 1 Award My manager hasn't been great pre-covid, but as soon as our company was forced to shift to mostly WFH, she lost it. She demanded unpaid overtime and is of the mindset that WFH is always going to be less productive than working in office, because she says she gets 1/4 of her own work done when WFH. She also volunteered our department as the pilot project to go back into the office when cases were at an all time high, but she herself was not coming in. In addition,


Text - princessnanny • 23h 1 Award As a nanny it's weird when your boss is a mom with no actual experience in being a boss. The worst boss I worked for wasn't that bad when I first started working for her. Over the course of the year she kept adding more things for me to do. I wasn't just taking care of the baby. I became their maid too with no pay increase. Eventually it got even worse and I was basically her personal assistant. She got a taste of power and completely abused it. As a young 19 y


Text - RegularEvening • 22h I was 18 or 19 working my first job. He criticized my lipstick saying that it was an ugly color, recommending that I wore a bright red lip to go with my bright red uniform shirt. He didn't like my choice of all black shoes. He didn't like the way I mopped the floor, taking the mop from me to show me how to “properly" do it. He even told one of my coworkers that she couldn't wear a sports bra under her uniform. I quit a few days later. Reply 1 2.0k 3 ...


Text - swingsandwhatnot87 • 1d HR discussing private matters about staff to other staff. She was a disgusting person in general anyway and many other things but this was the final straw. E QReply ↑ 3.1k 3 ...


Text - IronArtificer • 21h Worked in an agency environment. Big clients and big expectations, but we had a fairly small staff for all the projects we took on. Late nights were expected and some nights I barely had time to eat before I had to sleep to go in tomorrow. Me and a few others tried to ask for structural change to get some breathing room between projects. We were always ignored by upper management and my boss. But, hey, they get us pizza after a big project, so we can't complain, right?


Text - I went to my boss to hand in my resignation. I gave him 2 weeks notice. This is somehow a thirty minute conversation telling me how miserable l'll be at this other company and how good I had it here. I hadn't even mentioned the name of the new company, so I knew he was talking straight BS. I went back to work, thinking I had my 2 weeks confirmed. However, my boss then pulls me back into his office and says he's going to let me go today. Like right now. Get your things and get out. I did s


Text - Bad-Brains • 1d l'd kill it with my efficiency scores all quarter but when the time came for raises I was given an impossible task. When I couldn't complete it that was the reason cited for not giving me a raise. Our company grew and grew and became more and more profitable because the jobs were getting bigger and bigger, and a lot of us would stay late and work overtime - but hardly anyone was getting raises. If they were it was a cost of living raise being passed off as a genuine raise.


Text - fortuneandglorykid • 21h 1 Award Currently trying to leave. I'm salary. If I work any amount under 40, she docks it. If I work over 40, I get my salary pay. A few weeks ago I worked 2 days out of the week then discovered I had been around a Covid positive person and I started developing symptoms. Work sent me home, I got a test and work had me stay home until I got the results 4 days later, negative. Even though I'm salary, my paycheck showed up HUNDREDS of dollars less than normal and my


Text - NimpyPootles • 21h The client let slip how much they were paying for me. In one month they paid more than my annual salary. I asked my boss for a pay raise and was told there was just no money available. I said l'd give them six weeks to find the money and she laughed at me as I wasn't "the type to give ultimations". When I handed my notice in (after securing a better offer from another company) my boss's boss offered me a 50% raise to stay. Reply 2.3k 3 + ...


Text - maybenomaybe • 21h My best friend and I worked at the same small company, under a horrific boss (think Miranda Priestley from The Devil Wears Prada, but with early onset dementia). My friend got a great new job and gave her notice. In an effort to get her to stay, our boss offered her my job. I don't know why the fuck she thought my friend would accept. She knew we were friends, we'd even booked off the same week of holiday to travel together. Of course my friend said no, and I handed in


Text - LaLeeTwin • 1d Being called into my managers office to be "coached" because I missed one day of work in a two month time span to attend my aunt's funeral. The first thing the manager said was, "I would have done the same thing." She then proceeded to have me sign paper work instructing how to avoid absenteeism to put in my work record. That day I decided to nope the heck out of there. Reply 1 1.4k 3 ...


Text - Higher_Math • 1d 1 Award My boss was fine, the company was terrible. When I realized I didnt have a pension and could get one at a competitor I booted. Reply 1.9k ...


Text - fluffy_bunny_87 • 22h 1 Award When a recruiter cold called me and said "oh you work at x? I'm sure we can get you at least a 10% raise somewhere else". I started looking around and got a 27% raise a month later. 5 years at the new place and I make about 66% more than I did when I left the previous job that I was at for almost 5 years. | Keep an eye on places like Glassdoor. Know what you are worth. Don't work for a discount unless there is a really good reason. Reply 1 194 3 ...


Text - disjointedOne • 22h It was a smallish company, less than 40 employees. My boss encouraged inter-departmental fights with others departments. And when I refused to participate, my team ghosted me. I went to the CEO indirectly a few times. Finally lost my patience, scheduled a 1-on-1 with the CEO and told him he was running a shitshow, and if he didn't take actions A) B) and C) fast, the company would fail, but l'd be gone long before. Three weeks later they walked me out. A year later, the


Text - shorty_kelley8615 • 22h Tl;dr: boss does everything to makes his employees hate him and then expects us to still want to work there. I've worked at my current job for over a year and a half. The reason l'm leaving is because l've worked my ass off for them and the one moment I was trained for (I mean like 5+ months of training) they gave to their daughter asap. I also found out that I almost wasn't given my raise because the boss deemed my behavior as "inappropriate" all from little thing

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