Sunday, October 25, 2020

Wild Cases Of Wealthy People Being Out Of Touch

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the most ridiculous cases of wealthy being out of touch that they've ever seen. Some people's wallets are so dang dense with the funds that they just seem to move through life operating by a different set of rules. Or they don't even bother considering the rules that the rest of society plays by. 


Text - applepwnz • 1y I have an aunt and uncle who are both experienced aerospace engineers (retired military officers, now higher ups at private contractors) so they make an obscene amount of money. You can always tell how much they've lost touch with the value of a dollar when you look at presents they've bought. One time years ago at Christmas, they bought my aunt a $600 iPod and my mom a $20 t-shirt. They didn't mean any insult, they just thought my mom would like a shirt better and that my


Text - spaceman_slim • 1y Kinda the opposite, but I once went out with the ultra- wealthy parents of this girl I was dating and they made a big deal of me ordering whatever I wanted and getting appetizers and dessert and drinks and everything, and once I put in like a $75 single-person order, her dad just ordered 2 hot dogs and laughed at how expensive my meal was. It was the most expensive lunch I had ever had at that point and I really respect that man's trollery. He had a much better sense of


Text - yzpilot • 1y 3 1 Award I was flying a private jet and the caterers forgot the owner's sandwich. He graciously said "no big deal" and I replied that l'd call when we landed because they charged us $100 for it. He said "Is that a lot? How much does a sandwich normally cost?" 17.9k


Text - killerstellar • 1y I work at a veterinary hospital in a fairly wealthy area. Once had a client hand me a $50 for a $9 nail trim on her dog. I told her the price and she just shrugged, told me to keep the change and said that would be my lunch money for the week. 5.6k ...


Text - supernovaj • 1y The president of my company asked me if I thought | could live on $100 per day. I told him I did every single day. I was probably making $13-$14 at the time. So out of touch with reality when that's what one makes in an hour. 6.2k


Text - Redmoneymillionaire • 1y I once got asked to watch my buddy's mom's dog. Cute Pomeranian, super well behaved. I was stoked to watch the little dude. She messaged me and told me where the garage key was and that she left a couple hundred dollars on the table for me. A couple hundred!? I showed up at noon and took the money and the dog and went into town. Took him to the dog park, then the beach, and then we kicked it and napped for a couple hours. Dropped him off around 6pm. It was the eas


Text - GreatScottEh • 1y A customer called me about a mistake on their bill, they thought I forgot to add another zero. I'm a landscaper, mostly softscape and property maintenance. 13.8k ...


Text - Laherschlag • 1y I worked for 1 family as the general family personal assistant for a long time. These people are wealthy. Like drop $1M in cash on an oceanfront condo wealthy. The husband gave me $150 cash to go to the grocery store to buy a 12 pack of water and 6-$1 yogurts. I don't think he's even stepped foot in a grocery store before. 24.0k


Text - ratzythenoble • ly In college, as I was making dinner one night, my wealthy roommate expressed surprise that you could get vegetables in a can - like totally in shock at the idea of canned vegetables. It turns out that in his house the cook simply went down to the market every afternoon to pick up fresh veggies, and he'd never known it could be done any other way. Edit: Just to clarify: yes, canned vegetables are a real thing in America, and were pretty popular as a cheap alternative. Eve


Text - thedannywahl • 1y 1 Award I worked at a very expensive and exclusive country club, the type you'd see the Bluths at. One of the members drove her golf cart over from her house and said the help had forgotten to buy a loaf of bread and wanted to buy one from our kitchen. I told her that we couldn't sell her a loaf of bread, so she asked how many sandwiches a loaf of bread can make. T ended up selling her 10 sandwiches with nothing on it at $7/piece. 2.7k ...


Text - [deleted] • 1y I was friends with a girl whose family was rich, and she said stuff like that constantly. Personally I like when she said "I'm going to my dorm this weekend, I think what I've been looking for is there." She has her own apartment. Her parents pay for a dorm for her for extra storage. She has a roommate and everything. Her roommate lives with all her junk.


Text - SheridanThur • 1y When we were told the international tuition fees for a PhD were $30,000 and my mom said, "well that's not that much money." She also occasionally complains about how they're living in poverty, while also taking yearly trips to Europe. On the other hand, they can be quite generous with their time and support, so they can get away with the occasional tone-deaf comment. 3.5k


Text - raouldukesaccomplice • 1y I grew up in a very well-to-do suburb and there was a family that would buy cedar clothes hangers for their closets, but then once the cedar smell "wore off" after a month or so, they'd buy new ones and take the old ones to Goodwill. Apparently just lightly sanding them to refresh the scent was too much trouble. 4.8k


Text - Mental_Jelly • 1y I got a new job slightly above minimum wage and my girlfriend's dad got excited for me and told me could afford a new Tesla now. Spoiler: I cannot 13.9k ...


Text - FinnBoland • 1y My wife's mom paid me $100 to cut her grass and her yard is small. 4.8k ...


Text - AcrolloPeed • 1y A friend of mine was dating a super-wealthy girl in college. Not sure how they got together, it was some internship thing or something. He grew up pretty poor, and he told me a story about how they were at Wal- Mart and he was considering buying a pair of flip-flops, but they were like $10 and he wasn't so sure it was something he could afford at the time. Apparently she said to him "What do you mean, you don't know if you should get them? Whenever I want new clothes, I j


Text - 3 1 Award I worked at the concessions stand at a movie theater W and it was opening weekend for a large Marvel movie and the line was super long to get popcorn. This rich millionaire dude from India walked up to me and handed me his AMEX black card and waved a hand over the entire line of customers and said "WHATEVA THEY WANT MY FRIEND" and plopped it down hard on the glass counter. I'm just like "...are you sure?" Him: "WHAT UH EVA THEY UH WANT!" with a huge smile on his face He waited a


Text - bcrabill • 1y Somebody told me about a guy bragging about spending $100 on a bottle of wine and she told me "everyone knows good wine is $100 a glass, not a bottle." 1.4k ...


Text - hugotheyugo • 1y My Dad, who is very wealthy and very stingy, once offered to get me out of a tough situation financially. I didn't have a car and was really struggling to make ends meet. I was telling him about what was going on in my life, and he opens up his wallet and hands me all of it's contents. It was seven dollars. He kept saying how "he'll give me everything he has," and hands me the $7. He felt really proud doing it too. 5.6k


Text - FragrantLetterhead • 1y "If your rent is too expensive, just buy a house" -My Baby Boomer Father. 9.5k ...


Text - Repossessedbatmobile • 1y grew up surrounded by wealthy kids who had no idea how money worked. When we were pre-teens and the holidays came around everyone was talking about their presents, so I said I was super excited because I was getting a new video game that I really wanted as a present (it was the expanded version of zoo tycoon). One of my classmates said to me "so when are you getting your golf cart?" I just stared at him and said "aren't those super expensive?" He laughed and repl


Text - [deleted] • 1y Had a roommate in college who was pretty well off. I was pretty much putting myself through school, and was almost always broke. One day we went by the ATM that dispensed in $5 increments (yeah, I made damn sure I knew where those were!) Anyway, turns out I had less than $5 in the bank, so looked at my buddy and said, "well, looks like no beer for me tonight." He literally looked at me and said "well, just take it out of your other account." I just stared at him and asked w


Text - bubblegummustard • ly My brother moaning about his Well paying trade job and saying he was considering quilting it for a minimum wage supermarket job. "Whats minimum wage now? Like, £10 an hour?" "No, it's £7.25." (At that time, a few years ago) "What? That's impossible. Who can live on that?" "Me." 810 ...


Text - R97R • 1y Odd example as the people involved aren't really rich. Of course, they're older. "If you can't get [job], just work in McDonald's and work your way up, you can easily live off of that!" (The same people also think you can get a job in my field by just walking in and asking for it. "You're just lazy! I could get that job without [STEM degree], and I left school at 17! You just need to be confident). 1.4k


Text - Gneissisnice • 1y There was an obscenely rich kid that I went to high school with. At lunch one day, he thought his friend's peanut butter and jelly sandwich looked good so he offered him $20 for it. For the rest of the school year, the friend brought two sandwiches to lunch every day and gave the rich kid one for $20. 27.0k


Text - MentallyPsycho • 1y I told my parents they were rich. My mom has worked a six figure job for 30+ years, and my dad worked one for 20+. They have two houses, two cars (nice ones), go on yearly vacations to the tropics on top of other stuff, paid for my sister's and my university/college out of pocket, I could go on. My dad said he wasn't rich. 2.9k ...


Text - ColdHeartWarmFart • 1y At the pool there is a concession stand. I overheard a man say "I need 3 snow cones, will $20 be enough?" A snow cone is literally a cup of ice with syrup over top. They cost $1 and they make an easy 90c profit off each cup. 248 ...


Text - Reignofratch • 1y My room mate on a study abroad was confused as to why I said I worked full time to pay for college. He asked why my parents didn't just pay for it. He asked why I had room mates and didn't understand how I couldn't afford a house of my own if I worked. He learned that I drove a 1999 Camry and asked if I just liked classic cars. Because no one would just drive an old car. Because everyone who works can afford a brand new car. Later I watched him squeal when he saw a guy w

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