Thursday, October 29, 2020

Specific Signs Someone is A Decent Person

Sure, someone can just tell you they're a nice person, but that rarely actually means anything. That person could just as easily be a liar. There are a few behaviors people do that illustrate their intentions. For example there's the shopping cart theory of morality. For a dose of faith in humanity here are some wholesome memes.


Text - tbrady4rings 900 points · 11 hours ago e When they pick up a bruised piece of fruit in the produce section and whisper "who did this to you?"


Text - lyn73 837 points · 11 hours ago When conflict arises, they seek peace by being introspective. In addition, they seek to resolve the dispute directly with that person as opposed to gossiping or triangulating.


Text - MischievousMutt 22.5k points · 11 hours ago 2 3 5 In social settings, they notice when 3 & 5 More someone is kinda left out and they find a way to include that person in the conversation or whatever fun is being had.


Text - exterminator122 19.1k points · 13 hours ago 2 when in groups, someone interrupts you, and after they finish, that good person says "X, you were saying?" showing genuine interest and compassion for getting interrupted.


Text - dubc4 17.6k points - 12 hours ago They pick up nails, screws or sharp objects they come across from the parking lot or road so people don't get flat tires.


Text - efesl 16.2k points · 13 hours ago 2 2 e 3 & 2 More They say good things about people behind their backs.


Text - ehricaw 13.5k points · 12 hours ago 2 e S VOTED Even if they don't quite understand or relate to a topic you brought up, they ask follow up questions. Bonus points if they don't seem particularly interested in the topic, but they still remain invested in the conversation since you're excited to talk about it. It always flusters me when I've accidentally bored someone or stalled conversation, so the fact that some try to keep it running to avoid awkward silence feels really sweet to me.


Text - zeteo_galeneian 11.8k points · 13 hours ago 2 e 3 28 When in a group of people walking, they make sure nobody gets left behind by spacing themselves between the leaders and the stragglers and keeping an eye on both


Text - Macrofita 11.4k points · 12 hours ago They can admit when they are wrong about something without getting angry or defensive.


Text - moringa_tea 9.3k points · 13 hours ago VOTER They look engaged when you speak to them, and are patient if you're struggling to explain something. I'm so used to feeling like I have to "sell" my conversation points to hold anyone's attention that someone actually asking me to expand more on my thoughts really takes me off guard.


Text - allanmonroe 9.1k points · 11 hours ago 22 3 2 Someone who remembers a tiny detail about your life or something you like and brings it up in convo much later on.


Text - holyydiver32 5.7k points · 13 hours ago I know my boss is a good person because he's never said anything mean about a rude client or competitive business. It's always, "those guys do awesome work, that guy is just the best man".


Text - beakerNH 5.7k points · 12 hours ago If they decide they don't want to buy something, they put it back where they found it instead of just leaving on a shelf somewhere else.


Text - motownmods 5.1k points · 13 hours ago They always return the cart to the cart corrals.


Text - NellieKane 3.4k points · 14 hours ago My friend sends thank you notes to their dentist.


Text - sacca7 3.3k points · 12 hours ago When they admit and own their mistakes. When they say they don't know something. When they show up on time at least 99.5% of the time. When they show gratitude. When they can apologize to another, and accept forgiveness when someone offers that. Not lying is a very good trait. It builds trust.


Text - DataPlenty 2.9k points · 12 hours ago S Being pleasant and polite to wait staff.


Text - Candid-Self3276 2.2k points · 10 hours ago 32 How they treat animals when no one is looking. Especially stray animals and wildlife.


Text - Aminar14 2.0k points · 11 hours ago S2 They always get food last at communal meals. Making sure everyone else got enough food is a sign they've really conquered their inner caveman.


Text - N173M4R3Z 2.0k points · 13 hours ago They don't ruin your jokes. And that's a big one.


Text - ramsayroosebolton 1.1k points · 8 hours ago They keep the trash with them until they find a dustbin.


Text - Goughmi 1.9k points · 13 hours ago They wait for you when you bend down to tie your shoes


Text - FrogginBullfish_ 1.8k points · 12 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago They let someone with only a few items go in front of them in a checkout lane if they have a full cart. They take time to hold the door for strangers when entering a building a short ways ahead of someone. They let people merge into their lane while on the interstate rather than speeding up.


Text - God_Is_Pizza 1.8k points · 10 hours ago Not stealing money you find. A lot of people in my family have found decent amounts of cash that people have misplaced and returned it. I just would feel terrible if I lost up to a paycheck in cash and someone just swiped it. My cousin, when he was a preteen, lost his wallet in Walmart and it had the money in it to buy him a Nintendo Wii or something when they were brand new. My uncle had basically told him too bad, so sad. And when they got home, m


Text - articulateantagonist 1.5k points · 12 hours ago If they see someone looking confused in a public space, asking if they need directions.

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