Monday, October 12, 2020

Most Mindless Things People Have Witnessed

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the most mindless things that people have ever witnessed out in the world. The thread was inspired by the late George Carlin's infamous quote about how when you meet someone seemingly stupid, there's also another person out there that's going to be twice as dumb as they are. Just considering that, it's no wonder that the kinds of occurrences in this thread are taking place in the world. 


Text - hjallday182 • 14h I witnessed a family try and set up a trampoline on concrete without the legs on, they then jumped on it for 10 minutes. The kids were crying because they thought it didn't work. Dad scratched his head for several minutes while walking on it and doing half bounces. They just built the ring and laid it on concrete. I should have taken a video. Reply 1 485 ...


Text - ReleaseTachankaElite • 15h Someone at my workplace destroyed £750,000 worth of server equipment because he poured water on it Like... directly onto the motherboard Reply 223


Text - AnastasiaSheppard • 10h We had a meeting at work about how many many people were doing an important yet simple process wrong, and I couldn't believe that people could get it wrong, and not realise how important it was. Right after they finished explaining, and still in the same meeting, someone asked how to do the exact same process, and another person started explaining it to them completely wrong. Reply 75 ...


Text - whocares023• 8h While probably not the stupidest example, I once listened to my brother in law go on a rant about how romance books are trash. Why? Because I had a copy of HP Lovecraft's complete works sitting on my coffee table. He assumed it was romance because of the name Lovecraft. Sigh Reply 70


Text - Idonknowwatamdoing • 12h I worked at a restaurant for about 2 years. At one point, we had a guy in his 60s or 70s come in and ask us why we charged for drinks. If it was so cheap for us, why couldn't we give it out free? I had to spend 5 minutes explaining to this grandfather-aged old dude why we actually had to make a profit on things. I just..60 years old and he still doesn't get it... Where did he find a rock THAT big to live under? And why is he not renting it out as an AirBNB for thi


Text - Cats_Waffles • 12h People would list their home on Airbnb and get bookings, then call the helplineI worked at with infuriatingly stupid questions. "What's a browser? What's my password? How can I contact the renter? Can Airbnb please buy my house from me? Can I cancel without penalty because I found out the renter has a visible tattoo?" Good God. Reply 136 ...


Text - anoncop1 • 10h Went to a t-bone accident. The striking car was at a stop sign turning left onto the main road. The main road had no stop signs. I talked to the striking vehicle and she said that she stopped and then began her turn and hit the side of the other vehicle. I told her she was at fault. She argued. She kept telling me that she stopped at the stop sign, so it wasn't her fault. She seriously did not comprehend that you have to stop AND make sure the traffic is clear to make the t


Text - razOrflea • 9h I work in customer service and there have been WAY too many times where a customer calls with a billing dispute, I give them an account credit, then they call back in a week furious because the bill they called about in the first place (ie: the actual physical document itself) hasn't retroactively changed to show that the credit has been applied. People bitching because they haven't received something in the mail yet that they requested the previous day is another common on


Text - Kanae_Yay • 11h When I was still teaching in university, I corrected a student before an exam during a group study-session, and his response was to be combative and snarl "how would you know"? He failed the exam and subsequently the class Reply 91 ...


Text - silenceandnonsense • 13h When people get time & dates confused. For example, those who post "happy 2020 birthday America" on new years eve because they legitimately think the US is that old. Or those that don't understand how the pyramids came before Jesus because obviously the world began with Jesus. Reply 1 79 ...


Text - Happy_FrenchFry • 8h Honestly working retail even for a short time makes you realize just how stupid people are A good example would be all the people who got pissed at me because I wouldn't accept their coupon for a different grocery store Reply 24 ...


Text - rigby0 • 15h How absolutely unaware most people are of what's around them when they are driving. Made worse by cell phones. Reply 54 ...


Text - trev2234 • 5h I work in IT. The domain controller (an important server) for one of our sites stopped responding. We rang up the moron on site whose only real job is to follow our instructions because we aren't there. He says it's been stolen. We point out that he's the only one who has access, and there's been no break in (something you'd have thought he might mention). We ask if this is his way of saying he stole it. He says no, but it is stolen. Everyone is busy so the manager drives ov


Text - BOOLEAN_RADLEY • 13h I was in the Army. I've been around a lot of rock-heads. Double take "really?!" type stupidity. I remember being back the MEPS station (the medical facility where you do the physical.) Some poor kid was getting told "you scored too low on the ASVAB, you can't join until you retake and score higher" I think back. How stupid was that guy that he could not meet the Army's minimum intelligence standard. Definitely not a high bar. Reply 162 ...


Text - DFWPunk • 12h A shocking number of people have never noticed that even number addresses are on l've side of the street, and odd numbers are on the other side. Especially true of Doordash drivers. Reply 67 ...


Text - phpdevster • 11h I worked at Staples and did EasyTech repair work. We had a promotion where people could bring in their PCs for a free diagnostic and tuneup (which was really just a way for us to convince them they needed more RAM or other upgrades that wouldn't actually help them). A woman brought in her monitor and keyboard and mouse. Literally the three things we didn't need. I had to bring her over to the desktop computers we had for sale to get her to understand which component she a


Text - Ginger_Chick • 14h When I was a librarian I frequently had full grown adults ask me the difference between fiction and non-fiction. Reply 82 ...

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