Monday, October 12, 2020

Couple Gets Fed Up With Roommates, Move Out With Everything

Many of us have experienced bad roommates at some point in our lives. It sounds like these particular roommates were all kinds of toxic and passive aggressive. So, when the couple could put up with their antics no longer, they decided to up and move out with all of their belongings. Thing about taking all of their belongings, was that meant that the old roommates were left with pretty much nothing. 


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/ElectroBonuzz • 1d + Join I'm not gonna pay for your comfort This happened last month. By some universe coincidences, me and my girlfriend ended up living with another couple in a rented house to split costs. It was a big house so each couple would have their own bathroom, bedroom and we shared the common places like the kitchen and the living room. The house was originally rented by a co-worker who by the time of this story was no longer in the house anymore, but all the


Text - This other couple was really annoying, they would leave their dirty dishes in the sink with rotten food and only washed them until the weekend. or leaving their dog to poop all over the house. One time the guy was cooking in a torn out shorts and his underwear was very visible, this was really uncomfortable to my girl. Any time I talked to them about all the issues that bothered us, they used to change their habits for a few days and then it was all the same. But the house was rented and


Text - Ok, I did my best to wear a hoodie and sleep with my winter clothes in the middle of the fucking summer inside the house, just so they would be comfortable and for the sake of saving a few bucks in rent money. And of course the innevitable happenned. The electric bill came and it was 4 times higher than the usual, and it was a lot. So I talked to them about how their use of the electircity was out of control and why we should split the bill 25/75 since me and my girl are almost never home


Text - After this bastard and his girlfriend made me pay for their comfort, they started doing a lot of passive agressive stuff like throwing out my unspoiled food while they would leave their rotten food on my fridge, or using their TV at the highest volume while I tried to sleep (I get up really early to excercise before work, so I go to sleep really early). And a lot of things like that in a very childish manner. In addition of still leaving on every kind of electrical device in the house whi


Text - We talked to the owner of the previous house about us leaving and he had no problem at all, so it was all set. We waited until the other couple were out of town for the weekend and took every last thing we owned out of that house and moved out. I left them without any furniture, I mean no stove, no microwave, not even a table to eat. I left my keys at the entrance of their bedroom door and a note that said "We couldn't bare your attitudes anymore so we left with our belongings, have a nic

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