Friday, September 18, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Hollywood's Unrealistic Standards For Males

This enlightening Tumblr thread shines light on those iconic roles like Wolverine and Brad Pitt in Fight Club, and how the dudes playing them were actually so dehydrated and starved for nutrients that they were literally about to pass out. Thanks for the toxic and unrealistic beauty standards, Hollywood. Sheesh. 


Text - Game Of Thrones's Natalie Dormer: men are as objectified as women on TV The actor has joined the debate about objectification in TV and film, saying both genders are judged equally on looks Finally, a sane celebrity who doesn't bend the knee to feminist bullshit. Source the-critical-feminist My god I love her.


Text - cruxofargon I know people are gonna get salty af about this but by God she's RIGHT. When Brad Pitt did Fight Club, he was cutting weight for every single scene to maintain his physique at 155. I've you've ever cut weight, you know how horrible that must have been. He did it because they needed a "look". Changing Tatum said his Magic Mike body doesn't last for more than five days. He starved down and dehydrated his already fit physique for a "look". The male soldiers on Spartacus: Blood an


Human - Chris Evans had to wear shirts so small they physically hurt, and he dislocated a shoulder during the helicopter scene in Civil War. But who cares, girls got to wet their panties watching Captain America flex. guyveranimefan87 If we are talking about unrealistic physical standards of male fitness given to us by movies, I would like to mention Hugh "Wolverine" Jackman here. Yeah, he is ripped, isn't he? Well, it is true, but to get that kind of definition, he went through 36 hour period o


Shoulder - But only when he partakes in competitions, since it is not humanly possible to live with such low fat percentage of one's body for longer periods of time. I mean, yeah, he keeps a draconian training regime, as well as a very strict diet even off-season, but looks much more human then. There are documented cases of incredibly fit and muscular bodybuilders fainting on the stage in the middle of their flexing routines, as well as several who outright died, because of cardiac arrest cause


Text - fierceawakening I had no idea that most people who looked like this are dehydrated until I read posts like this. brunhiddensmusings dehydrated to the point theyre about a day away from actual organ failure okay so chris hemsworth is a absolute god of a man, but hollywood says 'thats not good enough' and for the thor movie he has to spend several days having the juice squeezed from his body untill he looses about a gallon of whats supposed to be him so that he can do 2 days of shooting sce

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