Friday, September 18, 2020

Man Lives To Regret Cracking Dad Jokes At Airport

The desire to crack a dad joke can be too much to bear sometimes. In this case, the guy learned his lesson about maybe exercising some more self restraint the next time the maddening urge to unleash a dad joke presents itself at the airport. 


Text - r/tifu + Join u/axiomatic- • 15h TIFU by making dad jokes in the security line at the airport. M Happened a few minutes ago and only resulted in minor embarrassment, a reprimand to be careful about my jokes, and a slight delay getting through security. So I'm at the airport this morning with a film crew about to fly on a special flight during covid. I'm a visual effects supervisor (relevant for further on) and am waiting in line with the crew as get our bags scanned. The security guy asks


Text - And then my bag starts to vibrate. I reach into the front pouch and pull out my phone, which is vibrating because of an alarm I have set for 8am. Instead of apologising and saying I forgot the phone et,. I look up at the guy, point at my vibrating phone, and say, "That's Alarming." Because Dad Jokes. Anyway the guy let's me go, but not before looking like he's going to put me in a choke hold. I quickly pack my bag and begin to head towards the escalator.


Text - Ive taken ten steps when another security guy stops me. He asks if he can do a bomb test. I'm feeling very foolish already, so in my most humble In sorry sir, yes sir, I will come with you sir voice, I agree and follow him to his station. The guy tells me to open my bags so he can swab them, my clothes, my shoes and my hat. I say that's fine and open things up. Again. Next, he asks me, "Sir do you have any explosives in your bag?" and without thinking I say "Nah mate, I don't make the exp


Text - See, my job as a vfx supervisor, is to make computer graphics elements you can film. I'll often tell people I make robots, explosions, space ships - that kind of thing. I've got a joke about exploring unicorns too, which doesn't go down well with children, but I'm getting side tracked. The explosive detection guy does not think my joke is funny. Probably because I haven't explained to him my job, right? So I proceed to start babbling about computers and films and ... exploding unicorns. I


Text - He points over my shoulder at the other people with film gear and says, "You with the film crew then?" In mute apologetic silence I nod. He nods slowly back and says, "Yeah, my son does animation. He works in a dark room without contact with a lot of people." A knowing look and a raised eyebrow from the guy, as if I also have reduced social skills. He is correct. "Next time you get asked if you have explosives on you, maybe skip the part about blowing things up." Nice security man finishe

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