Friday, September 18, 2020

Most Supernatural Experiences People Had

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about some of the most supernatural experiences that people have ever had. At the very least, it's threads like this that can invite folks to consider there's a whole lot more going on in this universe than we will ever fully understand. 


Text - VerityPushpram • 12d January 1 2003 - a stretch of road between 2 coastal towns in Australia It was a dark and stormy, was Driving along with my partner, I noticed a car coming up behind us, travelling fast. It was a single lane road so we couldn't move over I said to my partner "This guy is in a hurry, let him overtake you" My partner agreed and he moved left as soon as there was an overtaking lane The car pulled up beside us and then disappeared. There was nowhere i


Text - Vindepin • 12d 2 Awards My remote once jumped off the TV by itself (the oldschool box type of television) when I was watching with my girlfriend. Didn't fall or slide off; we actually saw it take a leap as if somebody threw it. We both just sat there being really confused before even questioning it out loud Reply 6.2k ...


Text - Swagmeister420_69 • 12d When I was around 17, I got out of bed to go get my dog out of his kennel and feed him. As I passed one of the cabinets, a voice whispered in my ear "wake up." I could feel the breath and everything and literally just froze for a few seconds, and ran upstairs telling myself "what the fuck" repeatedly. It has messed with me to this day. I'd rather have heard absolutely ANYTHING else because "wake up" just messes with you. Reply 1 281 ...


Text - ThatPancreatitisGuy • 12d I had a dream my dog had gone to a distant corner of our heavily wooded back yard and dug a hole to get out, which was odd because he wasn't a digger. He was stuck on the other side of the chain link fence because the hole was at a steep angle and he couldn't squeeze back through. I lifted the fence up enough for him to get back through. The next day I got home and the yard was eerily quiet. He'd usually run up to greet me. I thought of the dream and walked strai


Text - itsnotboringenough • 12d When I was 16, an uncle (dad's brother) passed unexpectedly. Weeks later, I had a dream about him and he told me to quit smoking cigarettes. (It was way more involved but it's been 20+ years so I don't remember the rest.) A month or so later, I mentioned the dream to my parents and my dad started crying, got up and walked away. Apparently he'd dreamed of talking to his brother too, and he'd told my dad that he (uncle) needed to talk to me. EDIT: All the stories ar


Text - SmuckersBunny • 12d I worked for an online retailer warehouse for a few months. There were two depressing windows that obviously were the bare minimum required for zoning that I probably walked by a thousand times a day. Outside youd see a concrete retaining wall, and some trucks. Obviously after a while l'd barely see out of my periphery, wall trucks, trucks wall. Until one day I saw trucks and then in the second window, pigs. It was only a second but I definitely saw a bunch of massive


Text - CLOS_361 • 12d 1 Award I used to do pest control. Went to a customers business for the first time. As I walked in the office I noticed some pictures that were Supposed to be hanging on the wall were on the ground and then saw some papers which looked like they had been thrown and scattered off a desk. I picked everything up so I could apply treatment to the floor Boards and surrounding rooms. I then went to treat The only restroom in the office, I simply knocked on the door as a courtesy


Text - Representative_Rest2 • 12d My best friends dad, who was a second father to me, came to me in a dream and told me to tell my best friend that he loved her and that he was sorry. I woke up to my cell phone ringing to find it was my best friend absolutely hysterical telling me that he finally passed away from sclerosis. I sobbed all day. He was a drunk our whole lives but it still hurt Reply 2.6k ...


Text - 2 Awards In 2018, My grandpa was in the hospital due to being in a very bad diabetic state, no one wanted to say it but he was close to the end of his life. My sister and a few cousins flew out see him, and he was getting worse. I wanted to go , but I couldn't due to money, and it was killing me because Him, and I were extremely close. He ends up passing away a couple weeks later , and when my grandma called , she said he kept asking for me and my mom before he passed , and that crushed m


Text - whitneyrosenberg • 12d I saw my deceased ex husband in my kitchen. I was watching tv in my living room (in the middle of the day) and kept hearing this sound, like someone was jiggling their change around. And it was loud, as if it were in the room with me. I paused my t.v. yet the sound persisted. So I start to look around the room and when I got to the kitchen, I saw him standing there. He was looking around, as if taking stock of my apartment. Oh, and he was jiggling change in one hand


Text - He turned his head and saw me frozen, staring at him. The expression on his face was knew I would never forget. His eyes got HUGE and he kind of tilted his head forward, with the expression like, "You can SEE me??!" I don't how long we stared at each for, but I turned away when I started to hear my cat ripping up the fucking carpet again in the other room. When I turned back to my ex, he was gone. It's worth noting that he had only been dead for a couple months too. Some Romanian women I


Text - TooEarlyForMe • 12d I was spending the night at a friend's house who had a lot of woods on his land. We were probably 14-15 or so. We set up a tent back in the woods maybe a 30-minute walk from his house. We hung out in the tent listening to music on a boombox and bullshitting, smoking cigarettes like true rebels, standard teenager shit. As the sun was going down, we decided we didn't really want to spend the night in the woods and started walking back towards his house. There was still e


Text - As we were walking and talking, we both went silent mid-sentence. We just starting walking quietly for a little bit. Then I say to my buddy, "You feel that?", and he says back "Yeah, what is that man?" and we're both looking around. I have this hair raising feeling like something hostile is watching, but don't hear anything. We start walking just a little bit faster, as there's still a little ways to go. We both have this feeling of dread, and out of nowhere we both fucking stop and end u


Text - We both start sprinting through the woods at full throttle. Just running directly through small trees and branches. Neither of us stops until we're inside his house and the back door is closed. We both ran so hard that we almost passed out, it took us a while to catch our breath. We have no idea what it was in the woods. Reply 1.5k ...


Text - -CoreyJ- • 12d When I was 15, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw this strange spotlight appear on my wall. It was a circle made up of a bunch of bright circular dots within it. It came on strong, then rotated 90 degrees and then turned off. It was so surreal because the light was extremely bright and yet it was also focused on that one spot on my wall. When I woke up the next morning I couldn't get the image out of my head, but I just assumed I must have dreamed it. My sister an


Text - Fingerhut89 • 12d 4 years ago my fiancĂ© died. He and his parents were American but we were living in another country so, in less than a week we had to clean the house. We took with us some things in the plane but everything else was shipped. When I get to the US I realised I can't find some earrings he gave to me in our first anniversary. I called my mum back home to check if I had left them somewhere but had no luck. I was absolutely devastated. Few months go by and one of his aunts had


Text - lauloveskimchi • 12d This happened to me when I was around 19 and still living with my mom. It was the night before Three Kings Day. I was fast asleep in bed, when suddenly I woke up with the loud thought in my head screaming "you're not alone." I was facing the wall and all my hairs stood on end. I started hearing what sounded like clothes rustling, like someone was moving quietly in my room. I was scared shitless but at that point it's like "god dammit now I have to look" and when I did


Text - KahunaSquatch • 12d 1 Award One time me and my husband was watching tv in our living room. He decided to kick his shoes off while sitting on the couch and both shoes landed in front of the tv stand, on the floor and on their sides. About 30 minutes into the tv show we were watching, one of his shoes OUT OF THE FUCKING BLUE MOVED UPWARDS BY ITSELF! I froze up on the couch and out of the corner of my eye, I saw my husband starring at his shoe looking startled! Then I said to my husband, "Di


Text - Kosaru • 12d 3 Awards About a year ago my coworker and I went to get coffee at a new coffee shop that opened up by our work. I was dealing with a lot of anxiety over my future. Anyway, while in line there was a woman in front of me. She was giving her order when she stopped mid-sentence and looks behind her to see me. She turns back around gives the barista her order. After I give my order she comes up to me and "Hey, I know this is going to sound weird, but do you know a man named Jim?"


Text - bpppnyc • 12d Dead of night, I get this uncontrollable urge to wake up and crawl to the edge of my bed and peek down the hallway into the kitchen. I can't explain it but I literally felt possessed to do so. I was maybe 4 or 5. When I reached the edge of my bed and stared down the hallway I saw a figure, a ghost. It was my uncle. He had recently died due to a tragic car accident. He had a broken leg, was crossing the street, a truck lost control, my uncle couldn't run fast enough with his


Text - Technomancer3 • 12d My house was built in the mid 1800s as a farm stead, and over the last 20 years that my family has occupied it, we've made various renovations to it. One thing we discovered while gutting the last un renovated room in the house was that some of the struts and paneling was charred; as if there had been a particularly bad fire in that room. Later on, my brother told me that he had seen a pair of feet that looked burnt running through the house late at night a few years a

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