Sunday, August 2, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Smart Dog Learns the Dinner Criteria

Like people, dogs can easily pick up a on patterns. They might not know exactly why something works, they just learn that something DOES work and they keep doing that. Pretty much exactly like people. For another smart dog, here's an intriguing Tumblr thread about a dog who learned how to herd a lawn roomba.


Text - mothsplaining when dogs are scary smart over the last several months, we have been implementing a protocol to eliminate karybelle the sheltie's barking surrounding her mealtimes. we have accomplished this by initially introducing an alternate activity during prep time (stuffed kong) and religiously giving her a time out gated in the yard if she stops that activity to bark, thus delaying her dinner until she's quiet. this has been extremely successful; she's gone from barking literally 100


Text - tchaikovskaya literally the canine version of this Could you excuse me? [Screams]


Product - lottafuckingshit me, reading this post, having no idea what the fuck a stuffed kong is: Why don't you have a (stuffed kong) and maybe you'll calm down mothsplaining ASFHFHSJALKSJSHDHJS Source:mothsplaining

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Tagged: dogs , tumblr , smart , dinner , story , dumb , funny

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