Monday, August 17, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Rocky Horror Picture Show Was Freedom

This fun Tumblr thread shines light on what makes the Rocky Horror Picture Show so special to folks. It was the go to place to get as weird as possible and discover oneself. 


Text - unthrash-deactivated20151110 rocky horror is the worst and is also transmisogynistic can we please finally get over this shit movie fagtrender ok but like the writer is transgender nonbinary and the language used in the play was the preferred language by trans people of that time can we not deny parts of our history because we've evolved since then thanks minim-calibre Follow So fucking much this. PS, youth of today: you'll be saying the same damn thing about art from this time before too


Text - Bowie was playing straight, and even Elton John was married to a woman, and midnight showing of RHPS were pretty much the only place that felt like home. It was mental life raft for a lot of people. I was one of them. jumpingjacktrash Follow rocky horror was a lifeline. y'all have NO IDEA how isolated we were before the internet, before mobile phones. imagine never having an unsupervised conversation with your friends. literally never. you were at school, or you were on the landline in th


Text - to death... it felt like the literal end of the world, and you were completely fucking alone. and then there was this cultural phenomenon. this unapologetically senseless movie, morbid and silly and full of genderweird and catchy songs and cheesy tropes. the places that did the midnight showings were financially unimportant, out of the way, under the radar, and it was safe to be weird there. you could convince your parents to let you go because you'd go in a group, and since it was at a t


Text - roachpatrol Follow i went to a very open and sexually liberal performing arts highschool in the aughts like twenty years later, and RHPS was still a wonderful thing to experience as a teenager sorting out gender and sexuality issues. i was surrounded by girls trading yaoi comics and boys trading yuri comics and theater kids that had every line of RENT memorized. and i saw RHPS in ninth grade, i think, and made sure to go to showings nearly every year thereafter, at older friend's parties


Text - being able to kiss your girlfriend in the middle of a crowd and not be attacked, it was corsets on DMABS and three-piece suits on DFABS, and everyfuckingthing was queered. Right there, on stage, in living colour. It was amazing. Don't sneer at the old guard, kidlets. Every generation forges the media it needs at the time. dontbearuiner Follow Always reblog this. Especially now at the 40th anniversary. Reminder: I grew up in *Manhattan.* My parents, in the grand scheme of things, were pret

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