Thursday, June 4, 2020

Man Calls Girlfriend Spoiled Brat

This guy asked the people of Reddit's AITA community whether or not he was in the wrong for calling his girlfriend a spoiled brat, because her parents pay for everything. People in the comments section all seem to agree that the dude was stepping way out of line with his "assessment." Basically, you jealous, bro?


Text - r/AmltheAsshole + Join u/dddundermuffin • 17h 1 AITA for telling my girlfriend that she's a spoiled brat? My girlfriend (24F) and I (35M) have been together for almost a year. She comes from a wealthy family. They own several houses and buy my gf everything she wants whenever she wants it. They're good people, but I think they need to treat her like a woman instead of a child. I worked hard for everything I have, which isn't much, so it frustrates me to watch her coast through life. They


Text - So yesterday my girlfriend and I got into a very heated argument. She told me her new laptop had finally come. I asked her what laptop. She said her old one broke a few days ago so she ordered a new one. She got a top of the line MacBook, way more bells and whistles than what she needs. I asked how she paid for it but I knew the answer, her parents bought it. So here's where I might be the asshole. I was really mad knowing they probably spent 3 months of what could be someone's rent on a


Text - I get that I was harsh on her but I really don't think I was wrong. She's an adult who has no concept of what the real world is like. I want the best for her at the end of the day. Reddit, AITA? 3.6k 1.5k 1 Share


Text - SadRegular • 17h YTA For how you handled this. Does she flaunt her wealth? Treat people poorly? Expect to get good grades because of her money? Her laptop broke and her parents bought her a new one. NBD. Did you walk in on her screeching at the top of her lungs on the phone with her parents demanding a top of the line MacBook or is that just the laptop what they bought? You've provided no evidence that she's a spoiled brat, only that her family is financially stable and your behavior sugg


Text - MalsPrettyBonnet • 17h • Pooperintendant [69] Yeah, YTA. Spoiled brats throw tantrums for what they want. It sounds like her parents are very generous, and it's not really any of your business if they buy her a laptop rather than paying someone else's rent as long as she's not expecting you to do the same. Not anyone can be a doctor, even if she's given lots of luxuries. Maybe you were lashing out from your own insecurities. Your girlfriend is a saver. She has more money in a savings acco


Text - KitchenCellist • 17h YTA! She is 24. You are 35 and sound jealous that she comes from a wealthy background.


Text - MissEssquire • 17h • Certified Proctologist [24] YTA she's 24. When I was 24 I sill depended on my parents. You're in a completely different point at 35. She's acting her age and you're being salty about it. And if you're in a relationship with her you should be grateful her parents are able to cover her medical school bills and she won't have a 6 figure debt to contend with. Also - do you know how hard med school is? That girl WORKS her ass off. Gtfo


Text - tealfyre • 17h • Asshole Aficionado [14] YTA that was rude as fuck. you started the fight because you're jealous and petty, she did nothing to deserve that


Text - KatJen76 • 17h • Colo-rectal Surgeon [41] YTA you honestly just come across as resenting the fact that she's rich. If that's how you feel, you should break up now since that's something about her that may not change (and if it does, I get the sense you'd be just as irritated with her attempts to adjust to different circumstances).


Text - GhostofKhutulun • 13h YTA. This really isn't your business whether her parents bought her a laptop. You're also presuming to know best, and that you should be the one to dictate what she does or doesn't need. You're also belittling someone who clearly had the discipline to get into medical school. And telling her that she has had everything handed to her? And a spoiled brat? That was inexcusable and infantizing. No wonder she won't talk to you. You do realize that she's probably broken up


Text - ForteFlame • 17h • Partassipant [1] YTA. Not to be mean, but you don't really come off as being concerned for her wellbeing, you sound petty and jealous. Your comment of "anyone can become a doctor with the kinds of opportunities she has" really solidifies that. Yeah, she comes from a place of great privilege, but medical school is hard work no matter how much money you throw at it. If you're really concerned about this situation with her parents, you should talk to her about it, but this


Text - Jaded_Goose • 16h Her laptop broke. So she's buying one she "doesn't need"? Are you serious? I'm not rich, but I enjoy buying the best things I can afford. Everyone in this world is at a different place and pace compared to others. If you can't keep up with her lifestyle, then gtfo of her life and choose someone that you'd approve. She doesn't need this shit from you. Or is this why you're so upset? Because she doesn't need you to get her stuff, and you really want to feel needed?


Text - alpha_rat_fight_ • 17h YTA. I ruined my first relationship completely by being unable to get over the fact that my boyfriend and I came from completely different financial backgrounds (his, similar to your girlfriend's). My jealousy poisoned the relationship. It was ugly. If you can't handle the fact that adults from wealthy backgrounds have a different reality than others, then don't date outside your tax bracket.


Text - CluckeryDuckery • 17h • Asshole Aficionado [13] ΥΤΑ You sound jealous and whiny.


Text - binkman69 • 17h YTA, it's not your girlfriends fault for being born well off and having her parents support her. You're clearly jealous.


Text - Kiwishea • 17h • Partassipant [2] ΥΤΑ. Bruh Ain't your place to dictate that, you sound so bitter. I could see maybe having a reality check talk with her if she was throwing tantrums or being rude/mean/vile in anyway or buying a new car everytime she runs out of gas, but it doesn't sound like it at all. I mean, idk, if you have the money, spend it


Text - mamamaggie1619 • 17h • Partassipant [3] YTA. She may be spoiled but you are the one acting like a brat. Her parents have money and choose to use it to support her. She is using her privilege to attend medical school and put away money into savings. No where do you mention her rubbing her money in your face or lording it over you. Those are the behaviors that would make a brat. Do you even like your girlfriend? You put down her accomplishment (apparently she only got into medical school be


Text - mrcleanslawyer • 17h • Partassipant [1] YTA-If she was lording it over people or being an uncompromising ass to people who don't have the same luck as her, yeah, I would get it. But from what you said, you basically snapped at her out of jealousy. If you really don't like that, don't date her. Don't waste your time.


Text - Sweet_Deeznuts • 17h • Asshole Enthusiast [5] YTA. She's 24 and is in a position where her parents help out with school and other expenses. You haven't really said anything to show that she's acting like a spoiled brat. You sound like you're more jealous/bitter about her financial situation. I'm saying this as someone who had to work and put themselves through school as well, who doesn't have rich parents to pay the majority of my expenses. You should apologize.


Text - Quicksilver1964 • 15h YTA. You're here dating girls 10+ years younger than you and expecting them to be mature when you yourself wrote a Reddit post that shows your jealousy? I'm so sorry she has rich parents that can help her. That must be so hard on you and on your ego that this young adult has much more money than you, at you mid 30s.


Text - AmitBen • 15h YTA. A major one. You are dating a 24-year-old. She is privileged, and it can be obnoxious to people who had many more obstacles to success... but she is a 24- year-old medical student. You are a man in your mid- thirties. Find someone your own age if you want someone more independent (and appropriate).


Text - AdelynnWilde • 16h YTA - Her parents bought their 24 year old daughter a new laptop, which she excitedly went to show her boyfriend, and you attacked her over it!? Was she not supposed to get upset that you're treating her like this? And that thing about med school too - if someone belittled my accomplishments like that l'd break up with them immediately. You can pay tuition to go to college, it takes work to actually succeed. You talk like she's a brat just because her family has money,


Text - PassThePeachSchnapps • 13h • Asshole Enthusiast [6] YTA I want the best for her at the end of the day. Oh, the fuck you do. She's in medical school and will always have more than you, and the only way you can feel better about yourself is to spin this fantasy that she'll "get hers" someday. You think she should live in the "real world"? She is. It's just a better one than yours. I've worked hard for everything I have Well, better preorder a gravestone with that chiseled on it because that


Text - jess3474957 • 17h • Certified Proctologist [24] YTA. I've been in your position before out of jealousy and it doesn't look good at all or make you feel better. It drives away people who care about you. If you were in her position you probably wouldn't think twice. Just because others struggle that doesn't mean your girlfriend should.


Text - Rumble73 • 16h • Partassipant [2] Yes YTA. It's not your business, you sound jealous and of you sound like you don't even respect her so why are you with her?


Text - pennylanethepuggle • 16h YTA Her parents are supporting her because they can. She needs a laptop bc she's in med school. Who are you to judge which one she should get? What upsets you more that her parents care about her or they can afford to buy her things you can't afford?


Text - RedWomanz • 17h • Partassipant [2] ΥΤΑ. Stop being jealous of her situation.


Text - Elle_Vetica • 16h • Partassipant [1] YTA. You're jealous, which is understandable to an extent- we have huge wealth disparities in this country and it's frustrating to see Bezos making millions every day while millions of people wait for food pantry handouts - but you have no right to take out your jealousy/bitterness on your (probably former) girlfriend. Nothing you said here reflects poorly on your girlfriend. Her parents are entitled to spend their money on her if they want. That doesn

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