Friday, June 5, 2020

Entitled Influencer Expects Free Clothing

These influencers just keep coming on out of the woodwork with their dispositions of unreal entitlement. In this case, the influencer expects free clothing due to their "influence." Well, listen up, sis, that's not how businesses work. 


Text - Wait so since you already have the Saree then how is it costing you more money? You're not paying me to do it. You're missing my point. I spent money to get the Saree so then I can sell it to make money. If I just give it to you then I'm not going to make money on that Saree. Do you understand?


Text - But you already bought it so you own it so how are you losing money? It's literally free advertising! Do you know how business works? It seems you don't understand the concept but I don't time to explain it to you so I'm not interested, sorry. Wow! Seems like you don't know how to run a business! Ugh you won't be successful with that kind of attitude!!


Text - We'll see about that and you need a reality check with your delusion of how a business works. Good luck trapping someone else with your "influence" Listen! I can ruin your business in a heartbeat sis! Keep that nasty attitude up and you'll fail!!


Text - Omg you're crazy. Just leave me alone Well you messed with the wrong chick! Watch how I ruin you bit. &S!#% I'm reporting you...buh bye you beggar! you!!! &$!#% &$!#% Double tap to like

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