Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Demanding Karen Insists She Works at the Store

It would take the most silver-tongued of devils to talk their way into an employee-only 7-11 bathroom in the middle of the night, and whatever opinion this entitled Karen has of herself, she's not gonna get in there. For another ridiculous Karen tactic, here's a Karen who demanded to speak to a fellow customer's manager.


Text - r/IDontWorkHerelady · Posted by u/wafflecopter2 16 hours ago No, YOU don't work here, lady XL I've never been mistaken for an employee at a place I don't work at, but I did have to tell a Karen that she doesn't work at my store. I work at 7-Eleven, and I've been there for about six years now. I used to work night shift (boy, do I have some stories from those days) but one that really stands out for this subreddit is the time I had to tell a lady she doesnt work at my store.


Text - It was late one night (or perhaps early in the morning) and my cover had gone home for the night, so I was running the store by myself. I had an older woman come in with a younger woman (late 40s and early 20s, so I'm assuming mother and daughter). Mom just so happens to have that "Karen" vibe to her. She walks up to my counter while I'm taking care of some tasks. Karen: Can I use your bathroom? Now, we don't have a public bathroom at my store. We have a staff bathroom, but it's behind a


Text - Me: Sorry, we don't have a bathroom. Karen: Well, where do YOU quys go to the bathroom then? Me: We have a staff bathroom, but it's for staff only. Karen: Well, I'm staff so you have to let me use your bathroom. Me: I don't think you work here. Karen: Yes I do. I worked for 7-Eleven 20 years ago, so you have to let me use your bathroom. Again, it's a bathroom for staff only. We'll make an exception for employees that left recently, but even if this lady is telling the truth, she left the


Text - Me: I'm sorry, I can't let you use our bathroom. Karen: WELL, I want to speak to your MANAGER. It's about 3 in the morning right now, so our manager is asleep. I'm kinda losing my mind here, because this is my first interaction with a Karen in the wild. I'm still relatively new to the company too, so I can't think of any other option right now. Me: Okay, I'll give her a call. I call my manager, and she's very not pleased. I explain the situation, and she tells me the best thing to do is a


Text - Me: I called my manager, and she says you can't use our bathroom. Karen: Yeah, right. *passive aggressive eyeroll* Me: My manager also said you have to leave. Karen: Whatever. If I p*** myself, it's all your fault. Thankfully she didn't raise a huge stink about it, but wow. I can't think of another time I've had to tell a customer that they don't work at my store. Usually if they do, they know the code already and can just walk into the back to talk to the boss. So that's my horror story

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Tagged: wtf , bathroom , lol , story , dumb , 7-11 , stupid , karen

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