Saturday, June 27, 2020

Bride With Allergies Doesn't Want Friend's Dog At Wedding

This bride asked the people of Reddit whether or not she was in the wrong for not wanting her friend's dog at the wedding. It would seem like this particularly tough predicament boils down to the fact that they both have disabilities, and it's completely understandable that due to the bride's extenuating circumstances (intense allergies) that she wouldn't want the dog at the wedding. 


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Text - Text - silverskyes83 • 15h NTA. In all honesty I thought you would be with the title. But your wedding is something you want to enjoy. You met with her prior, explained everything. Have her options, and even offered to pay for professional services. I understand her needing her guide to be able to function, but it's your day. And not like you said he would be on her own. I think you handled it fine. Reply 1.3k ...


Text - nippitybibble • 15h • Asshole Enthusiast [5] NTA. You can no more switch your disability off for a day than she can, and it's your wedding. Was expecting to find you TA based on the title but you can't be around the dog and enjoy the day. You offered her a number of solutions and a lot of consideration, but while it's understandable as well that she doesn't want to attend without her dog, she shouldn't expect you to risk your health in an enclosed space or be too drowsy to enjoy your own


Text - Text - yeoldedweller • 15h • Partassipant [2] NAH - Whilst I can understand your friend being upset especially as the dog is so important to their ability to get about safely. Your wedding is also important and being uncomfortable or worse is going to ruin the day for you. The fact you addressed this with them beforehand and were willing to help them find suitable arrangements so they could enjoy the wedding is what l'd consider above and beyond. Enjoy your wedding op. Reply 555 ...


Text - Text - RussianEarlGrey • 12h This was not what I was expecting. I was ready to label you TA, especially when it was clear to me it was a Guide Dog. But then you mentioned your severe allergies where you have to take pills that make you so drowsy you can't drive. I'm on the fence (between N.A.H and N.T.A) but going with NTA. Your friend is a mild TA for her accusations of you being an ableist (had to google that, learned something new). You didn't tell her to cope by herself. You told her


Text - Text - LOL your disability can't be switched off for the day either, and given it's your wedding day, your needs take priority. This might be one of those "a fish can't love a bird" scenarios if she's not willing to make any attempt to accommodate you. It sounds like you've spent your entire friendship accommodating her, and she seems to think her disability is more important than yours, which is BS. You've even thought of five different scenarios that might help her in absence of her dog


Text - Text - Lysa3 • 9h • Partassipant [1] I would have said n.a.h, but this She accused me of being ableist and thinking her disability can be switched off for the day. made me change my mind to NTA. You can't switch off your allergies and other health issues. You've offered everything you could think of to make sure she could be there and you would not have to be miserable. She is TA for telling you this, as if you hadn't made all the efforts you can to accommodate the both of you on your wed


Text - Text - Whitedragon6702 • 15h • Asshole Aficionado [10] Lmao NTA, your an ableist because apparently your severe dog allergy and asthma cause problems for you, at your own wedding, while you offered a couple different options to help suit her needs like YOU paying for a proffesional special aid to help her around. Just don't invite her Reply 168 ...


Text - crazykaty19999• 10h NTA. Allergies as severe as yours can also be considered a disability. I'm like you only around horses and only avoidance helps! Reply ...


Text - Text - pinkwineenthusiast • 15h · Asshole Aficionado [15] NTA. Sticky situation for sure maybe you can arrange a celebration with just friends after the wedding/ honeymoon but your allergy is reason enough. There's really no inbetween here but at that point l'd just tell her you wanted to invite her but the dog being there would really mess up your wedding and that day is about you and your partner, not her. Reply 1 39 ...


Text - c_hriscole • 15h • Partassipant [3] NAH. If you didn't have a reaction to the pills you take to be around the dog, you would be TA. However, it is your wedding day and you have every right to not want to be drowsy and uncomfortable. You tried to make adjustments. However, I dont think she's an AH either because I can understand her not wanting to feel like she has to rely on people and that they have to watch her and take care of her during her friends wedding. She probably just wants to


Text - Foxmiint • 11h NTA. Your friend needs to realise that it's not just HER DOG that you don't want at the wedding. Her dog or ANY DOG being there could quite literally ruin the entire day for you. She needs to get her head out of her ass and realise that, technically, her dog causes you to have a type of disability and therefore you literally can't have her there. ((Severe allergies are disabilities, they can kill and if the pills OP takes to avoid having reactions makes them super drowsy an


Text - Sylvurphlame • 6h NTA The pertinent facts are, as I understand them. 1. friend has a legit service guide dog 2. OP is severely allergic to dogs 3. OP normally premedicates before hanging out with friend but also experiences extreme drowsiness as an interaction side effect with other mandatory meds 4. OP attempted to make alternate arrangements to accommodate friend, up to and including hiring a professional aide for the duration of the event I don't really get how not wanting the dog ther


Text - purpleboxkite • 14h NTA Your allergen needs are JUST as important as her need to have a service dog. You put your health and safety at risk to see her. You have to take something that renders you for a lack of a better set of words... useless after you see her. If she cannot for less then like 1/4th the amount of time you give with an allowance for your allergy.. that's her problem not yours. I could understand her being upset if the dog was a medical alert dog like you said for seizures


Text - somegarbagedoesfloat • 9h NTA. When I read the title I was 100% against you. The fact that when you offered to replace her dog with a human being who's entire purpose is to help people with disability, it became clear your friend is more interested in capitalizing on thier disability by virtue signaling and calling attention themselves. There's literally no other explanation, you're offering to upgrade them from a dog to a fucking person. Reply 6. ...


Text - DitLas • 12h NTA - you have very valid reasons to not want the dog there. It's your wedding, you shouldn't be exposed to what gives you severe allergy and you also shouldn't be all groggy from having to take medication. You also offered her several solutions so she would still be able to attend. Your friend should really have responded way more understanding. It's not fair on you that she just accuses you the way she did. Reply ...


Text - Sooozn85 • 11h NTA and she's being a little unreasonable. For the bride to want to be awake and aware, and breathing, at her own wedding, is beyond reasonable. Reply ...


Text - monkey_trumpets • 9h NTA. I would say that your dog allergy is somewhat of a disability itself since it affects you so severely, and you are being forced to avoid dogs because of that. It's not your fault, and therefore you cannot be TA in this situation. You did everything you could to suggest ways of your blind friend being included and if she was at all gracious she would have accepted one of your suggestions. If she brought the dog knowing how it affects you then in a way she would be


Text - As_lt_Was_Foretold • 7h NTA. She accuses you of " being ableist and thinking her disability can be switched off for the day" but for some reason thinks that your own health issues are of no importance and can simply be switched off while her dog is present? You have offered very reasonable alternatives to accommodate her needs. She's the one who refuses to compromise and is insisting that her rights are more important than your ability to enjoy, or even function at, your wedding. She's th


Text - amandapollak5 • 13h NTA. Those of us who have disabilities can ALSO still be ablist. She's dismissing your very legitimate medical issue and your right to be comfortable and awake on your own wedding day. Reply 12 ...


Text - sparx1_1 • 11h NTA There is absolutely no reason why the dog must be there. Since the environment will be both crowded and unfamiliar, there is actually very little that the dog will be able to do for her anyway. People who use guide dogs have also been trained to get around without them - it's actually a requirement for getting a guide dog in most areas. As long as she has her white cane and someone to assist her with getting around, she'll be fine and she knows it. Source: My father was

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