Saturday, May 9, 2020

Valuable Collections People Regret Getting Rid Of

We all like to think, in our own nostalgic haze, that our old toys would be worth something today. In actuality, most of your old magazines, cards and complete collection of McDonald's Transformers probably aren't worth anything. But in some rare cases, people realize 20 years after the fact that their mom threw away thousands of dollars worth of stuff. On the other side of things, here are stupid purchases people regret making.


Text - requisitename 18.8k points · 11 hours ago Nearly all of the first 24 editions of virtually every Marvel series, from The Fantastic Four to Spiderman (including the Amazing Tales in which he was introduced) to Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos. Basically all of them. At a comic book store I was once looking at some collectors editions of those comics priced at about $1500 to $2400. I said to the clerk "Man, I used to have all of these." The clerk, whom I'm sure


Text - Beeteez_ 182 points · 9 hours ago I remember when state quarters first came out, my father sent me a collection of every first edition state quarter and one time I went to show my friends awhile later and couldn't find them, I asked my mother and she said she had to use them for laundry. We were very poor at the time so I understand, but I was a little sad by it as well because it was one of the only things my father ever sent me


Text - Lies1 162 points · 9 hours ago I had a shell collection. The shells itself was worthless. But I had a fossilised purple urchin. My paleontology lecturer freaked out when I was telling my friend about it. Dunno why. He said if I still had it and if it was he thought it was he would pay $60,000aud for it. Yeah my mother chuck it years before that. I have never told her haha.


Text - Chipchow 27.2k points · 10 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago 9 S South African coin collection that my older sister threw away without consulting anyone.


Text - DinaDinaDinaBatman 24.7k points · 10 hours ago i had the complete collection of teenage mutant ninja turtles figures.. i packed them into a box and put them away then later when looking for them i couldn't find them... asked my mother.. "oh those, i threw them out.. you weren't playing with them anymore"


Text - DGolding 23.0k points · 10 hours ago Not quite the same thing, but in 1997 I asked my parents to reinvest some money that was set aside for us by my grandfather, about $8000 after tax, into Apple stock. They were correct to tell me no, but I never quite put the thought away. If they did and were smart enough that we kept it, not counting reinvested dividends, we'd have 349,127 shares today. At the current share price, $98,453,865. How my life could be different if my parents threw sanity


Text - DopeYeti 166 points · 10 hours ago It certainly wouldn't be worth a fortune, but I had all 6 of the Hercules plates McDonald's was giving out during the movie release. I was so proud of my collection and I ate dinner on one of those plates almost every day of the week. Of course I grew out of them, and probably let my mom throw them away. But I wish I had them now.


Text - GiorgioBroughton 14.5k points · 8 hours ago My mom had a collection of signed Beatles records that she threw away after she converted to Christianity because played backwards they summoned the devil or something. For years I was hoping to inherit it when I grew up. All i think it summoned was poverty. :/


Text - emt634211 9.2k points · 10 hours ago I never technically owned it, but I got to see it once. My Grandfathers comic book collection. He would be 92 if still alive. It's in a chest in the original family home. Inherited by a hoarder who will probably lose it all someday. Honestly better than that is the huge luggage trunks the family brought to the States when moving from Czechoslovakia in the 1800s. They are in the same attic.


Text - Kennian 7.0k points · 9 hours ago · edited 3 hours ago F Jeeze, After my mom died, my dad met this crazy, Jahova's witness bitch and one thing led to another. About a month before my highschool graduation we got into a HUGE fight over something and she burned my collection of old DnD books and magic cards. Complete collections... every 1st edition book in good condition signed by Gygax. Guess my brother knew him at some point. The real kicker? I rode the wave of the original magic the gat


Text - Permexpat 5.7k points · 10 hours ago About 40 Indian Arrow heads collected on my grandparents farm for years by myself and my grandfather and full sets of baseball cards from 1969-1980, my mom decided to toss out all that "junk" when I moved out for military


Text - mrinkyface 5.7k points · 10 hours ago I had a huge collection of magic the gathering cards all in mint condition dating back all the way to alpha that I collected as a young kid. My psycho mom decided that I had too much stuff that I enjoyed and threw out my collection and a bunch of other stuff. swordkillr13 2.7k points · 9 hours ago Sorry to hear you lost at least $100k, id be pissed too


Text - floridas_lostboy 5.6k points · 11 hours ago My brother had a bunch of first edition Pokémon cards, that he spent over a year collecting. Mom took them away for getting in trouble at school, and they were never seen again.


Text - emerictheeveel 4.0k points · 12 hours ago I had every single beyblade released in the US until I went to college and my mom 'gave them away to a worthy cause'. Turns out she dumped them in the trash, the man who drives the garbage van told me about them and asked me if he could take them home for his kid. I agreed anyway.


Text - Relevant-Team 1.2k points · 11 hours ago Approx 20 kg of Lego bricks and accessories. The "blue railway" alone would be a fortune today... My mother gave them away and couldn't remember to whom. Technically a felony


Text - vipinlife007 647 points · 11 hours ago The original Transformers in boxes. Had all main characters and nearly all of the smaller bots. Got em when I was 11, 12 or so in the mid 80s. Left for the military and mom had a huge garage sale...


Text - fretman124 477 points · 10 hours ago When I was a young man of 11 or 12 (1968 or so), I found my dads collection of playboys. Every month for the first 5 years or so of publication. I would peruse them, read the articles, gaze in wide wonder at the pictures.... My mom figured out that I had found them and made dad get rid of them. They would be worth several monies today..


Text - Ishmit_singh 380 points · 9 hours ago I had mined 8 bitcoins at age 16. Kept them in a hard disk. When they grew in value I searched for and hard disk to now that my mom sold it to a 19 yr old for $50. I still curse my mom for doing that.

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