Saturday, May 9, 2020

Texts from Students Who Had to Take Care of Electronic Babies

Depending on where you went to school and what classes you took, you may have had a project where you had to take care of a sack of flour as if it were a child, or in this case, a robotic doll programmed to cry. Based on how frustrating these things can be, we're not sure if these projects were designed to be a learning experience so much as birth control. It doesn't take simulated parenting to know that kids are weird and dumb, and that toddlers have meltdowns over nothing, but having a robot baby wake up in the middle of the night might be a literal wake-up call for a high school freshman.


Text - Can you shut off my baby Today 6:14 AM Hello miss lefebvre can you please shut of the child Today 7:48 AM Good morning, I can't shut off or control your baby. It is scheduled for the times you picked when it was programmed. I can't control it. If you or tired or frustrated, ask someone to help you. If you absolutely cannot do it anymore there is an emergency shut off that would end the baby completely and would stop the process totally. If you want to do this, let me know.


Text - iMessage Today 11:09 AM are the i'd bracelets water proof ? Yes Read 11:18 AM okay thank you


Text - Today 8:32 AM Can I put the child in my bag? No So I have to carry it in the cole Cold Yep wrap it up in blanket in carrier Ok


Text - Yesterday 1:30 PM Hey, it's make noise to touch the baby or should I be constantly holding it? . Do I wait for it to Sorry nvm Is it good? Yeah sorry, I didnt have to text you That's ok! Okay thanks Yesterday 6:40 PM Is it working? Yeah, but I've been rocking him for like 20 min and he still is whining Lol That's normal? Nvm he's sleeping


Text - Yesterday 9:08 PM Hi it's time because he won't stop wimpier and l've tried everything and it's been going on for an hour I really need a quiet We can't add quiet time after being programmed. Get someone to help you. You have a spare bracelet to let someone help. Do I sill have to take care of him until Sunday or can he be turned off on Saturday It's on for whatever you picked in class today


Text - Yesterday 6:28 PM So Lucy and I might of fallen down the stairs....0opsies Oops. Did she die? Delivered Not that l'm aware of yet Just praying she makes a noise Soon Today 6:55 AM So good and bad news lucky definitely isn't dead


Text - Today 8:58 AM I dont remeber of it was 7 am that it times out at or 7pm It would be in the evening. It's possible it may sleep most of the day. No way to know. As you sent that text it started crying

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