Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mom Mishears Daughter's Phone Call, Assumes She's Pregnant

Now this is just our kind of funny misunderstanding. Mom overhears her daughter on the phone, pieces together what she heard, leaps to a big assumption, and bam, assumes daughter is pregnant. Naturally, the resulting picture was absurd and totally avoidable. Good stuff. 


Text - r/tifu + JOIN u/inquisitivemind79 • 16h TIFU by talking loudly on my phone and convincing my mom I was pregnant. I was on the phone with a friend today talking about another friends pregnancy and the conversation went something like this. Me: so my friend is having an ultrasound tomorrow Them: that's exciting how far along is the baby? This is apparently when my mom ended up being able to hear me talking Me: oh just 7 or 8 weeks not too far along


Text - Them: is she excited? Me: not especially, it wasn't a planned pregnancy. Them: well that sucks, anyway what are you doing for the end of the semester project Me: I have no idea what l'm going to do l'm really confused, any suggestions? So remember since it's a phone call all my mom heard was my side and I had no idea she heard. I go downstairs to grab a glass of wine with my bath and she freaked out and grabbed the glass out of my hands. I asked what she was doing and she said that she ha


Text - Later in the day I get into exercise clothes to go on our treadmill and she starts panicking. Asking things like are you sure you're well enough to go on the treadmill? Is it okay in your condition? I just brushed it off as her panicking about the "flu" and went to my room. Dad comes home and I hear them whisper shouting (excitedly) about something in their room and then I am gathered with all my siblings downstairs. My dad says I've called this meeting because someone here is pregnant. M


Text - "I'm pregnant? Well why didn't anyone tell me?" My dad thinks I'm making a joke so he freaks out more and l'm just confused as hell at this point and then l'm just like "wait what the fuck?? I'm not pregnant." And my parents are just like ????? You're not? "No of course l'm not pregnant why would you even think that?" Mom - "well I heard you on the phone earlier talking about your baby?" "No" I laugh "I was talking about my friends baby"


Text - Everything gets cleared up but in this time my mother had called her obgyn and set up an appointment for me to get an ultrasound. Told her mom (my grandma! My sweet innocent 93 year old grandma!) that I was pregnant at 22 and unmarried and ordered a bunch of stuff of amazon for a baby while I was in the bath. She's now making a bunch of calls clearing this all up but my goodness it was a weird mess. TL;DR My mother misheard me on the phone and thought I was pregnant and it caused a whole

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