Saturday, May 30, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Some People Are Born Metal

This fun Tumblr thread has people sharing their experiences with bullies that were trying to stir up a reaction from them. As it turns out, some people are just born into a state of existence that can't be bothered to give a rip. Not reacting to someone's intentionally rude behavior that was carried out strictly to get that rise out of you, might actually be the best way to get a rise out of them. That, or they'll just wake up and have the moment of realizing that they have no idea why they did what they did in the first place. 

Check out some more fun and totally random gems from the minds of Tumblr over here.


Text - biggest-gaudiest-patronuses In 5th grade some boys hid my desk in the boys bathroom. I was confused when I got to school and it was missing, so I just sat on the floor and read my book until the teacher came in and made them put it back. I realize now they were trying to trick me into go into the boys bathroom, but no one actually told me that's where my desk was, and it didn't occur to me to ask.


Text - Looking back I realize they had to make the effort to get to school early to move it, and I feel a tiny bit of regret for not reacting more. biggest-gaudiest-patronuses In 3rd grade Richard brought his new lacrosse set in for show in tell. the ball went missing during class time and at the end of the day we all had to check our bookbags to look for


Text - it. I only glanced in mine (I just wanted to go home), but that evening I found it at the bottom of my bag. I was so scared of being blamed, I threw it into the neighbor's yard and never told anyone. I found out 2 years later that my bully Luke put it there to frame me, and he was still extremely frustrated I hadn't gotten caught.


Text - I'm pretty sure Richard got a new ball. feral-renaissance-cat I had a crush on a boy I met in Kindergarten and made NO attempts to hide it because the people on TV were always telling each other when they liked each other. Didn't work as well


Text - as l'd hope (i.e. didn't work AT ALL and no boy wanted to hang out with me ever after that), but that's not the point. Skip ahead to third grade. We had a new kid who was kind of a jerk. One day he asks me if I have a crush and I'm like, "Yeah, [Crush].


Text - And?" Dude turns around and yells to my crush "Hey! She has a crush on you!" My crush just kinda sighs and is like, "Yeah. I know. Everyone knows. Thanks." So this guy was hoping to embarrass me in front of everyone but it completely backfired


Text - because I lack the social filter necessary to feel ashamed of my base desires. darkhumourandfandoms One time in like kindergerden some kid stole my shoe and instead if reacting I just went the whole day barefoot. No one questioned it.


Text - He got bored of no reaction and just dropped the shoe but by then I was too committed and continued to walk around barefoot. lycant-guy22 Some of yall grew up with a low base stat of "fucks given" * biggest-gaudiest-patronuses damn right we did

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