Saturday, May 30, 2020

Ridiculous Moments of Tech Illiteracy

Sure, we're not all geniuses with computers. But at this point in time, when computers have been a necessity for most households and workplaces for a few decades, it's a little ridiculous when someone doesn't know that you can't print a clickable link. Tech support gets some ridiculous requests, and some of them are even mean, like this Karen who had her bluff called and had her website deleted.


Text - Vape_Sensei 284 points · 22 hours ago Refer to internet explorer as "e"


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Text - Leviathan47 214 points · 20 hours ago · edited 3 hours ago watched a grown man attempt to buy a GED online.then pay for said GED by inserting a $20 .... bill into the 3.5" floppy disk drive.


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Text - HappyTrees_ 10.5k points · 23 hours ago My professor wants to take a photo with an iPad instead of a phone so that it would look larger when uploaded.


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Text - lettucecunt 3.5k points · 1 day ago My mom makes a new folder every time she uploads a new picture. She has like 600 folder with one or two pictures each. She doesn't see the problem


Text - neverdoneneverready 3.2k points · 19 hours ago My dad who is 95 and completely computer illiterate, knows that you can look up anything on a computer but doesn't know the right words. He was talking about an old boxer the other day, I think it was Jack Dempsey. He stated some stats of his career and when I expressed surprise he said, "Go look it up on your Ebay. They'll tell you I'm right!"


Text - CapableGrapefruit2 3.1k points - 19 hours ago My Nana once asked my Grandad to turn her laptop on for when she got home. He ended up ringing her because he couldn't find the button to turn it on. So she was getting annoyed saying it's right there in the top right corner! After a minute or two of utter confusion she stopped, laughed, and asked if he'd opened the lid of the laptop. He asked, what lid?


Text - 132752 2.8k points 19 hours ago This girl I know took off the W key on her keyboard and switched it with her A key and was super confused when the key binds weren't switched.


Text - Hysterical_Realist 2.7k points · 21 hours ago I work in web dev, which includes some occasional photo manipulation. One client brought in an old photo of her great-grandfather, with his back to the camera. She wanted me to turn him around in photoshop so she could see his face. Another client got absolutely livid with me that I couldn't take the hyperlinked words from her webpage, port them over to her print ad, and still have them function like a link.


Text - Skarface08 1.9k points · 23 hours ago I work in a cellphone store. I have had on more than 1 occasion, customers get mad at me that I cant access other peoples text messages...


Text - CoffeeAddict1011 1.8k points · 23 hours ago Asked client to restart her computer and she proceeds to unplug it...


Text - Solfudge 1.7k points · 23 hours ago Trading computer monitors with someone so they could see how their desktop was set up.


Text - maxwellmoby 1.7k points · 20 hours ago My boss: the guy doing the PAT testing has broken my computer! Me: how has he broken it? My boss: it won't switch on! Me: that's the monitor... switch it on at the computer. My boss: this is the computer! Me: no that is the monitor. . What is the box black box on the floor? My boss: a printer? Me: what???


Text - stink3rbelle 1.3k points · 22 hours ago Supervisor: "well, we could ask IT, but there's nothing they could really do about it." Because she couldn't identify the issue with my computer, IT wouldn't be able to fix it or help at all.


Text - ToastedMaple 1.3k points · 23 hours ago A guy my husband was friends with back in the day asked for help with a computer virus he had. When we showed up, he had unplugged the computer and everything else in the room. We asked why, he said "I didn't want the virus to spread". He was serious.


Text - velour_manure 1.2k points · 19 hours ago a It infuriates me when I see someone being way too specific with their google searches and then complain when they can't find anything. "What is the best way for someone to remove a stain from their bedsheets but keep the quality of the fabric the same and not ruin the sheet and not have to buy new sheets?"


Text - NotActuallyRayLiotta 1.1k points · 1 day ago My economics teacher didn't know how to fullscreen a YouTube video. He was like in his early 20s.


Text - LekkerQuinietjiie 994 points · 1 day ago My girlfriends grandma thought that peoples profile pictures were pictures that they sent to her


Text - DrWhoisOverRated 993 points · 20 hours ago My mom will print out funny memes that she sees on Facebook and she keeps them in a folder in her filing cabinet.


Text - whyImcalledqueen 944 points · 20 hours ago A woman in her thirties (IMO too young to be this technically illiterate given this was in 2017) was trying to plug in the female side of a power cable to a wall outlet, and when it was missing the prongs came to the logical assumption they had broken off and gotten stuck in the wall. I saw all of this in person while she was on the phone with her poor tech support guy probably confused on how this woman tore the prongs off of her power cable. Sh


Text - CumboxMold 692 points · 23 hours ago Someone who also insisted on printing anything and everything also covered up the second monitor with a piece of paper because "they didn't need it". Everyone there had two monitors at their workstation and it was really damn necessary. This person insisted it was distracting and there was nothing they couldn't do without it.


Text - BobaFettuccine 645 points · 22 hours ago When my parents upgraded their Mac maybe 5 or 8 years ago, it was the new kind where there's no tower. They didn't realize that, so they called to say hey, you only sent the monitor, no tower. The kicker is that the Apple lady apologized and sent another computer. She didn't know there was no tower, so she sent along an entirely new computer. My parents eventually sent one back because they're too honest. Just ridiculous that the rep for the compan


Text - txoutlaw89 594 points · 20 hours ago We used to pull pranks on my grandmother all of the time, and she was a good sport about it. I taped a sign to the microwave saying "voice activated", then proceeded to watch her stick her coffee in there and say "30 seconds please."


Text - Gruzzly 582 points · 21 hours ago · edited 18 hours ago I saw an elderly man open up Microsoft Word and take out a marker and start writing on the "page" on the screen. This was about 20 years ago, way before tablets and smart pens.


Text - billbapapa 555 points · 23 hours ago Late 90s - woman legit through the CD-ROM tray that slid out was a cup holder.


Text - crookedbookend 452 points · 20 hours ago My poor mom... She doesn't understand any of it. But I got her a smart TV so she can watch Netflix and Hulu in her room, and most recently: YouTube. Not a day goes by she doesn't call me into her room in a complete panic telling me her tv is broken because she's watching someone's shittily edited true crime video. The added fuzz, unstable volume, and weird aspect ratios make her think she broke something somehow. If it's not that, it's her trying t


Text - citizen42701 450 points 20 hours ago As an IT guy I could go on for hours but a couple gems come to mind • a word document on a desktop titled 'passwords' with usernames and passwords for every account from banks to phone, email, tv, internet, insurance ect on an unsecured windows laptop with quick detach drive. They brought it in for a remote access scam • a lady came in saying her pc didnt turn on. I pressed the power button and presto, it turned on. She didnt know it had a power button


Text - m_c_m 321 points · 21 hours ago Once the computer got lost, my cousin's grandmother procceded to create a new facebook account, since... you know... the other one was in the other computer and this one was new


Text - EWL98 284 points · 19 hours ago We were trying to teach grandma how to use a computer. She got stuck at the mouse because she kept lifting it

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