Sunday, April 5, 2020

Weirdest Things People Believed As Kids

People are sharing the weirdest and most outlandish things they believed as children. It's no surprise that our minds are ripe for hatching up all kinds of irrational and creative beliefs, while we're kids. Whether it's something fun like believing in a Cheerios Bee, or maybe something more sinister like believing in a scary alien creature that lives in the vents in your house; kids really dig deep for what they believe could be a real thing. 


Text - LittleGarbagePerson • 14h That playing "apartments" was a real game. It was my family's way of making me play "house" ... but by myself in my room ... while they "played" in another room ... by themselves.


Text - Murrmaidthefurrmaid • 15h The candy fairy came the night of Halloween and took a candy tax. My parents would eat some and toss a lot.


Text - Asakopt3r • 14h S1 Award The Honey Nut Cheerios bee. No word of a lie, I thought he was real. I don't know why. Nobody told me he was real, it was just something I accepted. When my older step-sister told me that Santa and the Tooth Fairy weren't real, I burst into tears and said, "The Cheerios bee, too?"


Text - SleeplessShitposter • 13h Santa Paws. Santa had a magical puppy dog who wore a tiny hat and would drop off treats and toys for your pets. I don't know why my parents gave me this extra detail, but I won't complain. EDIT: Some extra details I missed for the parents who want to continue this: • Unlike Santa Claus, if a dog or cat (not a human) sees Santa Paws, this won't make their presents disappear. In fact, Santa Paws is very open about playing with other animals, this is why you can hea


Text - dingos8mybaby2 • 13h I thought I could fly. I had a weird epiphany at 12 or 13 that I couldn't and maybe I just imagined me taking off from the parking lot and flying over the apartments I lived in when I was younger. Like I suddenly realized I couldn't fly, even thoughl knew I had before. The damndest memory. I still remember it to this day, floating away and flying over my apartments and coming back to land in the same parking lot. I still remember at 12 or 13 when I realized I couldn't


Text - Gotis1313 • 13h O believed in the sun monster and the moon monster. The sun monster was nice, but the moon monster would murder you if you went outside at night. The kicker? I made it up to scare my sister. Somehow I started to believe it and freaked myself out.


Text - TheFckingNSA • 14h Not a creature but, I thought that small cars grew up into vans and busses were just like the elders of cars.


Text - Whimsical_Mara • 14h We grew up watching old disney movies and musicals. For the longest time, I genuinely thought people would just randomly start singing and dancing. The fact that this is not so remains one of life's great disappointments. (Grew up rather isolated, rarely saw people who were not family. My family, lord love 'em, can't carry a tune in a bucket.)


Text - emmabyjaneausten • 14h Ok so when was a kid I was scared of dinosaurs. My dad told me they were extinct. So for a good while I believed any fictional thing that scared me (ghosts, vampires, the wicked witch) USED to exist but was taken out by a volcano. Don't know if that counts lol


Text - ashcon96 • 13h I believed that you didn't move your own body while you slept. I honestly thought little groups of ants would move your limbs around and that's why you woke up in a different position than you fell asleep. I believed that for years. Not a clue how that idea got into my head though.


Text - DuffDunham21 • 15h I believed that goldfish were individually hand crafted, I thought it was like a line of workers sculpting dough into little fish. I was disappointed when logic kicked in :(


Text - O_Man_Rambles • 13h That if you didn't wipe your ass well enough, you had to go to "wiping school". was 4 and my mom told me this. I believed "wiping school" was a thing until i was 10 or 11.


Text - IdPopACapinSancho • 12h I thought that you should eat dessert first because it was 'bad' food. So if you ate it first then your good dinner would go in after and squish the bad dessert, which in my mind somehow negated it.


Text - myfunnystuff • 11h I believed all traffic lights were controlled by some central command station where the walls were covered in switches and people ran around flicking them to change the lights. I also believed my school was secretly kidnapping students and replacing them with perfectly realistic robots. I never did figure out how to tell robot and human apart.


Text - AlbusSeverus394 · 8h I always thought that the transition from child to adult happened randomly over night. Like you went to sleep as a kid then woke up as an adult. I feared this day because I imagined all of my clothes suddenly being way too small for me and l'd have to go to the store with a towel wrapped around me searching for clothes to buy that would fit my new adult body.


Text - Skyjago05 • 13h The dentist fairy, I had a traumatic experience at the dentist when I was really young so when I had to go to the dentist, I would come out and there would magically be a toy on my car seat


Text - CrumblingInInverse • 15h I played Super Mario World as a young child and I saw that Mario could fly if he runs fast enough then jumps while wearing a cape. I had a favorite blanket that I carried with my everywhere and got an idea: I tied it around my neck like a cape then tried running and jumping to no avail. I believed my problem was that I wasn't running fast enough and not... you know, the obvious.


Text - Midnight_Moon29 • 13h Somehow my mom convinced me there was something called the Wish Fairy. She gave me a small glass box, and I would write wishes on a piece of paper and put them in the box. In the morning they were gone which meant Wish Fairy had gotten my wish. Well during that time family life wasn't the greatest so I asked Wish Fairy to take me to "the Sailor Moon world." That was an interesting convo years later.


Text - ladyoncatnip • 14h one of my walls wasn t even so i used to think that behind it was a whole new world, for toys, where they went while we were sleeping. when i was 6 i spent an unhealthy amount of time touching a fucking wall and hoping one day i was gonna get through it.


Text - clayhamilton922 • 11h I was convinced that there was a little alien who lived in the vent in the ceiling above my bed. Like a little 6 inch tall extra terrestrial from space. I think it's because I could see a screw or a bolt or something inside the vent and I thought it was the alien's eye staring back at me. It was chillingly terrifying as a kid and for years (into my preteens) I didn't like looking up into that vent. Even after I logically knew there was nothing up there.


Text - MrPoptart95 • 15h that if I had the light in the car on a police car would pull us over which my dad later told me he just didn't like that on because its hard to see


Text - mindamom • 10h That I was the child of a popular movie actor. My mom had a serious crush on him and she often told me how much I looked like him. She has never met him in real life.


Text - TheSCP 3008 • 12h I thought that there was one of those ghosts from ring inside every mirror and in order to not be eaten, I had to either pretend to be one of them or make an oath like I could only go to three different rooms before going to school or my soul will be taken over. No one told me this. Just my wild imagination. Once I cried because I forgot something in another room and couldn't go back or that will be 4 rooms. I decided to not bring it to school. I got scolded. Bad. I didn


Text - mossycavities • 11h when i was 9 i was genuinely terrified by the annoying orange


Text - geowave4578 • 11h Transformers I believed they were real for a long time


Text - nordunix • 8h That the subway somehow always knew which direction you wanted to go. Figured it out the hard way when I got lost in manhattan as a 12 year old. had to take a train back by myself and it went in the wrong direction.


Text - IrishNemesis • 12h That plushes come alive and are evil, believed that for a long time as a kid. I always kept all of my plushes at the foot of my bed to "counter" this. I was a weird kid, ok?


Text - brossik • 12h I believed there were shower mermaids that would crawl through the drain and murder me. And that's the story of howI couldn't shower without someone standing outside the bathroom door until I was ten.

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