Sunday, April 5, 2020

"Edgiest" Things People Did That Backfired

People are looking back on the "edgiest" things they did in attempts to be cool, which ultimately resulted in them realizing later on down the road, that said actions were anything but cool. Whether it was punching trees to try and impress a crush, or maybe Naruto running through the halls; it'd seem the harder people tried to be cool, the further away they fell from being just that. 


Text - NotBearhound • 7h Unironically wore a shirt with "The man, the legend" on it, with arrows pointing to my face and crotch. Dark times...


Text - HereForDaGames • 9h Not super edgy, but I would always do stupid dares like run directly into a brick wall at full speed or jump off of a small cliff (15-20ft) or run and jump into a patch of thorns and poison ivy. Stupid stuff that no one else had the "balls" to do.


Text - struggleglot • 10h When I was around age 10, I thought it was the coolest thing ever to wear my bangs in front of my eyes like an anime character. Like, BOTH EYES. I couldn't see and it wasn't cool.


Text - ItikKing • 7h Naruto running in the school halls. Why did I watch Naruto when I was a kid? Smh.


Text - murrimabutterfly • 9h I wore spastically printed Avril Lavigne/Abbey Dawn pants, a skin tight tee, furry vest, and black knock-off Uggs to school. I had also just messily chopped off my hair. I topped all this off with a garishly fake lip ring and a singular fishnet glove. I thought I was a punk rocker, a la Sheena. I looked like a proper idiot.


Text - lostkhaleesi • 7h I used to wear silver eyeshadow around my eyes (top and bottom) with no other makeup. It took me two years to realize how strange I looked.


Text - applegate910 · 5h Punch trees in 4th grade at recess to try and impress my crush fml


Text - Banana-Mammal • 10h Say I am Shadow the Hedgehog in human form


Text - Resolute_Desk • 4h Went on a date with a girl to an Indian restaurant. Tried to act the big man and said that i can take any heat, ordered a vindalo... Ended up tears streaming down my face, red, runny nose, chugging litres of water, whilst she ate her mild korma laughing...


Text - HOlyThrOwawayBatman • 7h I was a mall goth in high school. And when I wasn't dressed head to toe in Hot Topic gear, I would wear bizarre mismatched outfits, carried an Invader Zim lunchbox as a purse, wore cat ears to school... Oh my god. And pants under skirts.


Text - abbylikesoreos • 10h Purple wig. 14 years old. To classes.


Text - chefidiot • 2h I got a mullet in 9th grade and bleached it with shitty boxed dye because I thought it would make me look "edgy". In reality I just looked like a cheap Joe Dirt knockoff.


Text - Dascoolman • 7h Tried to spike my hair, didn't work out all that well and instead of looking like a yugioh mc I just looked like I had majorly sticky bedhead


Text - ShoshaSeversk • 8h I used to wear very excessive amounts of eyeliner. I have epicanthic folds and dark circles, and I thought it made me look better. Now I'm down to just wearing normal excessive amounts. It's still not a very good look, but everything else l've tried has been worse.


Text - brneyedgrrl • 1h I told the guy from the cable company on the phone that my name was Pam. He started calling me Cam. I let him think that was my name because it seemed so much cooler than Pam. Now my mail is addressed to Cam.


Text - Beta-Otaku •9h I have bangs that cover one of my eyes and had one red eye contact that I put my bangs over. I don't do that anymore but l'm still to lazy to cut my bangs


Text - 426763 • 2h I lugged around my cousin's guitar and a skateboard even though I didn't know how 50 use both of them.

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