Saturday, April 11, 2020

Tumblr Agrees Cats Talk like Disparaged Victorian Children

If you've ever seen a cat look at you with longing or desperate hatred in its eyes for the simple act of not petting it so much or only feeding it as much as usual, you'll get what this Tumblr thread is on about. Here are some Tumblr comedy gems to keep the day moving, as well as more nuggets of gold from Tumblr's busy brains.


Text - froody Me: *Removes my cat from my lap to do something else.* My cat: Father is...evil? Father is unyielding? Father is incapable of love? I am running away. I am packing my little rucksack and going out to explore the world as a lone vagabond. I can no longer thrive in this household.


Text - cryoverkiltmilk The spiritual successor to Miette Patricia Lockwood Follow @Tricialockwood me, lightly touching miette with the side of my foot: miette move out of the way please so I don't trip on you miette, her eyes enormous: you KICK miette? you kick her body like the football? oh! oh! jail for mother! jail for mother for One Thousand Years!!!! 8:24 PM - 19 Mar 2019 1,889 Retweets 8,847 Likes


Text - manicgoblinnightmarewoman Might I also add crimsonwastes cat when I'm snuggling him: I've never met you in my life. you bastard. you fiend. stop this at once cat when I'm busy doing something and can't pet him right that second: Where Is My Kisses From Mommy??? Where Is My Snuggles And Cuddles That I Crave So Dearly. You Are A Cruel And Unjust Mother And I Am Going To Scream


Cartoon - shydestinybread May i add the piece from artist Verbal Vomit MOTHER, FEED us, FOR WE ARE BUT SKIN AND BONE MOTHER CARES NOT FOR US


Text - abraxaswithaxes Glad to see we're all in agreement that cats talk like disparaged victorian children Source: froody

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Tagged: thread , pets , tumblr , talking , lol , silly , Cats , funny , stupid

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