Saturday, April 11, 2020

Times Instant Karma Was Served

People are describing the times in their lives when the constant flow of life's unpredictable chaos seemed to veer into a place where karma was served up to someone who could've brought the misfortune upon themselves. Instant karma just hits different. 


Text - r/AskReddit + JOIN u/barrygibb • 7y Today I quit my job of 6 years, effectively canceling my boss' vacation plans. Reddit, what stories of instant karma do you have? I'm a fucking terrible storyteller, but alright, l'll go first: I've worked at the same company for over 6 years. I was a loyal, good employee with a perfect track-record. Over the 6 years l've only called in sick twice. I had the best results, the least amount of errors on paperwork in the whole region and quite possibly the


Text - So today I resign my position with immediate effect, which in terms cancelled his vacation plans for next week. On top of that, there is no one to fill my position. As soon as I mouthed the words "I quit" you could see the terror in his eyes. He realized how fucked he was without me and tried to do whatever he could to keep me for at least another week. l've never felt such a sense of instant karma as today. I never meant to cancel his vacation, but I wasn't going to put his needs before


Text - ItsOppositeDayHere • 7y I worked as a database administrator for a community center for one summer in university. Basically, I created a database for them to track who was donating to them and how much they were donating, and who was volunteering at the centre and for how many hours. Very simple work and despite being the youngest person on staff by about 25-30 years, I got along well with all of my co-workers except for my immediate boss who was a total bitch. The next spring, I was appl


Text - However, in spite of this, I managed to land a decent job. Lo and behold, my old boss e-mails me on day 1 of my new job, begging me to come in because she had somehow ignored all the warnings in the user documentation I wrote and moved some files around rendering it impossible for her to access the database. She asked if I would come in and I e-mailed her back and told her I already had a job and couldn't do it "out of principle", effectively rendering my entire summer at the centre a was


Text - NewAlt • 7y I tried to explain to my company how they were breaking the law with one of their procedures. They didn't listen, said somebody up the line would have caught it. Later, illegally fired me whilst I was on FMLA leave. Was, statistically at least, their best employee at my position out of 500 people. They got fined 250K for the violation I brought up several times. I'm still unemployed but I go hiking all day and love my life. Have enough saved up to last me until I do find work.


Text - ZombiGrinder • 7y My stepdad is a driving instructor, I went to get my license pretty late (22), one day he was giving me a lesson and we were going over one of the possible courses that the test takes. While we're driving down a street in the suburbs a guy is tail gating the shit out of me... really gangster looking guy, looked pretty much exactly like scumbag steve now that I think about it...sideways hat and all. Every time I come to a stop sign I do a full stop, obviously, and he thro


Text - As we're going down the street he says "OK, now in about 50 feet I want you to start slowing down a little bit and right when you are in front of that school zone, pull over to the right". So I do it, right after I pull over, the guy who is right pissed at me now, takes off like a bullet. And about 5 seconds later a cop steps out from behind a tree and waves him over for going probably double the speed limit in a school zone. We laughed. Hard.


Text - Ihmhi • 7y Was working a job where I was doing 90 hours a week but only getting paid for 40-45. Boss blew up on me over the phone, so I quit effective end of day. I finished up all of my work and he tried to sweet talk me into staying, but I held strong. Turns out he had to work 18 hours a day for the next two weeks trying to find a replacement. Edit: Some additional details so I can stop answering the same questions over and over again:


Text - I was being paid under the table, so that hurts a lot of my legal recourse. • I was on a 90 business day (so 18 weeks...) "trial period". If I stuck it out l'd go on the books... for less money as taxes and the like would now be taken out. • I didn't start at 90 hours, but the work gradually crept up and the duties got piled on. • I was a manager for a truck dispatching company so l'd technically be management, but our agreement was hourly. I didn't dick around at work browsing Reddit or


Text - • I'm aware of how incredibly illegal this was on his part, but it was six months ago and one of my best friends (who has kids) works there. The boss is the type to just close up the shop and retire just to fuck everyone over, and he can absolutely afford to do this. Basically it was shitty, but I learned a lot from it and it was a long time ago so IDGAF anymore. Thanks for all the advice and tips.


Text - erinnbecky • 7y Today I missed my bus to help an elderly woman with her groceries only to have a friend pass me driving and offer to give me a ride home.


Text - I worked for Goodwill quite a few years back as a supervisor because my mother and I had really fond memories of treasure hunting there and I wanted to try and build up some management experience with a reputable company. I thought it would be my dream gig for a while even though I knew it would be hard work. Except it was anything but. The manager was an alright lady, but her assistant manager was a tyrant. Every day she would threaten to fire the employees if they didn't do their work r


Text - I had a meeting with the manager, and I said "I don't want to step on any toes. I know you run a successful store and I really admire that. I would appreciate it if you could ask the assistant manager to tone down the firing threats because it makes my team nervous and l'd like to have a chance to improve productivity in my own way". She said she understood and I felt good about the conversation. The next day she called me into her office where her and the assistant manager were both wait


Text - I was the only supervisor they had on a team that required at least two. The manager and assistant manager were already working 60 hour weeks to make things work on a skeleton crew, and when I quit they were going to be working 80 hours each with no weekends until they had at least a month to find someone else. They told me how much of a scumbag I was for not giving two weeks notice and ruining their month. I wasn't really concerned about it.


Text - IrishTek • 7y When I graduated High School, I moved about an hour north of my hometown to attend a small Community College and got a job at a local Walmart, and despite three years experience at Radio Shack (which at the time was basically just RC Cars and Verizon Cell Phones), was assigned to their Dairy Department. Working Dairy @Walmart is probably the worst job l've ever had. When the job goes as planned, you should be spending about half your time 'throwing' milk, and the other half


Text - 'Throwing' milk is the worst part of the job, because about 1 in 20 gallons of milk are defective, and leak onto other gallons of milk. When you have a room with a couple hundred gallons of milk, it means a pool of milk in your work area, which gets in your shoes/socks, and on your pants, which smells fantastic at the end of an 8 hour workday. People quitting at Walmart wouldn't normally be interesting (most people @Walmart call it "Friday"). But a week after started, the only two other g


Text - While that would have sucked enough, as it so happens, it's a requirement in the retail world that you be an idiot to advance to management; And Bill had that in spades. This asshole would come screaming at me that I needed to fill the eggs/yogurt/etc, but wouldn't help me or get help for me for the 120,000 needing their freaking milk. After 3 months of getting yelled at for putting in 100%, you tend to get a little bitter, but also pretty good at whatever you're being yelled at for. I de


Text - Anyway, I get a call (while on break) from Corporate Radio Shack that they spoke to my ex-boss, and really wanted to get me on board to help open a new store in a mall. After I confirmed this was a job offer and not just an interview, I told them l'd be available in two weeks after I resigned from Walmart, and they agreed. Fresh off break and in a great mood, I decide to finish the shift and put in my two weeks after. But not 60 seconds after I clock back in, I'm told by someone in invent


Text - About 5 to 10 minutes later, Bill slams open the door to the fridge, "Where the fuck have you been?", to which I reply I was on my break, and go back to double-fisting gallons of milk like a champ. "Don't fucking ignore me!", to which I reply with:


Text - "Know what Bill? Ijust got offered a job from a Corporate Office. I was going to finish out my two weeks, but instead l'm gonna put in my two milk notice." And I softball underhand two gallons of milk about 40 feet at Bill, which hits the concrete floor and sprays him from the thighs down. As I was walking out, could watch the look on his face move from rage to terror, he realized his new job was now 'Throw milk for 8 hours'. as TL;DR: Quit Walmart by shooting white creamy stuff all over


Text - AMathmagician • 7y I worked at a Kmart in high school. It was a small store, so I worked everything, electronics, stocking, cashier. You name it, I did it. I asked a woman and her son, about 12 or 13, if they needed help finding anything as I was out on the floor, and the kid immediately bitches me out for annoying him. I ignore it, and go about my business. Right after that I get called to checkouts. As I'm working there, here comes the pair. The kid has gone all out back in the electron


Text - Metzgermeister84 • 7y I was an assistant supervisor at a factory. Our department had about 30 people. It was a very fast- paced department, and even the most minor mistake could cost someone their job (we made brake pedals) Stressful as fuck. Worse, the supervisor (the one I was assisting) was a lazy bitch: She would spend 90% of every day sitting at the computer looking busy, but I know she wasn't doing any real work (one day, I observed her getting on some news website, reading an artic


Text - • She would leave and take days off constantly. Now using your regularly scheduled vacation days is no problem. But she found a loophole: she would come in for an hour, then leave after HER boss went home, so he would think she was there all day and she wouldn't use up a vacation day. There were a lot of times when she claimed she had a "family emergency" and left in the middle of the day and never came back. I don't know if there really were emegencies or not, but I know she's single and


Text - She took 21 breaks one day (someone counted) The rest of us only get 3 breaks, 15 minutes each, and she yells at people if they are accidentally out there for 16 minutes, god forbid. People who sit in the outdoor smoking area said that her boyfriend would come visit her, and they would just hang out in the smoking area (while I'm left doing all the work, of course)


Text - A few years back when the economy was really bad, the company was trying to save money on overtime, so she told me not to clock in until 3:00 PM sharp (when our shift starts) So I clocked in at 3:00 exactly, and walked out there. She yelled at me for missing the department meeting. I told her I had to wait until 3 to clock in, just like she said. She replied "no, my watch is synced up with that time clock out there.. You should have had plenty of time to get out here for the meeting!" The


Text - We get a lot of 18 year old girl temps straight from high school, so consequently, we have a lot of stupid drama in our department. The supervisor really doesn't do anything about any of this. So people come asking ME to do something about it. I verbally reprimand people for it, but sometimes they don't listen. So then I go to the supervisor to request that they be written up (because l'm just the assistant supervisor; I don't really have the authority to do anything besides bitch people


Text - I could go on for pages with all the crap she pulled, but I think that's the gist of it. Anyway, I transferred to another department. The supervisor was MAD when I brought her the transfer form to sign. At first, she tried to tell me that l'm "not allowed" to transfer, but after I got management involved, she signed it. I was only getting an extra dollar per hour to be the assistant supervisor, so I took a pay cut but it was well worth it. Now I just run a little machine by myself, in thi


Text - The best part? My new department is right across the aisleway from hers, so I can sit there and WATCH her pull her hair out from the stress! 1 449


Text - [deleted] • 7y Once quit a job to only then have the boss chase my jeep on foot screaming at me. He repeatedly called to get me to go back. Felt great.


Text - corbr00tal • 7y Wasn't instant karma but whatever. A couple years ago I had a job for a company where I worked in the estimating department and would occasionally do some accounting work and anything else they needed me to all for minimum wage. I always did my work quickly and efficiently, knew more about my department than anyone else there and even taught the guy they hired to run the estimating department after the previous manager left how to do his job.


Text - One day a couple days after I had totaled my car I got done with my work and was waiting on a ride home. Normally I would have just gone outside and smoked a cigarette until my ride got there, but this was a couple days after I had decided to quit smoking so I decided just to wait in my cubicle instead. Another employee there who was above me in the company who didn't like me at all walked by and started berating me for sitting in my desk and not doing anything. I went on to explain to he


Text - Well apparently that was enough to get me fired, however instead of doing it themselves they decided to make my dad who also worked at the company fire me. They didn't say they were firing me, just that they "didn't need me anymore".


Text - A couple months later the other guy in estimating who I trained how to do his job quit without notice. That's when they realized no one there knew how to do his or my old jobs. So they called me up begging me to come teach them how to do everything he and I did there, I just replied by saying, "Oh no, you don't need me." and hung up. TL;DR: Old job fired me over some bull shit by saying they didn't need me anymore, called up a little while later asking me to teach someone how to do my job

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