Saturday, April 11, 2020

Salesman Fights Back Against Corporate Greed

This salesman's pro revenge story can warm the heart. It sounds like him and many others were screwed over on bonus checks that they'd been promised. So, he decided to fight back by maneuvering himself into getting a bonus check, and then ultimately quitting and collecting his PTO on the way out to get shwasty at a bar across the street. What a day that must've been. 


Text - r/ProRevenge + JOIN u/InertiasCreep • 1y This BLEW UP in another sub, and people suggested I post it here. So yeah, crossposting. This is a comment from another thread about a job where I - and about 200 other guys - were promised, and earned, bonuses. The company was a financial services firm known for paying well, but one year they decided they'd withhold bonuses. This is how I handled it:


Text - OMG I went through something similar in 2000. Was working for a financial firm: 1800 employees, with a sales force of 200. I was one of the salesmen. We had our annual meeting in April. It was a big affair. Most of the employees attended, and the CEO gave a big speech about how the previous year was the best in the company's history, blah blah blah. The next month, May, we each submitted memos basically justifying why we qualified for - or should qualify for - bonuses at the end of June.


Text - June rolls around and my bonus is zero. ZERO. But it's not just me. It's all over the sales floor. Less than 20% of the sales force got bonuses, and holy shit everyone was PISSED. All the supervisors were dealing with angry subordinates, the sales manager was to0, and even the VP and director above him. Everyone was furious and insubordinate, angry accusatory emails were flying, and the company was facing a mutiny. It got worse when it came out that the supervisors were offered bonuses th


Text - So for a week or so, things on the floor came to a stop. A lot of people just didn't show up and the ones that did were angry. I came in and started reading ads at my desk. I also stopped selling anything, or answering my phone. When confronted by my boss, I told him that as soon as I got the bonus my sales justified, l'd start working again. Until then l'd be coming in late, reading and responding to want ads, and leaving early. He could expect me to keep that up until I foun


Text - The following day I was sent to the regional sales manager's office. She said she'd heard about my work stoppage and asked me to explain myself. I told her that if she heard about it from my supervisor, than she already knew why I wasn't working and I didn't need to explain it again. She tried buddying up to me, being friendly, then being stern, then being angry. I kept my composure and told her that the longer the company held out on my bonus, the longer it was going to miss out on sales


Text - The following day I came in, checked my emails - some of which were farewell emails from coworkers who quit over their stolen bonuses - and sat on until I was told to go to the office of the national sales manager. He's the gatekeeper - he's in charge of all 200 of us. He told me he understood that I was upset, and could see why. I asked him if withholding the bonuses from 80% of his sales force was his idea or someone else's. He didn't answer. He did tell me that I would be g


Text - The next day an email went out to the entire salesforce: management had taken a look at the numbers, re- evaluated the financials, and determined that June bonuses would be issued shortly. The email also apologized for the delay, and reminded us that as salesmen, we were the core of the company and our hard work was appreciated. I also received another email, this time from the national sales manager, who told me while bonuses were scheduled for Monday, he'd be walking my check to my desk


Text - The following day I showed up, sat down, and shortly afterwards the national sales manager walked on up and handed me my bonus check. I thanked him, and handed him my resignation effective immediately. In my resignation letter I requested that a check for my unused vacation time please be cut and given to me before I left the building. When he finished reading it I told him l'd clean out my desk while I waited for the vacation check. While I was doing that, one of my coworkers also resign

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