Thursday, April 23, 2020

People Who Know Karens Explain What That's Like

The concept of a Karen is outlined by someone with crazy entitlement and a superiority complex, specifically targeted at anyone they deem "lesser than" such as servers and customer service reps. Anyone working retail sees people like this all the time, and their Karen behavior is so outrageous that they're like a cartoon. What people forget is that sometimes people have to live with them.


Text - Text - ToastyToast1111 100 points · 3 hours ago Not married to one, but my aunt is. My uncle is this soft spoken giant. He never stands up to her in any way. Except once. At their daughters wedding, she was about to interrupt the ceremony to close a window because she was chilly. Everyone sitting close could hear her whisper " Im going to do it, but I don't want to be an asshole." My uncle, in a calm quiet tone says quickly "why stop now?" Almost as if his filter just missed this one. I s


Text - sk4nkhVn7 68 points · 4 hours ago I broke up with my ex karen after she went to buy a coffee machine for 700 bucks and then proceeded to be so horrible to the cashier ( for some reason she demanded 20%off) that he had to get his manager. And then after about 40 minutes of pure karenness the manager used his card to give her the 20%. After she came home and told me that i drove back to the store to apologise.


Text - Text - Tidehorn 54 points · 4 hours ago Imagine a Karen but 6 feet tall, with gorilla strength, way too much body hair, and an always angry Mediterranean accent. That's my dad.


Text - PandaPandaYeahYeah 24.2k points · 8 hours ago edited 8 hours ago Divorced Karen. Haven't had a need to see a manager since.


Text - Text - The_Thugmuffin 17.2k points · 8 hours ago Not married to a Karen, but married someone with a Karen for a sister. SIL is the freaking worst. I hate more than anything going out to dinner with her, listening to her order food and talk to the servers. Holidays are also terrible, she sends out long lists of expected gifts list. She celebrates every holiday and birthday specifically for presents even when it not appropriate. Funny thing is one time I was away from the dinner table when


Text - Text - bycomparison 7.6k points · 7 hours ago My sister AND SIL are both Karen's. I will show up to restaurants 15 min early to warn them. I tell them if it's not done to their liking they WILL hear about it and they will make your shift hell. I'm just there as a warning. I used to work in restaurants and those people made life hell. I do what I can to help. Generally my drinks are better and we get a free appetizer as soon as those two tornados walk in all hell breaks loose. Not enough i


Text - LozNewman 14.3k points · 5 hours ago · edited 3 hours ago I know a couple with a Karen.She blamed him for EVERYTHING. The husband was (in our opinion) something of a saint. Once she broke a glass in the kitchen, came and sat back down at the table, and said "That was your fault." We all just stared at her. She looked sheepish and said "I knew that one probably wouldn't work." They're divorced, now. I guess even saintliness has its limits.


Text - GetOutOfTheWhey 12.9k points - 7 hours ago Not married to one. but mom was a major Karen back when I was growing up. "Mom can we just go?" was my favorite question. Then the apologetic nod as we leave the store.


Text - Effect3692 11.4k points · 8 hours ago Not the married to one, but my moms a Karen. Literally overreacts to everything. Whenever something doesn't go her way- you guessed: gotta speak to the manager or whoever is in charge. Sometimes really embarrassing to go out in public with her because sheʼll just yell at the service workers for the smallest of things. Also she has a bob cut.


Text - Text - kltruler 6.0k points · 4 hours ago My mom was a Karen for a while. She literally didn't realize it until my brother and I started calling her out on it when we were early teens because were embarrassed. She made genuine efforts to change, and a few years later was the sweetest women you ever meet. Just saying there's hope.


Text - Text - Foco_cholo 8.8k points · 5 hours ago My sister is a Karen. Everyone feels so sorry for her husband. Everything is his fault. He is treated like a slave. She only addresses him by yelling. She constantly insults him. We have no idea why he hasn't divorced her or flipped out and attacked her. We have all told her to cool it and her response is that he's just so stupid. I could go on and on but my sister really is a horrible person.


Text - Text - le_gasdaddy 5.9k points · 7 hours ago I taught my nephews (ages 9 and 11) about 'Karens' last year when they stayed with us for a week after school let out. After describing traits and observing them in the wild, they asked somewhere around day 2... "Is our mom a Karen?" My reply: "You words, not mine."


Text - ShrekTheHallz 2.3k points · 8 hours ago Coworker of mine is married to a Karen. He tells us stories multiple days a week how she drives to four different grocery stores and harasses the employees because their stock is low on the specific item she wants.


Text - Text - EmeraldSparrow0110 1.3k points · 4 hours ago Not married but Dated a Male Karen for eight years. He was a semi successful business owner who was twice my age and I was young and dumb for a lack of a better word. The gist of our relationship was him trying to take over every part of my life. For instance he would order for me at restaurants and would dissuade me if I wanted to try something new. If I had a problem with something it would be brushed off but if he had a problem then h


Text - Text - I realized who he was when we were flying back from Vegas and our luggage was heavier than when we flew in. Obviously we'd bought extra things which made up for the weight difference so as he demanded to know an explanation from the check in clerk as to why if it was the same luggage would it somehow weigh more, I innocently answered that it must have been the extra shoes and clothes. He was quiet and paid up. Later he told me to not to do that again as he knew the reason why the l


Text - Text - -colonel-angus- 745 points 4 hours ago My best friend married the Karen of Karens. She's the absolute worst. She's mean and rude to EVERYONE, me, him, our Facebook friends, wait staff, everyone. Even her kids, their disposition when she's around changed completely. A few of us have subtly pointed things out to him and he always says everyone is over reacting or something to that effect. So, one day over beers, I finally told him how we all felt. He begged me to. I laid it out clear


Text - Text - 556DaysOfBoog 645 points · 5 hours ago Engaged to one, she was raised as a princess by here military raised father. However she's super down to earth but god forbid you work in the service industry and mess something up. She worked at IHOP during college so it humbled her compared to her family. She just writes reviews now (good or bad) and emails corporate to complain. If something is wrong with my food she refuses me to sit there and eat it. Which I hate but I have gotten her bet


Text - Text - unholymole1 616 points · 5 hours ago My ex wife is a Karen, in every sense but name. It was always so embarrassing. She was incapable of treating anyone like a human for the most trivial of occurrences. It was hell for me, as a person that's pretty forgiving and don't seek out confrontation. So in a 1 word description it was Hell. Lol P.s she's very codependent and jumps from relationship to relationship these days. Not surprised.


Text - Text - Shiks97 496 points · 5 hours ago I'm not married to a Karen but someone in my family decided to make a Karen family and let me just say.. it is freaking hell! I do not go to any social event if said Karen willI be there (keeps the peace in my family tbh) nor do I go alone with Karen. She is a nightmare to everyone in her path, from car guards to cashiers, even her friends... No one can be better than her or smarter than her and she's just freaking exhausting man. The worst part is.


Text - Text - MOON3EAM 396 points · 4 hours ago My mom is a Karen. she thinks the world is supposed to cater to her, serve her and everyone else is wrong. Once we went to Carl's Jr. she ordered 4 burgers, for the four of us. She pulls one out of the bag while the guy is getting our drinks and hides it. She complains that he forgot a burger. She pulls them out one by one and counts it in front of him. It's obviously missing because she hid it and he's swearing up and down he put them all in the b


Text - Text - areaysee 7.8k points · 3 hours ago My Mom is a literal Karen, as's her name. But she's like a Bizarro Karen. She will constantly ask to speak with managers and supervisors and bosses... But when said managers arrive, she unloads about the employee helping her out was fantastic, hardworking and friendly. And then she'll spend 20 minutes trying to figure out if she and the manager know someone in common. Nine times out of 10 they do. As a kid it would embarrass me, as an adul

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