Sunday, April 26, 2020

Man Thinks Date Is A Job Interview

Of all the ways that a date can experience a curveball, this has got to be one of the most absurd situations we've come across. Apparently, the dude sat through a genuine date, and assumed that it was a job interview the whole time. Yikes. But also, a date's a date. 


Text - r/tifu + JOIN u/Anonmale593 • 230d 1 S 1 TIFU by going on a date thinking it was a job interview By sitting through an entire date thinking it's a job interview So this happened in the past 24hrs. I'm a 19 year old male making my way through college, and also work at a restaurant to make ends meet. Now you could consider me pretty smart except when it comes to social interactions, I can almost never pick up on little hints such as flirting.


Text - So yesterday was a pretty slow day at the restaurant and this middle aged lady (35-40) came in, she was the only customer we'd had all day, and as such I decided l'd be extra friendly and have a real conversation with her. It's worth noting that she's very very attractive for her age, and she was very well kept as well. During the conversation she mentions that she runs a property management/realtor business, and that she had just spent the day interviewing people for an assistant positio


Text - Now here's where my idiocy really becomes clear. Im not usually a morning person and the idea of an early morning interview had me nervous, so I made sure I woke up nice and early and got dressed looking real spiffy if I may say so. I show up to the cafe dressed formally with my resume in hand. And as soon as she spots me she greets me with a long deep hug. This is when I should've realized this wasn't a standard job interview. But clueless as I am I just figured oh shes friendly.


Text - We sat down and the conversation never once broached the subject of my skills, qualifications, or employment history. Instead she mainly steered the conversation towards personal stuff like what are my hobbies, shared stories about her life etc... This whole time l'm thinking, oh she already knows where I work, and she's probably just looking for someone whose personality matches her's. Because of course no one wants an assistant who doesn't get them. DUH.


Text - Now by the time we were wrapping up, 2 hours had past, and the whole time I'm thinking oh this interview is going really well. Then as we stood up to leave the cafe, she gave me one more hug, and said she "really did enjoy our date" and asked if l'd be interested in coming over tonight for dinner. I froze for a second, DID SHE JUST SAY DATE?!? Panicking as if the job was still on the line I quickly said "sure that sounds great boss" with two thumbs up and a dumb smile on my face. I have n

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