Thursday, April 16, 2020

Awkward Moments from High School Reunions

People bringing up drama that happened 20 years ago, really poor planning, and getting straight-up scammed by old classmates are just a few of the more awkward things that can happen at a class reunion. Drama and high school go together well. Everyone remembers their school's "incident."


Text - GrandmasHere 2.0k points · 14 hours ago When I was in 7th grade, this rich snob bully, John, grabbed off my head a wool scarf my mother had knitted for me. He threw the scarf into a pile of muddy leaves and jumped up and down on it. When I went home that day my mother was furious when she saw the torn, muddy scarf. She made me tell her who did it, then she called the school principal and yelled at him. The next day John got pulled into the principal's office and paddled. That was back whe


Text - underpantsbandit 37.4k points · 15 hours ago · edited 15 hours ago My sister, my (now) husband and I were all in the same graduating class. Plus, my husband's best friend. Best friend's name is something like "John Smith". Very common. He was very popular in HS. Super nice guy, stood out in a crowd- if you didn't know him you certainly knew of him. Even in a massive school. So anyway, the 20 yr reunion rolls around, my sister is the only one who wanted to go. She called right after, very


Text - BobMightBeCool 28.0k points · 17 hours ago - edited 1 hour ago Some girl confessed to cheating on her high school sweetheart, thinking enough time had passed it wouldn't bother him. She thought wrong...


Text - MastadonBob 17.7k points · 14 hours ago one guy had made not one but two fortunes and had a net worth of well over $100 million by our twentieth reunion (high speed modem patents in the late 1980s, early investor in broadband. right place at the right time). He'd already retired. On our classmate update bulletin he listed his occupation as "unemployed and unemployable" as a bit of a gag. Some of the well-meaning but clueless types sought him out to offer encouragement and tips on how to f


Text - kenjiandco 15.4k points · 15 hours ago · edited 6 hours ago My 10 year reunion killed itself before it happened. Turns out our class president (traditionally in charge of organizing) took a hard turn for the Evangelical after high school. Highlights of her event planning include: • No alcohol allowed, not even BYOB • a few classmates in a reasonably successful band offered to play for free. She was adamant there would be no music or dancing • Plus ones were to be spouses only. Two guys ha


Text - Toubaboliviano 14.7k points · 16 hours ago · edited 16 hours ago Didn't happen to me, but I had this friend who got someone pregnant back in the day and she kept the kid, they've both been great about it, he helps financially but that was the extent of his contribution. She married soon out of highschool and met a great guy who has been the de facto dad. Either way, it's a day bring your kids if you have them event and someone let slip that my friend is that kids "real'dad. And the kid he


Text - SJWilkes 2.6k points · 15 hours ago Not highschool but one time I got invited to my college's alumni event. This was only a few years after I graduated and I liked enough of my teachers to go just to see them. Anyway we pull into the college and they have like ten bouncy castles set up for the event. I'm still confused.


Text - hareliza 2.1k points · 15 hours ago Went to my partner's 5 year at the local Elk's Lodge. He grew up in a really rich town, so it was super extravagant. Best part was the open bar until like 9pm and then cash afterwards. We were all having a great time until some scumbag snuck into the basement and stole a bunch of booze (literally multiple boxes). When the bartenders found out at 8:30, they were furious and kicked us all out. Ruined what would have been an excellent night.


Text - Fall_On_Me 13.0k points · 15 hours ago It wasn't really bad, just odd. A guy came with full Kiss-style make up on - white face, black shapes around his eyes and black lips. We were too awkward and polite to mention it, so everyone just chatted with him as though it was completely normal to turn up like that.


Text - Gyrovague_Greyling 12.2k points · 17 hours ago Someone told me, "You're not a failure, be yourself!" And so when I went and proudly told them what I was doing these days (working a $9.25/hr job, going back to school, having gotten life together in a rehab and back on track, I was proud!) they all pitied me and one dude tried to give me money. It made me feel bad about my current progress. I hate people.


Text - elliotsilvestri 11.8k points · 16 hours ago Not so much at but before. Ten year reunion for my largish school (500graduates per year). The plan was for the reunion to take place over Thanksgiving weekend. To help pay for the expense, raffle tickets were sent out to the entire class to sell. The reunion didn't happen.


Text - SaltWafer 8.9k points · 14 hours ago The people who were supposed to plan our high school reunion dropped the ball, so I figured it wouldn't happen. But then this other dude from our high school stepped up to plan it. He was in a graduate program and also working part-time at a banquet hall, and he said that his boss would give us the banquet hall space for free. It was a really nice gesture, and he seemed really into it. He had been miserable in high school. Grumpy, sullen, unpleasant, m


Text - I sent him a private message asking what the admissions ticket covered -- food? Drinks? The space was free, after all. He posted publicly on the facebook page that if the cost of admission was too steep, "message me and we can work out some financial aid." Uh, what? I then publicly posted, asking what the admission cost covered. No response. Other people asked too. He said it would go towards having a bartender and server dedicated to the event space, as well as towards food. Okay, fair.


Text - bubblegummustard 8.8k points 14 hours ago It's been a decade since i finished school. I see an old classmate sometimes when he does maintenance work in my apartment block. About a year ago he asked if I was going to the reunion organised by some of our classmates. I said no because i couldn't think of anything worse and also hadn't been invited. (Apparently they organised it over Facebook which i dont have.) When i next saw him 6 months later I asked how the reunion was and he exasperated


Text - pedantic_dullard 8.2k points · 15 hours ago At my twenty year reunion - two decades after high school - two guys got arrested for fist fighting on the sidewalk outside the bar we went to Friday night. Why were they fighting? One of the guys slept with the other guys girlfriend in high school, and drunkenly brought up the twenty years ago fling. Neither if them married her, or even dated her after high school. Those idiots got charges twenty years later for her, though.


Text - AlkynesOfPremed 8.2k points · 13 hours ago - edited 3 hours ago My therapist encouraged me to go to my 10 year. Which, in retrospect, was probably a play for job security.


Text - InfinitePizzazz 7.7k points · 13 hours ago At my 10-year reunion, the organizers were doing the thing where they give "awards" for the person who came the farthest to attend, the person with the most kids, etc. The award came up for who had the oldest kid, and people started shouting out their kids' ages. When it quieted down, this shy girl near the front said in a normal voice, "11" and then we all realized why we had stopped seeing Heather right before graduation.


Text - mindfeces 6.6k points · 18 hours ago At the after party, the one guy getting drunk enough to think it was a great time/place to discuss race relations with one of our black classmates. Well, not so much discuss as randomly impose the topic. The cringe nearly killed us all.


Text - kev_61483 3.7k points · 14 hours ago Five year reunion- one guy (always kind of a marginal figure in HS, but a nice person), after some sort of discussion, got his paycheck out and got loud saying “Now do you think I'm a loser?" "Don't believe how much I make? Check this out" Of course, he just made things worse, and everyone was laughing at him. I mean - he had his paycheck on him? Haven't seen him since.


Text - erineestevenson 2.7k points · 14 hours ago · edited 13 hours ago Someone confessed to me that I was his "dream girl" with his fiancĂ©e as his date to the reunion. I barely knew the guy in high school. Unfortunately for his fiancĂ©, she didn't know anyone there and he refused to leave with her. He drunkenly said "I'm not leaving with her, I'm leaving with you" to me. I told her to text me when their car was outside. Then, I whispered "let's go" in his ear, walked him out, and put him in her

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