Friday, February 3, 2023

‘Gen Z Sucks’ : Baby Boomers Spark Debate on Reddit Thread Regarding the New Tech-Savvy Generation

Are you 'with the times', or are you a Boomer? It's kind of a given that generational differences are going to spark heated debates. Boomers hate Gen X who hate Millennials. But who do these three generations hate the most? Gen Z, of course. We live in an era where generations don't really mix all that frequently. Youngsters seek out the freedom that independent living offers as soon as possible. 

The internet is rampant (Ahem, Reddit) with generational debates, and as Gen Z yap on about the privilege older people had regarding the economy back in the day ('We'll never own a house!'), baby boomers bemoan what they discern as fragility in the younger generation, as well as 'their lack of work ethic'. As usual, everybody has something to say, and the best place to say it is obviously on the internet.

Better yet, on r/askmen, where this debate surprisingly took place. I'd expect it on r/askreddit, but the subreddit for men seemed like an interesting place to pose this question: What's something you're a total "Boomer" about, even if you're "with the times" for most everything else?

In my personal opinion, everything always sucks, for different reasons. The rationale is ever-changing, and we're never gonna stop complaining. I can just imagine the criticism that Gen Z is going to have for Generation Alpha (Yep, already a new generation nearly in their mid-teens y'all. I feel old…). Maybe something along the lines of 'You're so lucky to have been born after the economy balanced out, 'cuz in MY day we could NEVER have bought a house'.

There are actually various analysts that have stated that this Alpha generation is gonna be the best educated, most technologically immersed, and wealthiest generation yet. Excuse me while I cry Millennial tears y'all. You can scroll down to check out the debate. Also, feel free to check out these hilarious coworker memes if you're the kind of employee with one foot out the door.

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