Friday, February 3, 2023

25 Embarrassing Online Shopping Fails

Here's hoping there's a return policy! We all have had a bad online shopping experience that makes us question all of our life choices. Perhaps it was the middle of the night and you were too exhausted to catch those dimensions. Perhaps you were in a hurry and needed to place an order before reading the fine print. Or perhaps you have no excuse and this is literally all your fault. Look, before you beat yourself up over it, it happens to the best of us. However, like the following online shoppers below, you learned a valuable lesson that day and will probably never make the same mistake again. Oh, who are we kidding? You probably will make the same mistake again, and maybe you'll even end up on a list like this one day. Regardless, for now, keep scrolling below to enjoy these online shopping fails. When you're done, here are some funny movie reviews from folks who completely missed the point of the movie.

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