Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Bartender Gets Revenge on Her Boss During Her Final Month at the Restaurant

This bartender of a small, family-owned restaurant has vowed to get revenge during her final month on the job after the owners have treated her and other employees horribly during the entirety of her time working there. Some of the unacceptable behavior includes forcing employees to bring their own potholders to work as a "contribution." This post was shared via this thread on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by u/hells_isabel.


For context: the Redditor, a single mom who supports herself with two other forms of income, fired back at her overbearing managers by answering a phone call from them saying, "Thank you for calling our competition across the street. How can I help you?" The owner complained that she was planning on firing the Redditor for the comment, but if she doesn't get fired, she plans to quit at the end of the month anyway. 


For her final month on the job, the Redditor wants to enact her revenge. It's the unapologetic pettiness that really gets me. She has clarified that she doesn't plan to do anything that would jeopardize her co-workers' jobs, but she opened the floor in the comments for suggestions regarding what she should do. Ideas range from placing toy roaches around the restaurant to getting a job at the competing restaurant across the street. Hopefully, Lady MacBartender gives another update when the deed is done. 


We've seen other instances of workers getting their revenge. This employee's Glassdoor review posed long-lasting problems for his former company. Keep scrolling below for u/hells_isabel's story in her own words!

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