Thursday, March 31, 2022

Terrible Boss Tells Woman to "Get Over" Her Miscarriage and Stop Slacking Off, Hero Supervisor Intervenes and Gets Boss Canned

When this boss was entirely unsympathetic towards her team member who had lost a late-term pregnancy, she really showed her true colors. When the miscarriage occurred her supervisor immediately approved her leave and told her to turn off her phone and take some time off. When the boss found out she was less than sympathetic, telling the supervisor that he was enabling the team member to "slack off."

This thread was posted to the r/antiwork subreddit by the supervisor, Reddit user u/FancyBasil3810 (OP), following their confrontation with the boss. The posted thread was titled "Boomer Co-Supervisor wants team member to "get over" a pregnancy loss, finally got hers" and has earned ten-thousand upvotes so far.

"Not really expecting anything" the supervisor took their concerns to HR, in order to protect the team member. 

Commenters have been more than supportive and are largely calling out all types of managers who are cold and unfeeling towards their staff's human needs. 

"Never understood why treating ppl like humans isn't how everyone conducts business." commented one user, Whythestevenot.

"No kidding," replied FancyBasil3810, the OP. "For full-time, you spend 40 hours a week with your coworkers, why would you not want to be nice to people, and expect the same back?"

The world would be so much better if we just approached the people we dealt with daily with a little more understanding and compassion. 

Thumbnail Image: Fa Barboza

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