Friday, February 26, 2021

Tumblr Thread: People In Historical Clothing Get Mistaken For Ghosts

Yes, yes, yes, be the ghost encounter that you want to experience in the world. This quick and humorous Tumblr thread has people describing their experiences with being mistaken for paranormal beings solely because they were outfitted in clothing from way back in the day. Just picturing what kinds of fearful thoughts must've been racing through that poor cop's brain is enough to get some laughs rolling. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with these funny Tumblr gems unleashed from the depths


Font - froody There's this ask reddit post about your weirdest childhood and the story is about this guy who was playing in the woods by a creek with his friend when a guy in full late 1800s formal clothing including a top hat just walked out of the forest, said "Hello boys!" and kept walking. This is why I want historical clothing so badly. The ultimate prank. froody give someone something to think about for the rest of their life


Rectangle - froody be the ghost encounter YOU want to see in this world tophatandboots In my last year at uni, I was living in the top floor of a Victorian terraced house. And wearing a lot of Victorian inspired clothing with my goth stuff


Rectangle - There was a girl aged about five who lived down the road, and whose mother always made a really big point of completely ignoring me. So the child makes the logical conclusion of Victorian house + Victorian woman + mother apparently cannot perceive = I CAN SEE GHOSTS


Rectangle - bomberqueen17 My dad, at the time in his late 20s, got super into re-enacting Revolutionary War right around the bicenntennial. He and some friends were downstate somewhere, Long Islandish I think, camping out in a field by some woods. They were drinking and getting a little rowdy and a neighbor must've called the cops for the noise, because they saw a police car approaching.


Font - Dad's friend George decided he was going to go talk to the cop, as he was in real life a respectable person, and knew how to talk to authorities. Dad went along, to hold the lantern to light the way. The men stepped out of the woods at the edge of the road just as the cop got out of his car. It was summer, and both had removed their wool coats in the heat, and were wearing white linen shirts and buff breeches; George had a pale beige weskit on.


Font - The cop looked at them, went pale, backed away, and ran around the hood of his car to get in it. Before they could say anything, he drove away. Only then did they think that maybe two men wearing white carrying a candle lantern melting silently out of the woods might have been alarming on a level beyond a simple noise nuisance... Source: froody #ghosts #re-enactment 54,407 notes


Rectangle - Acogatog • 2h God, I had totally forgot war reenactments are a thing, people would just go out and LARP as members of the Revolutionary army for kicks. Sounds kinda fun tbh, hope that comes back after covid G Reply 1 18 3 ...

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