Friday, February 26, 2021

Entitled Coworker Keeps Stealing Desk, Alarm Clock Revenge Ensues

Entitled human beings are the bane of our existence. They come dashing out of the woodwork, and stir up all kinds of negative energy with their unyielding tidal wave of irrational demands and inconsiderate behavior. In this instance, we have a particularly insensitive coworker who feels comfortable taking what is clearly someone else's desk. Well, the dude definitely got what was coming to him. Those alarm clocks will get ya, man. Check out some more juicy revenge drama with this company that wouldn't hire an employee full time, and went on to regret it. 


Font - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/valiantfreak • 15h 1 9 3 7 E 2 1 Steal my desk? Be annoyed for 30 seconds every day In my last year of my Industrial Design degree I scored a paid contract at the Australian Government's scientific organisation. Although I was only in 2-3 days per week, I was shown into a large empty office and told I could base myself there. The office was normally used for students but as I was the only one on this project I had the whole office to myself, with about 6 desks.


Font - Naturally the first task is to find the best desk and put it into the best position. Since I was going to be there for a while I stuck some posters of my project on the wall behind my desk and even brought in some retro decor from home to add a little personality to my part of the boring brick cavern. All went well for a couple of weeks until a few other students moved into the room. Although our paths rarely crossed as they were working on other projects, two of them were perfectly reaso


Rectangle - Jerkwad, because that is probably his name, decided he liked my desk. I should point out that all of the desks were the same and mine had no better a view than anyone else's. Mine had my stationary on it, my posters on the wall around it, a clock, a telephone; all were mine. In fact, the telephone wasn't even plugged in, I just brought it in because it was an Ericophone and they look cool.


Font - So one day I come in and Jerkwad is sitting at my desk, while the other students were at their desks. My stuff was packed up and pushed to one side to make room for his stuff. I made some comment about it being my desk and his response was yeah, I won't be here for long or some other blowoff. To pursue it further would have made me look really petty in front of the others since all the other desks were the same.


Font - I set myself up at another desk that day, although over the next few days I could tell my stuff had been moved around and unless I got to the building by a certain time he would steal my desk again. Unfortunately for Jerkwad, one of the things I brought from home was a "Talking Wizard" talking calculator clock. It was a cheap gimmicky thing like you would see at the markets. Basically a black plastic box with a button. When you pressed the button, it would say "It is nine oh five A M". Wh


Font - Unluckily for Jerkwad, the clock also had an alarm. When you set it, it would say "BEEP BEEP BEEP It nine oh five A M BEEP BEEP BEEP It is nine oh five AM" and would keep repeating this for 30 seconds very loudly. I set the alarm to go off mid-morning, put it in my desk drawer, and locked it. For extra pettiness I also changed it to the wrong time. They were sturdy desks. 1940s era, made from silky oak with inlaid green vinyl tops. It is not possible to dismantle them or open them with a


Font - I then took the key home and didn't come back for another 3 working days. When I returned I sat at my desk, opened the drawer and turned the clock off before it could go off. When Jerkwad came in he saw me and said "Can you turn that bloody clock off? There's something locked in the desk and it scares the out of me every day and desk won't shut up. I was about to smash the apart with an axe". I said something snarky like "Sorry, it does sometimes go off when other people sit at my desk".

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